8 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 96 CI Incinerate of Venting Chieftain3.24

Life: 1
ES: 2,466
Mana: 66
Pool: 2,467
Resistances: 90%/90%/90%/-60%
Block: 75%
Spell Block: 74%
Armour: 53,577
DPS: 8,164,749
Speed: 14.41
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Focused, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All


The Consuming DarkAegis AuroraNecromancer CircletCloak of FlameSorcerer GlovesInextricable FateReplica Dragonfang's FlightMoonstone RingMoonstone RingCrystal Belt
Ruby FlaskTaste of HateGranite FlaskBasalt FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Large Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMelding of the FleshWatcher's EyeMilitant FaithCobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Tempest Shield
Purity of Ice
Purity of Fire
Call to Arms
Enduring Cry
Infernal Cry
Temporal Chains
Withering Step
Molten Shell
Arcane Surge
Spell Totem
Multiple Totems
Frostblink of Wintry Blast
Incinerate of Venting
Unbound Ailments
Elemental Focus
Deadly Ailments
Infused Channelling

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warrior(x13)
5% increased Fire Damage
Chaos InoculationChaos Inoculation
Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Eternal YouthEternal Youth
Glancing BlowsGlancing Blows
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Zealot's OathZealot's Oath
Armour and Energy Shield MasteryArmour and Energy Shield Mastery
  • 10% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
Chaos MasteryChaos Mastery
  • Deal 10% more Chaos Damage to enemies which have Energy Shield
Damage Over Time MasteryDamage Over Time Mastery
  • 15% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
  • 15% increased Skill Effect Duration
Fire MasteryFire Mastery
  • Regenerate 1 Life per second for each 1% Uncapped Fire Resistance
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 10% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Enemies Poisoned by you cannot deal Critical Strikes
Protection MasteryProtection Mastery
  • Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you