10 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 94 Crit Double Strike of Momentum Champion3.23

Life: 2,010126%
ES: 419
Mana: 92
Resistances: 75%/71%/75%/-21%
Evade: 77%
Armour: 24,336
Evasion: 18,520
DPS: 3,881,062
Speed: 20.63
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 94.08%
Crit Multi: 659%
Config: Pinnacle, 20% Shock, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali, Soul of Ralakesh


Imperial ClawLacquered BucklerThe VertexTriumphant LamellarHrimsorrowDragonscale BootsLapis AmuletVermillion RingKalandra's TouchPerseverance
Divine Life FlaskEternal Life FlaskQuicksilver FlaskFulgurite TinctureDiamond Flask
Watcher's Eye


Double Strike of Momentum
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Cold Penetration
Divine Blessing
Ancestral Protector
Assassin's Mark
Multiple Totems
Mark On Hit
Vaal Ancestral Warchief
Vaal Haste
Phase Run
Increased Duration
Defiance Banner
Herald of Ice

Tree Preview

Coated BladeCoated Blade
Detect EvilDetect Evil
Nature's ConcoctionNature's Concoction
Oath of the MajiOath of the Maji
Blind MasteryBlind Mastery
  • 60% increased Critical Strike Chance against Blinded Enemies
Claw MasteryClaw Mastery
  • Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive
  • 10% of Leech is Instant per Equipped Claw
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Dagger MasteryDagger Mastery
  • Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't taken Damage Recently
  • +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
  • 50% more Accuracy Rating against Marked Enemy
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills