22 months ago
Level 90 Tornado Shot Deadeye3.21
Life: 3,06278%
Mana: 97
Resistances: 75%/76%/75%/11%
Evade: 86.1%
Supp: 100%
Armour: 5,483
Evasion: 37,919
DPS: 3,465,935
Speed: 5.65
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali

*Don't rely on sockets in bow & boots
*So you can upgrade them while leveling
Galvanic Arrow
Mirage Archer
Ballista Totem
Galvanic Arrow
Added Cold Damage
Blink Arrow
Sniper's Mark
War Banner
Self cast sniper's mark until lvl 38
Use war banner on bosses for Adrenaline
-------LEVEL 12-------
Rain of Arrows
Mirage Archer
-------LEVEL 16-------
Ensnaring Arrow
-------LEVEL 24-------
after you take Charisma in the tree
-------LEVEL 28-------
Artillery Ballista
Added Cold Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
-------LEVEL 31-------
Rain of Arrows
Mirage Archer
Blink Arrow
Second Wind
-------LEVEL 34-------
-------LEVEL 38-------
-------LEVEL 75-------
Tornado Shot
Mirage Archer
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Artillery Ballista
Elemental Focus
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Added Cold Damage
Purity of Elements
Vaal Haste
Cast when Damage Taken
Sniper's Mark
Enduring Cry
Second Wind
Blink Arrow
Ensnaring Arrow
Tree Preview

- +500 to Accuracy Rating
- -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level

- Defend with 120% of Armour against Projectile Attacks
- 5% more chance to Evade Melee Attacks

- Blink Arrow and Mirror Arrow have 100% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
- Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't taken Damage Recently

- Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments grant 100% increased Flask Charges

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour

- 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy

- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
**If you're playing Lightning Arrow or Ice shot, there is a section near the end for you. ***If you don't like the mirage archer playstyle, take Farshot instead in your 2nd lab and refund point blank. The playstyle will be different but the damage will be similar. Do not take ricochet until you have enough power coming from your gear. Leveling: Act 1: Copy and paste the text just below in the vendor window to highlight socket links, movement speed boots and flat added damage on a bow g-g-r|g-[gr]-g|r-g-g|nne|rint|Heat|roste|Humm Try to socket your main skill and ballista setup in your helmet, body armour or gloves, so that you can upgrade your bow and boots without worrying about the sockets on them. PLAYSTYLE: Kill normal enemies with your main skill to gain onslaught or replenish quicksilver flask charges Drop your Ballistae on tanky enemies Make sure Blink Arrow and your main skill have "attack without moving" enabled. Keep identifying rare items, equip them if they are upgrades (life, resist, flat elemental damage, attack speed, accuracy) otherwise vendor them, this is important. You will use those transmute and alterations. You can stop identifying most rare items when you have enough alterations to roll your flasks and buy your gems. Act 2: Do the Great White Beast quest for a Quicksilver flask, use your spare alteration orbs on it until it rolls either increased effect or increased movement speed during flask effect. Keep some alterations to buy gems and benchcraft mods though. Act 3: From here, if your damage ever feels bad, go buy some uniques from the leveling item sets. Prioritize prismweave and karui ward. If you're too poor, start farming the league mechanic every zone until you can afford them. I have done many SSF run and never had an issue with the damage without these uniques so you should be fine. Keep an eye out for 4L, the colors you want are Green Green Blue Red for both of your skill setups. If you find a 4L on a base that has evasion but not the colors you need, you can use chromatic orbs on it. From here, just look for life and resistances on your gear, attack speed and flat damage is also good but not needed. The transition From Rain of Arrow to Tornado Shot / Ice Shot / Lightning arrow: As soon as you finish Merc lab (the 3rd one) at level 71, you will have endless ammunition, multishot and master fletcher, this will allow you to safely transition from Rain of Arrow to Tornado Shot / Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow. Level 75+ This is where you have to start making important decisions by yourself. The tree gives you accuracy, spell suppress and resistances, via entrench, inveterate, acuity, survivalist and one with nature. If you can upgrade your gear to have these important modifiers, you can refund those points in the tree and put them in cluster jewels for much more damage. Refer to the mid investment item set for reference on modifiers you could want on different items to be able to refund some passives points in the tree. LIGHTNING ARROW AND ICE SHOT SECTION: If you want to go all in on the vaal version of these 2 skills, detached mirage archers will not account for much of your DPS while using the VAAL version of these 2 skills. Instead, you can choose to take Far Shot in your second labyrinth. Your leveling will be very similar but your playstyle will change, you will have to drop the keystone Point Blank and change mirage archer support to another support, which can be added cold or added lightning. Also, you will want to start playing from far away instead of up close. If Kaom's spirits are expensive: grab a pair of evasion gloves with life, resists and attack speed while focus. You could then take the evasion mastery for +15% chane to Suppress Spell Damage if you have evasion on your gloves helmet boot and body armour.