3 weeks ago
Level 12 Viper Strike Shadow3.25
Life: 2010%
Mana: 30
Resistances: -60%/-60%/-60%/-60%
DPS: 3,327
Speed: 3.77
Hit Chance: 15%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All

Cobra Lash
Chance to Poison
Void Manipulation
Blade Trap
Swift Assembly
Withering Touch
Chance to Poison
Herald of Agony
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Withering Step
Viper Strike
Withering Touch
Unbound Ailments
Regen for vendor: -\w-.-|g-g-|-g-g|g-.-g|g-g|nne|rint|claw Ascend into araakali and take envy. Don't take anyother ascendancy points. You want to swap to LS or ele hit after completing merc lab and swap to prophet in lab (preferable at around lvl 60. higher lvl = more gold cost). you can also lvl as venom gyre over cobra lash after act 1. (I prefer cobra lash) Once you reach lvl 38 you want to swap blade trap for the 4l viper strike setup. Make sure you have +1 strike skills allocated from your attack mastery. For Lightning strike swap - While leveling make sure put lightning strike/inspiration/anger in your weapon swap to lvl up. (you'll get anger/inspiration in act 6 from lily). buy 1 iron ring when you enter town - Need to buy Sniper's mark(4) - blade trap(12) - chance to poison(1) - Withering step(12) (don't need this if you can't afford) - You can also mule a ranger for 1 extra iron ring(not needed, but might help newer players) act 1 cobra lash - chance to poison - volley (only use volley on a 3l, can also use faster attacks) frostblink sniper's mark End of act 1. Blade trap - chance to poison - Swift assembly Whirling blades - faster attacks You really want two 3 links, as blade trap is your single target and cobra lash is your clear. prio 3l on cobra lash over blade trap at first. Need to buy bloodrage(16) act 2 cobra lash - volley - chance to poison blade trap - swift assembly - chance to poison whirling blades - faster attacks withering step (only use this on bosses, least important gem if you don't have the sockets) frostblink - Sniper's mark herald of agony - summon skitterbots bloodrage act 3 cobra lash - volley - chance to poison - void manip or unbound ailments (if you have a lot of flat elemental damage on your weapon then don't use void manip). blade trap - swift assembly - chance to poison - Trap and mine damage whirling blades - faster attacks withering step (only press on bosses) frostblink - despair (at lvl 24 you drop sniper's mark and use despair instead). herald of agony - summon skitterbots or haste (mana might be rough with haste/herald of agony, but it is better then skitterbots). It's extremely important to rush your lab as lvl 15 envy from araakli ascendancy will 3-4x your dps, it carrys this build for campaign. Instead of going to lunaris temple you should head to the imperial garden to pickup your last trial and do lab asap. act 4 and beyond cobra lash - volley - chance to poison - faster attacks or unbound ailments (once you're in act 6 you can use cruelty) Depending on your gear, chance to poison might be worse then void manip. blade trap - swift assembly - chance to poison - Trap and mine damage (void manip is also an option if you don't have the correct colors). whirling blades - faster attacks withering step (only use this on bosses) frostblink - despair herald of agony - summon skitterbots or haste (your mana should be good enough to drop skitterbots for haste at this point). - You can also drop haste for grace if you want to be more tanky. In act 5 swap blade trap to viper strike, make sure you have +1 strike from your attack mastery(multishot wheel) viper strike - multistrike - withering touch - unbound ailments (void manip is also an option if you don't have the correct colors). - Swap unbound with cruelty if you can in act 6. In at 6 you can also use cruelty on cobra lash/viper strike instead.