5 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 28 Hybrid Summon Spectral Wolf Duelist3.25

Life: 4590%
ES: 1210%
Mana: 110
Resistances: 69%/71%/75%/50%
DPS: 136
Speed: 1.11
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, 2% Shock, 28% Scorch, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali


Rusted SwordRusted SwordGoldrimThousand RibbonsLochtonial CaressDusktoeKarui WardTimeclaspTimeclaspString of Servitude
Greater Life FlaskGiant Mana FlaskQuicksilver FlaskQuicksilver FlaskGreater Mana Flask
Watcher's Eye


Lacerate of Haemorrhage
Leap Slam of Groundbreaking
Faster Attacks
Added Cold Damage
Faster Attacks
Minion Speed
Melee Splash
War Banner
Summon Spectral Wolf

Tree Preview

Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills


This is not a league start build. This is an act rush/ twink build. Quickly but minimally rush through acts and get to maps. Ideally have your end your game equipment together then put together the act rush set.

Chaotic Wolf Pack Twink 

Step 1: Get two rusted swords (so you can leap slam fast). If they're from act 1 (ilvl 2) you can alt spam for 7% attack speed on them, but it's not necessary. Alternatively: One Hand Axe, One Hand Mace and Sceptre,  Claw  Dagger and Rune Dagger, Wand will work - Claws pair well with buffs from wolves.

Step 2: Runecraft lvl1 envy(it's actually lvl 15 envy) on one of them, summon spectral wolves on the other. Each wolf gives a damage buff while the aura gives each wolf a large damage boost.

Step 3: Socket faster attacks - minion speed-melee splash(multistrike later on) into wolves sword when you have the levels for it; Socket convocation with automation somewhere else on the gear at lvl 31

Step 4: Gear - Basic leveling gear of choice:Thousand Ribbons Simple Robe (Tabula is overkill as sockets are not needed). Lochtonoial Caress, Goldrim, Karui Ward with movement speed or attack speed anoint. Perandus Ring x2 for faster leveling.

Step 4.5: Overkill Gear Increase Skill Effect Duration: String of Servitude and 2 well rolled Timeclasp Moonstone rings. Watcher???s Eye with Phasing during haste and Haste at lvl 21. Seven-League Step

Step 5: Choose your favorite attack and movement skills. All attacks and spells have added chaos damage. First 10 kills of each area summons a wolf. Duration of wolf determined by gear. Attack speed on weapons for melee, cast speed for spell/projectile. 
 I used Frost Blink and Leap Slam of Groundbreaking + faster attacks + mana leech for movement and Lacerate of Hemorrhaging as I???m building towards a blood glad. 

Step 6: Run through everything until about act 6, at lvl 46 throw one screaming essence of fear into each of the swords for 60% increased minion damage and craft 10% minion attack and cast speed on each, at lvl 50 equip hateful accuser ring for penance mark so that you can sustain wolves and flasks on longer fights

Step 7: That's it, acts are over by now. Work towards equipping your endgame gear and getting the levels you need for your new toon to be viable for the content you built it for.

You can do it on any class, any tree.