8 months ago
Level 99 Crit Frost Blades of Katabasis Slayer3.25
Life: 4,192151%
ES: 32
Mana: 31
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Evade: 46%
Armour: 14,517
Evasion: 6,786
DPS: 402,323
Speed: 5.45
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 44.73%
Crit Multi: 355%
Config: None
Bandit: Kill All

Frost Blades of Katabasis
Ice Bite
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Mark On Hit
Assassin's Mark
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Power Charge On Critical
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Frost Bomb
Summon Skitterbots
Blood Rage
Enduring Cry
Tree Preview

- Dexterity's Accuracy Bonus instead grants +3 to Accuracy Rating per Dexterity
- +500 to Accuracy Rating
- -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level

- Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy

- 3% increased Damage per Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge

- Enemies permanently take 5% increased Damage for each second they've ever been Frozen by you, up to a maximum of 50%

- +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour

- 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy

- +7 to Maximum Rage
- Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster
Banditler kill all Lablarda siralama su sekilde Bane Of Legends Headsman Masterful Form Brutal Fervour ---------------------------- Levelingde Ise Yarayabilecek Uniqueler 1- Level 0 Wanderlust Wool Shoes 2- Level 0 Lochtonial Caress Iron Gauntlets 3- Level 18 Thrillsteel 4- Level 20 Carnage Heart Onyx Amulet 5- Level 20 Belt of the Deceiver 6- Level 22 Praxis Paua Ring 7- Level 38 Great Old One's Tentacles 8- Level 49 Tanu Ahi ---------------------------------- Surekli C'ye bas ve accuracy senin lifeinden yuksek mi onu kontrol et. Cunku precise tecnique kullaniyoruz. ---------------------------- BU BUILDI OYNAYACAKSAN KESINLIKLE BU VIDEOYU IZLE https://youtu.be/sWB1WBjqoaI?si=WrGAPsj0eHL82jLl ---------------------------- Pantheonlar Brine King ve Ralakesh oneriyorum --------------------------------------------- SORU VE CEVAP Cok oluyorum ne yapmam lazim A- Resistler cap olsun B- Itemlerinde genel olarak armour ve evasion rating almaya calis C- Endurance charges almaya calis. Gerekirse Enduring composureli small cluster al D- Suppress yuksek tut -------- Dps eksik ne yapmam lazim A- Accuracy yuksek tut B- White wind en erkenden almaya calis C- Southbound ve taming acayip dps artisi sagliyor. Leveling Act 1 Frostblades + Ancestral Call + Added Fire (Bosslarda Ancestrall Call cikarip Momentum kullan.) Double Strike + Chance to Bleed - Act 1 bossu brutus keserken kullanacaksin. Frostblink Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Momentum Precision level 1 tut. Act 2 Herald of Ash Herald of Ice Blood Rage Poacher's Mark Act 3 Hatred (Herald auralari cikarip bunu kullan) Normal Lab: Bane of Legends Act 4 Frostblades + Multistrike + Added Fire - Elemental Damage with Attacks Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Momentum Frostblink Precision (Level 1 tut) Hatred Frostbomb 2 Elli axe kullan leveling boyunca. Crite Gecmek Icin 1. White Wind alana kadar 2. Backstabbing & Heartseeker notablelarini treeden al Precise Tecnique treeden kaldirip Diamond Flask takin 5 Link Frost Blades + Multistrike + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Ice Bite + Endurance Charge on Stun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Better Trading 2:eyJpY24iOiJzbGF5ZXIiLCJ0aXQiOiJCYcSfY8SxbGFyIEJ1aWxkaSIsInRycyI6W3sidGl0IjoiV2VhcG9uIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOld5T09tU 20ifSx7InRpdCI6IkhlbG1ldCIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpZOWU3dVkifSx7InRpdCI6IkJvZHkgQXJtb3VyIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOkVaUkVYOTR1 NSJ9LHsidGl0IjoiR2xvdmVzIChGYWtpcmxlciDEsMOnaW4pIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOjI0QmVpayJ9LHsidGl0IjoiR2xvdmVzIChaZW5naW5 sZXIgxLDDp2luKSIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDp2Wjh2UUJmRSJ9LHsidGl0IjoiQm9vdHMiLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6TXlkcUZKIn0seyJ0aXQiOiJ BbXVsZXQiLCJsb2MiOiJzZWFyY2g6cGR2QnpqV3QwIn0seyJ0aXQiOiJSaW5nIDEgKFZlbmRvciByZWNpcGUgaWxlIHlhcG1hayBkYWh hIG1hbnTEsWtsxLEpIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOmJHMlh1TCJ9LHsidGl0IjoiUmluZyAyIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOmdiNFFCTDJjUSJ9LHsidGl0Ij oiQmVsdCAoRmFraXJsZXIgxLDDp2luKSIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpYZzJFeXBkSVAifSx7InRpdCI6IkJlbHQgKFplbmdpbmxlciDEsMOnaW4pI iwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOndCd3JJYiJ9LHsidGl0IjoiSmV3ZWxzIiwibG9jIjoic2VhcmNoOjhFcG9ETVZ1ViJ9LHsidGl0IjoiTGFyZ2UgQ2x1c3Rl ciBKZXdlbCIsImxvYyI6InNlYXJjaDpxV1ZwTzBwQ2cifV19 ------------------------------------------------------------