17 months ago
Level 90 Crit Vaal Lightning Strike Raider3.18
Life: 4,190157%
ES: 82
Mana: 73
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-8%
Evade: 42%
Supp: 87%
Armour: 6,056
Evasion: 6,612
DPS: 121,541
Speed: 5.43
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 53.06%
Crit Multi: 390%
Config: Boss, 15% Shock, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris

Vaal Lightning Strike
Added Lightning Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Ancestral Call
Defiance Banner
Herald of Ice
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken
Molten Shell
Increased Duration
Withering Step
Assassin's Mark
Mark On Hit
Ancestral Protector
Multiple Totems
Culling Strike
Tree Preview

- Dexterity's Accuracy Bonus instead grants +3 to Accuracy Rating per Dexterity

- Determination has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency

- Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive

- 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes

- +15% to all Elemental Resistances

- 30% increased Damage while Leeching

- +50 to maximum Life
- 10% increased maximum Life
- 10% reduced Life Recovery rate

- +12% to all Elemental Resistances
- +7% to Chaos Resistance

- Critical Strike Chance is increased by chance to Suppress Spell Damage
withering step on left click to keep nightblade up between packs or during kiting. bandits: kill all pantheon: Lunaris & your choice ascendancy: quartz infusion -> avatar of the veil -> way of the poacher -> avatar of the slaughter SKILL GEM LINKS: 6-link: vaal lightning strike (green 12) + nightblade support (green 20) + trinity (blue 20) + added lightning damage support (blue 8) + inspiration or ancestral call (red 4) + ele dmg with attacks sup (red 18) Auras (no links): determination (red 20), anger (red 20), precision (green 20), defiance banner (red 20) or grace or flesh and stone or vitality Movement 3-link: fortify (red 20) + whirling blades (green 20) + faster attacks (green 20) Guard 3-link: CWDT (red 3) + molten shell or immortal call (red 5) + increased duration (red 20) + withering step (green 10), Curse 3-link: assassin's mark (blue 20) + mark on hit (green 20) + inspiration (red 20) [mark on hit auto casts this mark] Totem 3-link: ancestoral protector (red 20) + multi-totem support (red 20) + culling strike (green) [note culling can be replaced once passive on tree is selected] Items: all rares with good stats. claws (tri-elemental w/ AtkSpd) + shield (spell suppress, ele ail avoid), helm (spell suppress, mana res eff), chest (chaos res, spell suppress, max life) gloves (spell suppress, resists, max life, light dmg leech), amulet (max life, resists, added light dmg, light leeched as life) some optional uniques.... belly of the beast or loreweave in chest slot, atziri's step or darkray vector for boots, the nomad, headhunter, perceverence, mageblood, or stygian vise for belt, mark of the elder + shaper influenced rings with mark of the assassin on it, the wasp nest claw amulet omniscience or aul's for specific reservation skill FLASKS: divine life with bleed removal + atziri's promise + wise oak + bottled faith + jade flask of reflexes ACT 1: Start with bows is probably the easiest path through Brutus: Ideal Links: (In order of importance in the links) Skills up to Level 12: Galvanic Arrow - Mirage Archer - Added Cold Shrapnel Ballista - Pierce - Added Cold Dash Brutus reward keep in vendor so it levels up then when you switch to claws go back and select whirling blades At level 12 when you pick up merviels waypoint you can go back to town and buy Helix I personally would buy or use a 2 handed sword (Long Sword or Bastard Sword) and use an essence or vendor craft (Backsmiths whetstone - Magic Rustic Sash - Weapon) Links: Helix - Added Cold - Onslaught Decoy Totem (Optional) War Banner (Good for placing on bosses for adrenaline) Dash Act 2: How you level the next few acts is personal preference. Two hander will be more damage dual wield claws feels smoother and you get life gain on hit which means you can facetank most early bosses If going two hander just look to level up weapon when you can If you want to go claws switch when you have 2 vendor crafted claws or rare/essence crafted claws with some ele damage or decent % phys damage Chamber of Sins Reward: Herald of Ice + buy skitterbots (Run Both). If you have the currency pick up Blood Rage and use it Weaveer (Faster Attacks): If using claws link to whirling blades which you will collect as your brutus rewards from act 1 Links (Claws): Helix - Added Cold - Added Fire (If you have phys damage weapons) or Ele dmg with attacks (If you have ele damage weapons). If you only have GGG use Onslaught Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks Skitterbots - Herald of Ice - Blood Rage Dash (for Gaps) Decoy Totem (Optional) Act 3: Buy Anger after Tolman Mission and use this. Drop Skitterbots. Keep Herald of Ice levelling but turn off until