21 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Hybrid Crit Explosive Trap Trickster3.21

Life: 2,80597%
ES: 1,94259%
Mana: 99
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 80%
Supp: 100%
Evasion: 31,217
DPS: 3,634,553,600
Speed: 3.06
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 503%
Config: Pinnacle, 30% Scorch, 6% Brittle, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Garukhan


Karui SceptreAlternating SceptreHubris CircletCospri's WillSorcerer GlovesSorcerer BootsOnyx AmuletCall of the VoidWinterweaveSunblast
Divine Life FlaskQuicksilver FlaskBottled FaithAtziri's PromiseTaste of Hate
VoicesLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelForbidden FleshForbidden FlameThread of HopeWatcher's EyeLethal PrideImpossible Escape


Divergent Explosive Trap
Increased Critical Damage
Divergent Inspiration
Concentrated Effect
Anomalous Trap and Mine Damage
Phantasmal Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Divergent Frostblink
Divergent Bear Trap
Anomalous Herald of Purity
Forbidden Rite
Elemental Weakness
Anomalous Assassin's Mark
Summon Skitterbots
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Herald of Ash
Anomalous Zealotry
Awakened Enlighten
Anomalous Determination
Vaal Molten Shell
Flame Dash

Tree Preview

Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Lethe ShadeLethe Shade
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Exposure you inflict applies at least -18% to the affected Resistance
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Inflict Fire, Cold and Lightning Exposure on Enemies when you Suppress their Spell Damage
Trap MasteryTrap Mastery
  • Traps cannot be Damaged
  • Can have up to 5 additional Traps placed at a time



Sword1   90div
Sword2   80div
Body      15div
Helmet    50div
Gloves    25div
Amulet    70div
Boots      25div
Ring1	  4div
Ring2      18div
Belt		  10div

Total Gear: 387div

Empowe  		5.2div
Explosive trap 3div
Inc Crit			90chaos
Inspiration 	  1.7div
Conc			   90chaos
Trap  Mine      2div

Forbiden Rite 0div
Elem Weak	100chaos
Ass Mark        3div

Hrld of Pur     2.2div
Arrogance     80chaos
Vitality           40chaos

AwkEnlighten 10div
Hrld of Ash     100chaos
Grace             40chaos
Zealotry          2div

Enlighten        9div
Hatred			40chaos
Skitter			 80chaos
AwkUnbound  1div

Leap Slam 	 8div
Faster Attack 40chaos
Frostblink       100chaos 
Bear trap		100chaos

All: 51.2div


Large Cluster 5div
Flame  		   4div
Flesh			  4div
Thread of Ho  15div
Impossible Es  5div
Voice 1pt        115div 
Med Sol He     30div
Med Chime      8div
Watcher		  23div
Small Damn     15div
Small Empy	 15div
Lethal Pride     5div

All: 244div

-All Flask: 

Divine Life  1.5div
Quicksilver 2div
Bottled 	  4div
Atziri          1.5div
Taste		 2div

All: 11div

Total PRICE all items: 693.2div
My price for all: 600div

-More info

This char was build for all content and speedrunning any uber bosses/invitations. I have done 10minute feared rotation with this char :D Extremely good for invitations and any hard content. I have played over 10days with this char and min/maxing it. Some of the gear is extremely hard to get and taken days to finish ^^

For more defence just use determination and vaal molten shell instead two heralds. You can switch auras how you like! Any 4x 50% auras or 3x 50% auras and 2x heralds

I will give free items as bonus that is usable depending what content running:
-Ralakesh Boots (you can fast swap boots to get instant charges for like screaming invitation, totally not need it) 
-Second bottled faith (good roll), jade and granite flask (shown in gear section)
-Anomalous Determination 21/20, Flame Dash 20/23 and Vaal Molten Shell 20/20 (shown in skill section)

Glove enchant can sap enemies

Skitterbots will generate frenzy and power charges for us (they count as enemy)

You can message me ingame or discord juju#4999 any time if have questions