18 months ago
Level 100 MoM Crit Flame Dash Hierophant3.22
Life: 2,13933%
Mana: 6,625328%
Resistances: -10%/-33%/82%/81%
Evade: 35%
DPS: 24,631,278
Speed: 0.37
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 39.78%
Crit Multi: 235%
Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali, Soul of Ralakesh

----------UTILITY 1 (TRAVEL)--------------------
Flame Dash
----------UTILITY 1 (TRAVEL)--------------------
----------UTILITY 2 --------------------
Blood Rage
Arcane Cloak
Divergent Arcane Surge
Increased Duration
Phantasmal Sigil of Power
Anomalous Frenzy
Sniper's Mark
Cast On Critical Strike
Anomalous Summon Ice Golem
----------UTILITY 2 --------------------
Purity of Lightning
Divergent Eternal Blessing
Anomalous Kinetic Blast
Phantasmal Ballista Totem
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Awakened Lightning Penetration
Anomalous Power Siphon
Anomalous Barrage Support
Phantasmal Ballista Totem
Increased Critical Damage
Awakened Lightning Penetration
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Tree Preview

- 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- 10% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana

- Life Recoup Effects instead occur over 3 seconds

- 60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance if you've Summoned a Totem Recently

- Wand Attacks fire an additional Projectile
- Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks while wielding a Wand
- Intelligence is added to Accuracy Rating with Wands
1-21 We level and farm with Armageddon Brand until we can afford 2 key items. Then we can switch to the ballista totem build around level 70. Idea is Purifying Flame+Holy Flame Totem into Storm Brand+Wave of Conviction into Armageddon Brand+Wave of Conviction The real build can be started earliest at level 59 when you can equip Mind of the Council helmet and Piscator's Vigil wand. At league start that is going to be later since you need to farm a bit doing the chaos orb vendor recipe to buy those uniques. They should be really cheap though, even at league start. Bandits: Either Alira or 2 passive skills. The vendor recipes are gone, but it does not really matter. Once we reach Solaris Temple we can craft fire damage to spells on our wands for 4 transmutation orbs each at level 24. We go Arcane Cloak as soon as we can get it in Act 2. The added damage does not work with Wintertide Brand since it does not hit. So Storm Brand into Armageddon Brand. Socked vendor - b-b-b|b-b|r-b|b-r Level 1: Get Purifying Flame Purifying Flame-Elemental Prolif (BB) Level 4: Get Frost Blink, Holy Flame Totem, Flame Wall, Arcane Surge Purifying Flame-Arcane Surge (BB) Holy Flame Totem-Elemental Prolif (RB) Flame Wall, Frost Blink (BB) Level 8: Get Combustion, Added Lightning Damage x2 Purifying Flame-Added Lightning Damage-Elemental Prolif (BBB) Holy Flame Totem-Combustion (RB) Flame Wall (B) Frost Blink-Arcane Surge (BB) Level 10: Get Flame Dash, Vitality and Clarity Remove Frost Blink Vitality, Clarity (R,B) Purifying Flame-Added Lightning Damage-Elemental Prolif (BBB) Holy Flame Totem-Combustion-Added Lightning Damage (RBB) Flame Wall (B) Flame Dash-Arcane Surge (BB) Level 12: Get Storm Brand, spec into Runebinder (big node) at 12 Remove Holy Flame Totem Vitality, Clarity (R,B) Storm Brand-Added Lightning-Elemental Prolif (BBB) Purifying Flame-Combustion-Added Lightning (BBB) Flame Wall (B) Flame Dash-Arcane Surge (BB) Level 16: Get Wave of Conviction, Arcane Cloak, Brand Recall Remove Purifying Flame and Flame Wall Vitality,Clarity (R,B) Storm Brand-Added Lightning-Elemental Prolif (BBB) Wave of Conviction-Combustion-Added Lightning (BBB) Flame Dash, Brand Recall (B,B) Arcane Cloak-Arcane Surge (BB) Level 18: Get Faster Casting Remove Elemental Prolif Vitality,Clarity (R,B) Storm Brand-Added Lightning-Faster Casting (BBB) Wave of Conviction-Combustion-Added Lightning (BBB) Flame Dash, Brand Recall (B,B) Arcane Cloak-Arcane Surge (BB) I suggest using Jade Amulet and Heavy Belt for Str/Dex __________________________________________________________________________ 20-40 Make sure to grab the fire damage craft in temple of Solaris. Since there are no more vendor recipes we use them and 4 transmutation orbs on each wand to help up out. For more check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qovZCtbCtk Starting in act 3 you will see 4 links. You might check vendors too. You want BBBB and BBBG. You want Phys to Lightning for Wave of Conviction and Culling Strike for your Storm Brand. Vendor socket: ts:.+(?=(\S*g){1})(\S*b){3} ts:.+(\S*b){4} Storm Brand-Added Lightning-Faster Casting-Culling Strike (BBBG) Wave of Conviction-Added Lightning-Combustion-Phys to Lightning (BBBB) For leveling through act 1 to 10 we get 20 respec points. We will spec in roughly 20 skill points to help our Armageddon Brand playstyle and respec out of them when we have bought (helmet) Mind of the Council and (weapon) Piscator. We travel to the witch area, grab Elemental Overload and the second brand cluster. Level 24: Get Elemental Weakness (use on bosses, if possible get Faster Casting too and link it to Elemental Weakness) If you have reached Solaris level 2 do the fire damage to spell wand crafts. If needed craft movement speed on boots. Vendor - nne|rint Level 28: Get Armageddon Brand and remove Storm Brand Put Brand Recall on left mouse and let Armageddon Brand do its magic. Make sure to keep Arcane Cloak up aswell. Keep upgrading your life and mana potions. You want to chug a mana potion each time you have activated Arcane Cloak. Vitality,Clarity (RB) Armageddon Brand-Added Lightning-Faster Casting-Culling Strike (BBBG) Wave of Conviction-Combustion-Added Lightning-Phys to Lightning (BBBB) Flame Dash, Brand Recall (BB) Arcane Cloak-Arcane Surge (BB) Elemental Weakness-Faster Casting (BB) Level 31: Do library, get Increased Duration and link it to Arcane Cloak. Arcane Cloak-Arcane Surge-Increased Duration (BBR) Level 34: Once you reach act 4 town do the first lab Grab Conviction of Power Ascendancy and Hierophant (+4 Power Charges) Elemental Overload will now be up nearly all the time. Armageddon bombs should annihilate everything left and right. Keep Arcane Cloak up and use Wave of Conviction and Elemental Weakness on harder enemies. It should feel insane at this point. Level 38: Get Sigil of Power and put in in the 2nd weapon slot for later. _________________________________________________________________________________ 40-70 We start filling out mana nodes and go south to the Dynamo cluster. There will be a point around level 60 where I suggest speccing into MoM. Sadly we do not have enough respec points to spec into the Brand Ascendancy as Hierophant at league start. Cruel and Merciless lab will go into both totem ascendancies but since the cruel lab will do nothing for us we wait and do cruel and merciless lab later once we have the 2 key items and intend to switch builds in act 10 around level 70. Act 6 ~Level 45: Fix your resists with the bench crafts and buy 2x Ballista Totem, Barrage Support, Power Siphon and Kinetic Blast. Level them in the second slot. This is in preparation for when we can afford Mind of the Council and Piscator. Armageddon Brand will carry us easily through the acts to level 70. At league start my tip would be to use rogue markers that start dropping at be beginning of act 6 to do the following: Being able to do the chaos orb vendor recipe requires a lot of rare rings/amulets/belts which hold you back the most. Starting at level 59 I highly suggest that you use 1 rogue marker each level up to get to rogue harbour and buy out any Lockpicking, Perception, Counter-Thaumaturgy, Trap Disarment contract level 60+ contracts. These will give you level 60 jewelry items and currency. Do the chaos vendor recipe until you can afford the helm and the wand. Once you have the helm, the wand and did Cruel and Merciless lab with Armageddon Brand you can do the switch to Power Siphon ballista totems. I suggest doing that at level 70. A bit of farming in Quarry might be needed, but that is no big deal. You need 18 respec points from quests. If you have resistance/dexterity/stength needs you can spec into Practical Application in the witch area for 2 points. It can help you get going. __________________________________________________________________________________ 70-85 lvl ~3m dps with some really cheap uniques, 5 link and level 19 gems. In this step we buy (gloves) Breathstealer, (amulet) Ephemeral Bond. Depending on costs you can already buy (amulet) Atziri's Foible instead of Ephemeral Bond. Buy oils for Panopticon and Watchtower annoints. __________________________________________________________________________________ 92 lvl 18m+ guardian dps with 8 totems: Goals are the following: * Get a shaper shield with +1 totems - * Get a six link rare chest - * Get 2 good normal jewels * Get a Stygian with one good abyss jewel * Get a good Piscator unique wand. As close to % attack speed and 30% crit chance you can afford. * Get a Healthy Mind jewel * Get Dance the Offered * Get Atziri's Foible and Annoint Watchtowers * If possible use Amethyst rings Juggle your str/dex and resistances with all the above and your tree. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 100 lvl Very very tanky while doing more than enough damage. ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________