8 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 67 Petrified Blood Gladiator3.25

Life: 2,058116%
Resistances: 76%/75%/75%/67%
Block: 68%
Spell Block: 60%
Armour: 7,441
DPS: 2,910,271
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Garukhan


PoignardImperial ClawEternal BurgonetGlorious PlateTitan GauntletsTitan GreavesAgate AmuletAmethyst RingAmethyst RingStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskDiamond FlaskQuicksilver FlaskGranite FlaskQuartz Flask
Murderous Eye Jewel


Vaal Lightning Strike
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Added Cold Damage
Assassin's Mark
Mark On Hit
Whirling Blades
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken
Increased Duration
Eternal Blessing
Blood Rage
Increased Duration
Petrified Blood

Tree Preview

Blood MagicBlood Magic
Versatile CombatantVersatile Combatant
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • +500 to Accuracy Rating
  • -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level
Attack MasteryAttack Mastery
  • Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Rage MasteryRage Mastery
  • +7 to Maximum Rage
  • Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster
  • Nearby Enemies are Intimidated while you have Rage


- You can take tribal fury and +1 additional strike mastery if you want for a lot better clear at the cost of 5 skill points. Not sure if it will be needed though. 
- This build has 4 free sockets (dread banner is definitely optional). a 4L Retaliation Skill setup might be good here (need new gem info to be sure)
- You can do a cluster jewel setup which will give you 1-2m more damage, at the cost of ~400 life and 40 str.
You can then also get Enduring Composure if you want, which will give some uptime on 3 endurance charges. 
You can also run Lethal Pride (Kaom) for strength, possibility of double damage nodes, and then maybe anoint Forces of Nature if it has a good timeless mod on there. 

LEVELING GUIDE (see Tree/Skills sections for leveling gems/trees):

1-12 - Spectral Throw (RGG)
- Spectral Throw is the highest damage effectiveness skill at this level.
- Any 2h melee weapon should be OK.

12-68 - Sunder (RRGG is best, otherwise RRRG, or RRRR)
- Sunder got buffed in 3.25, and remains the premium melee leveling skill.
- The main idea is 2h Axe Physical Damage Sunder with Precise Technique.
- I recommend using Sunder all the way to maps as it's very powerful and easy to build, and Lightning Strike is fairly weak early.
- Recommended tree pathing:
	1. Get the small Life and Mana Leech node
	2. Rush Hatchet Master for onslaught, and take the mastery 2 rage on hit with Axes for a HUGE power spike
	3. Get Precise Technique
	4. Get Weathered Hunter and the +500 accuracy mastery, which helps a lot with early resistances and accuracy for PT
	5. Get Thick Skin and Golem's Blood for life
	6. Take the rest of the nodes on the left side of the tree in order. It's very covenient that the rage nodes are useful for both Sunder AND LS. 
	7. After you finish the left side of the tree, just pick up life nodes on the right side of the tree until you are ready to respec at around 68.
- Order of labs: 
	33 lab: War of Attrition (should help out decently early on, especially if you have low damage in boss fights)
	55 lab: Weapon Master (30% dmg against low life enemies with Axes is good)
	68 lab: Determined Survivor (40% block attack & 20% more dual wielding attack speed is good to have before respeccing to LS)

68 - Respec to Dual Wielding Crit LS
- Once you have Determined Survivor at 68 lab, all your campaign skill points, and around 20 free respec points from quests, you can respec to LS.
- This is a fairly complicated respec, but fear not! I've broken it down into simple steps. 
	1. Make sure you have a decent ele dagger, and a decent ele claw. 
	2. Make sure you have Lightning Strike, Nightblade, Trinity, and Multistrike. (GGRB links) And also Eternal Blessing + Anger (RR link)
	3. Remove all skill points for Axes, 2h Weapons, and Physical Damage. 
	4. Get Multishot and the +1 additional strike mastery. 
	5. Get Blood Magic, and put on Eternal Blessing + Anger, and Precision. 
	6. Clean up the rest of the travel nodes so that the tree looks like the 68 respec tree in the POB.
	7. Take Versatile Combatant, and all the block nodes in the POB until you have 68/60 block (you'll get 65 spell block with 75 lab).
	8. Take Primeval Force, and the invert enemy res mastery. 
	9. If you have any extra points left, you can start scaling crit. I recommend taking Twin Terrors and the 60% increased damage mastery first. 	
	10. Then, just slowly work on acquiring all the gems you need, as in the POB! 

68+ - Early Endgame Milestones
- Here are some early goals you should shoot for, in no particular order:
1. Additional Strike exarch implicit on gloves (allows you to change the strike mastery to block pen)
2. 1 Pierce (easiest to take it on the tree, until you can get pierce eater implicit on gloves)
3. Once you get some decent res & accuracy on gear, remove Weathered Hunter wheel, and take the accuracy-and-damage wheels on the right side of the tree


	- Get Poignard & Imperial Claw bases (you want bases with high attack speed, base crit chance, and low stat requirements)
	 - Spam flat ele damage, attack speed, or crit chance essences (flat ele damage essences are the best)
	- The weapons MUST have high attack speed and base crit chance (tier 1-3), and 2 or 3 high flat ele damage rolls (tier 1-3) one of which must be lightning
	- Global crit muliti is a nice-to-have and does boost you damage quite a bit, but it's the lowest priority mod. 
	- Bench crafting "str/int crit chance" is nice because it gives a lot of attributes when dual wielding. 
	- As an advanced step, you could also replace one of the added cold/fire damage rolls with Elemental Penetration on one weapon
	and Monsters Cannot Evade Your Attacks on the other. This allows you to drop Precision and all accuracy on tree and gear, saving a lot of points, which may be
	more optimal overall. (mayyyybe. not sure if these mods work locally or globally. but then you'd have to multimod this and give up crit multi as well.)
Armor (helm, body, gloves, boots)
	- In general, look for high armor bases, high armor/life rolls on the prefixes, and elemental/chaos res on the suffixes. Here are some more specific priorities:
	- Helmet: life, accuracy, armor, res
	- Body: life, armor, PDR, res
	- Gloves: life, attack speed, accuracy, armor, res
	- Boots: movement speed (ideally unveiled ms/onslaught, as it's hard to get onslaught on this build), life, 40% reduced chill/shock, armor, res
	- See Items section for ideal eldritch implicits
	- Best way to craft these items is either ROG or yolo essence spam.
	- Use Amethyst Rings for the chaos res
	- Ideal prefixes are: life, elemental damage with attack skills, flat lightning damage
	- Ideal suffixes are: chaos res, ele res, accuracy
	- You can make this item with either harvest reforge chaos, essence spam with the essence that gives flat lightning damage, or ROG.
	- Agate amulet for the stats
	- Look for big crit multi on the suffix (and crit chance, and accuracy if you get lucky.)
	- Life, elemental damage with attack skills, and flat lightning damage on the prefixes (same as rings)
	- The best way to make a good amulet is ROG. Any other way is not really efficient, including essence spam, although you could essence spam if you had essences to spare.
	- Anoint Divine Judgement, seems like the optimal damage anoint
	- Look for high life, armor, and elemental damage with attacks on the prefix
	- Res on the suffixes
	- Easiest way to get a good belt is to craft leather belts using ROG.
	- In the endgame, you can try to craft a good Stygian Vyse using harvest reforge attack to guarantee a elemental damage with attacks roll. 
	And then use a Murderous Eye Jewel with life and crit multi. (I recommend alt spamming to make this jewel; you can also use harvest, but it's kind of expensive)

- You will definitely need to farm: betrayal, expedition, essence, exarch altars, then eater altars (big surprise, right? :P)