12 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 91 LL Crit Ice Spear Assassin3.22

Life: 2,312128%
ES: 588
Mana: 126
Resistances: 30%/-41%/-8%/-21%
Evade: 31%
Supp: 62%
DPS: 9,019,070
Speed: 1.71
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 552%
Config: Pinnacle, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


Opal WandHarmonic Spirit ShieldDeicide MaskBronn's LitheMurder MittsMurder BootsCitrine AmuletTwoStoneCLUnset RingUse until another source of leech
Divine Life FlaskThe Writhing JarBottled FaithDying SunQuicksilver Flask
Calamitous VisionsLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


--------------Early Mapping-------------
--------check alt qualities:-----------------
Increased Duration
Anomalous Frostbite
Vaal Cold Snap
Divergent Vaal Righteous Fire
Divergent Vortex
Divergent Bonechill
Unbound Ailments
---------End Game Chase Gems-----------
Anomalous Herald of Ice
Awakened Increased Area of Effect
Ice Bite
Awakened Added Cold Damage
Phantasmal Ice Spear
Awakened Elemental Focus
Divergent Inspiration
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
Divergent Frostblink
Concentrated Effect
Power Charge On Critical
Increased Critical Damage
Awakened Cold Penetration
Anomalous Arctic Armour
Petrified Blood
Divergent Frost Shield
Elemental Weakness
Sniper's Mark

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • Cannot be Shocked while at maximum Power Charges
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • Enemies permanently take 5% increased Damage for each second they've ever been Frozen by you, up to a maximum of 50%
  • Enemies near targets you Shatter have 20% chance to be Covered in Frost for 5 seconds
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
  • 150% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Full Life
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Flask MasteryFlask Mastery
  • 25% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • +50 to maximum Life
Protection MasteryProtection Mastery
  • Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you


Level like a cold Dot build until 3rd lab or until you find a calamatous visions on trade (whichever comes first)
		Then stop running a 1 link HOI and run as many links on an ice spear as you can (additional good links include power charge on crit, increased critical damage/increase critical strikes (if not critcapped)
Once you get a Bronne's lith
		Switch single target ice spear into helmet, and frostblink into chest piece. 

 Item priority:

1. Essence of horror gloves and Lone messenger as soon as possible.

2. Crafting cluster jewels:
Then -> Blast freeze Cluster as soon as possible (regardless of rest of jewel)

then -> self fullfilling prophecy as soon as possible

then blast freeze + any other good mod on 8 mod cluster

then heraldry + self fullfilling prophecy

3. +1 cold wand 
4. +1 cold shield
5. +1 cold helmet

6. +1 cold OPAL wand

support gems are in order from most important to least, including optional green gem to replace a blue gem for socket colours, added cold > hypothermia> cold pen 

Regenx to search for 

+1 wands and 6 sockets/6 links: "([rgbw].){5}[rgbw]|(-\w){5}|ll g"   

 for any good vendor stuff: "([rgbw].){5}[rgbw]|-\w-.-|(-\w){4}|(-\w){5}|ll g"  

critical flasks: "eo" "nci"

bad map mods: "!f ph|eec|s rec" "h tem"

Build-specific oddities: 
Do not use ele focus as long as you're using a heatshiver
By virtue of frostblinking into packs and not firing projectiles or having dots: mobs are basically either always full life or low life; making Ambush and Assassinate very significant for clearing

You have 15 suffixes to find:
115%-140% of each Ele res
61% Chaos res
38% Spell Suppression| 55% Saves you 2 skill points
28 Dex for Bronne's Lithe
0 Strength| 33 Strength lets you max level flame golem, increased duration, and lifetap       

if you get cold leech you can also drop the belt for an additional 3 suffixes (a belt)

Some crafting base notes:
Wand: Ilvl 84 gives us access to t1 Spell damage. But if you're rolling a +1 fractured wand with Spell damage essences (woe) then you only need ilvl 83 for cast speed (if you intend to craft this) then you only need ilvl 76 for crit multi. 
Amulet: Ilvl 85 gives us access to the highest tier of all res.
Rings:  ilvl 84 provides us  T1 Res (not all res). Elemtental weakness only comes from hunter rings ilvl80+.
			ilvl 84 again provides us  T1 Res (not all res). However for life gained on spell hit we need shaper rings or crusader rings ivl 68+ (75 for T1). Which is nice, but probably one of the last things to invest in unless its very cheap to get a base. Shaper rings are marginally easier to roll and have manaCan't wait to try and force this onto a sab next league gain per hit too.
Belts: ilvl 84 crusader provides us the ability to roll t1 cdr and t1 res. ilvl 80 gives us access to spell damage during flask effect. Alternatively Ilvl 84 shaper provides t1 res and t1 cdr but it 3.5x harder to roll. Other good mods include: cast speed/spell damage during flask effect and movement speed.
Helmet: Ilvl 85 shaper Dex or Dex/Int base provides us access to T1 nearby enemies take increased ele damage, and t1 suppression. 
			ilvl 84 shaper gives us access to t1 res and crit rate for socketed spells (this is bait, in an effort to reach 100% crit chance on other spells we will reach this without the mod EASILLY).
			ilvl 80 shaper gives us access to t1 hypothermia which is the most important thing we are rolling for, so unless you can shell out 10x the price on a base to roll for t1 suppression this is the best cost-value option
			My helmet of choice is a Deicide mask as a blizzard crown is such a marginal increase in dps, is generally priced 10x as high and also tends to have very few pure shaper bases available as most people are rolling them for SST with an elder base combined.
				Crafting method: Essence of horror spam until desired Hypothermia level with open suffix. Craft suffixes cannot be changes and Aisling 4. If open prefix; Craft Skeletons (highest weighting) and unveil for + 2 proj. Repeat until hit. If no open prefix you can either yolo anul (risky AF) or just yolo unveil (low risk, low reward)
Gloves: ilvl 85 dex or dex/int base gives us t1 suppress. ilvl 84 gives us t1 res. 
				Crafting method: Essence of horror spam until desired other mods. 
				Dont be afraid to get a passable pair of gloves any ilvl early on and slap an essence of horror onto them because this is one of the most important early pieces of gear to get to help crit cap the HOI explosions themselves.

Additional notes: Fractured bases make all crafting steps much easier since we craft almost exclusively with essences.

Jewels: Large cluster Cold ilvl 68 for Blast freeze (most important mod), doriyanis and blanketed snow. Blast freeze can also be obtained temporarilly on a halcyeon unique amulet or a searing exarch mod on gloves (losing out however on unnerve)

			Medium cluster: inc damage while affected by a herald ilvl 75 for heraldry and ilvl 68 for self fulfilling prophecy (critically important)
									  area damage ilvl 50 for vast power and  ilvl 1 for magnifier
				Note: 5 node mediums are EXACTLY the same as 4 node ones for budget buyers

Small cluster: Calamatous Visions unique jewel