you pick up mana leech As per levelling tips above I recommend doing Library and picking up as many of the listed gems as you can START LOOKING FOR 4 LINKS AT VENDORS WHEN YOU HIT LEVEL 24 4 Link Options: Helix - Added Cold - Ele Dmg with Attacks - Inspiration - Onslaught - Added Cold - Trinity (Only if it procs) 2 Link: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks unlinked Skills: Anger - Herald of Ice (Use when you get mana leech mastery) - Blood Rage - Ancestral Protector - Ele Weakness - Dash you can also link culling strike to ancestral protector if you like Act 4: -- We do not use any reward gems from act 4 but feel free to use a golem if you have the sockets when you get to Crystal Veins complete your first lab and I recommend for safety taking Quartz Infusion. This makes you phase and in a few more levels you will be spell suppression capped. If you are not bothered about defences you can go way of the poacher. I recommend doing Lab at level 33 as 31-33 we pick up some nice life nodes for a bit of added safety These are pretty much your final links for levelling When you pick up the mana reservation wheel you can add in precision but keep it low and when you start using precision take the mastery that adds accuracy per Dex Strength and Intelligence may start to become issues. Heavy Belts should help solve the strength issues. If Intelligence on claws becomes a problem feel free to take INT 30 nodes if you need to or craft INT using 1 orb of Augmentation Towards the end of levelling when you pick up the determination reservation you should be able to now run determination, Anger and a low level precision. If Mana allows you can also now start running defiance banner Act 5 Start looking for a BGGR as in act 6 we are going to start taking crit nodes and will swap to critical strike chance and nightblade during act 6. Later on towards act 10 you want to swap trinity for ciritcal strikes once you have more crit chance In act 6 when you have filled out the claw wheel and dagger wheel and taken both nightblade masteries swap to the BGGR At this point drop Dash and buy Flame Dash from Nessa. Use Withering step on left click to reset elusive. You should now have a half decent crit chance to make elusive proc fairly regularly and make getting through the zones quicker. If you were using Lightning strike to clear probably switch to just Helix now as you will not be able to fit crit and nightblade into LS set up as you need pierce and ancestral call.You can still use LS if you like it will still work fine Act 7 When you pick up the reservation wheel add a level 1 precision and defiance banner to your auras. You will now be running: Herald of Ice, Anger, Precision (1), Defiance Banner (you do not really need to run this as it does very little at this point but you have the mana so why not run it) This is when you want to run 2nd lab. I recommend taking Avatar of the veil as we get frenzies from blood rage. This makes you 70% ailment immune, 100% spell suppress capped and applies exposure Act 8-10: In act 8 and 9 start looking for a shield with good life and resistances. Around Act 9 we are going to swap to claw and shield, but this can wait until maps When you pick up determination reservation mastery run Determination - Anger - Precision (start levelling it up) In act 9 if you are still running weapons from early acts you will start to see damage fall off on bosses so concentrate on getting 1 good claw ready to go claw and shield This is also around the time you want to swap out ele weakness for mark on hit + assassins mark (can also do earlier if you are fed up manually cursing) Before killing kitava and doing lab you might need to do some heist, league mechanic or BA farming to get your gear ready for maps as str and in requirements may be an issue but INT will be eased when you get the top frenzy charge I would also recommend buying a cheap 5 link and making sure you can proc trinity and then swap to a 5 link: Spectral Helix - Nightblade - Trinity - Inspiration (Then any 1 of) Added Cold - Ele Dmg with Att - Added Lightning Final steps before doing Kitava and 3rd lab. Get to at least level 67. Balance resists ready for drop. Kill Kitava. Allocate last 2 points and do Lab. Level 67 allows you to get all frenzy nodes and also the INT nodes at the top of the tree which will probably be needed to equip a decent claw. If you really want to be super tanky when mapping try and get all your gear to be either ARM/EVA or flat ARM flat EVA. You do not really want any ES gear. If you have spare ALTS roll Evasion on your jade flask and Armour on your Granite Flask Recommended Stats at end of campaign: Life 2.6k+ - Armour + Evasion 3.5k+ each (With determination). With flasks you want around 9k armour + 7k evasion. Capped resists. You should now smoothly go straight into mapping and as you upgrade your gear and get more armour, evasion and life it should feel very comfortable