5 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Crit Static Strike Berserker3.25

Life: 4,111109%
ES: 290
Resistances: 77%/76%/76%/75%
Armour: 19,832
DPS: 81,507,616
Speed: 6.02
Hit Chance: 99%
Crit Chance: 99.00%
Crit Multi: 439%
Config: Pinnacle, 30% Scorch, 6% Brittle, 20% Sap
Bandit: Kill All


VoidforgeCrown of the Inward EyeKaom's HeartThe Celestial BraceRalakesh's ImpatienceYoke of SufferingAmethyst RingAmethyst RingArn's Anguish
Silver FlaskBasalt FlaskLion's RoarProgenesisBottled Faith
The InterrogationLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelForbidden FleshForbidden FlameViridian JewelViridian JewelViridian JewelViridian JewelViridian Jewel


Static Strike
Close Combat
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Awakened Melee Physical Damage
Purity of Elements
Mark On Hit
Eternal Blessing
Assassin's Mark
Herald of Purity
Petrified Blood
Cast when Damage Taken
Leap Slam
Elemental Weakness

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Kitava Rebel(x10)
10% chance to Avoid Bleeding
Blood MagicBlood Magic
Unwavering StanceUnwavering Stance
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • 50% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Physical MasteryPhysical Mastery
  • 40% increased Physical Damage with Skills that Cost Life
Rage MasteryRage Mastery
  • +7 to Maximum Rage
  • Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster
  • Nearby Enemies are Intimidated while you have Rage
Sword MasterySword Mastery
  • 120% increased Critical Strike Chance with Swords
  • -20% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Swords
Two Hand MasteryTwo Hand Mastery
  • Attacks with Two Handed Weapons deal 60% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments
  • 10% reduced Attack Speed