2 years ago
Level 91 Snipe Elementalist3.17
Life: 4,156158%
ES: 792
Mana: 53
eHP: 14,674
Resistances: 75%/75%/35%/-52%
Evade: 52%
PDR: 12%
Supp: 72%
Evasion: 9,899
DPS: 1,169,541
Speed: 5.37
Hit Chance: 93%
Config: Shaper, 15% Shock, Covered in Ash
Bandit: Kill All

Vaal Burning Arrow
Burning Damage
Ignite Proliferation
Deadly Ailments
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Swift Affliction
Burning Arrow
Burning Damage
Deadly Ailments
Unbound Ailments
Arcanist Brand
Wave of Conviction
Flame Surge
Summon Skitterbots
Flame Wall
Flame Dash
Anomalous Summon Lightning Golem
Summon Ice Golem
Anomalous Summon Chaos Golem
Burning Damage
Deadly Ailments
Unbound Ailments
Tree Preview

- 15% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
- 15% increased Skill Effect Duration

- +15% to all Elemental Resistances

- Fire Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Fire Resistance
- +20% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
- -30% to Fire Resistance

- 10% increased maximum Life
- 10% reduced Life Recovery rate

- 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- +10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if your Boots, Helmet and Gloves have Evasion
Vile Power - 5 card DoomFletch Prism Carcass - Core - Phantasmagoria - The Rotting Core - Toxic Sewer - Waste Pool Imperial Legacy - 22 card 6L Imperial Bow Desert - Desert Spring - Dry Sea - Dunes -Pillars of Arun It's Veiled Mod - %Fire as Extra Chaos Use Poacher's Mark w/Doomfletch Bow Crafting Essence T1 Added Elemental Hit High Tier added flat ( bigger number better) Craft #% Fire as Extra Chaos Echoist + Soul Conduit = Mirror Image Toxic + Sentinel + Steel Infused = Treant Deadeye + Vampiric = Assassin Gargantuan + Vampiric = Rejuvinator -------------------------- Problems and Fixes. Heavy Dex Requriements. Tree Dex is taken till proper gear is found. Problem: Mana Reservation With just the Templar Reserve Node, you have slightly too little mana Fixes (Pick one) 1. Enlighten with the Auras - Expensive 2. Helm Enchant for Reduced Reserve - Strong Damage Loss over BA Damage Enchant 3. Shaper Amulet w/Reduced Reserve - Slight damage loss vs a +2 Gem Amu. Not easy to get early. 4. Drop Skitterbots till one of the above Problem: Attack Speed Snipe channels based on Attack Speed. Burning Arrow has reduced Attack Speed and witch has poor access to Attack Speed Fixes: 1. Minion Attack Speed Nodes near templar. Spiritual Command makes minion AS increases your own. This makes the templar minion nodes the best tree source of attack speed for witch. 2. Lightning Golem - Further buffed by elementalist and the golem nodes 3. Quiver and Bow - Craft AS to comfort. 4. Onslaught Flask 2.6 Attack Rate feels comfortable for me. Adjust as you wish. Problem: Ignite Duration Usually, A smaller Ignite Duration is objectively better, but with BA it causes some issues. Deselecting "Enemy is Ignited" will halve your dps. BA get's most of it's added fire from attacking a burning target. With Dyadan Dawn and the faster ignites from the tree, some of our ignites could be a low as 2.5 seconds, thus threatening to fall off before the snipe finishes. Fixes: 1. Damage over Time Mastery - Increased Ailment Duration adds some time without any damage loss. 2. Combustion on the Wave of Conviction should be frequent enough to keep an ignite on a single target. Problem: Gear overlap with Meta Builds This build shares gear as well as general trees with EA Totems. This can cause certain uniques to be expensive. Fixes: Dyadan Dawn is a core Unique to EA Totems. While ususually common, expect to have to save or aggressively chance for it. Hyri's Ire is a late game upgrade to EA Totems and this build. Only really giving extra flat damage. While the best for raw DPS, a rare would work fine. Problem: Sockets Very Gem Starved.No room for portal or a guard skill. Fixes: 1)Body armor should be a 4L 2L. Do not link arcanist brand with the golems. 2)Unset ring to add in a guard skill.