5 weeks ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 CI Molten Strike Champion3.25

Life: 1
ES: 9,611
Mana: 113
Int: 1,039
Resistances: 90%/90%/90%/-60%
Armour: 3,991,011
DPS: 6,193,472,512
Speed: 13.26
Hit Chance: 100%
50% Shock, Frenzy, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Ralakesh


Replica DreamfeatherReplica DreamfeatherLich's CircletNecrotic ArmourWarlock GlovesWarlock BootsFocused AmuletNimisTwoStoneFLMageblood
Basalt FlaskStibnite FlaskSilver FlaskRuby FlaskOakbranch Tincture
VoicesVoicesVoicesSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelForbidden FleshMelding of the FleshForbidden FlameWatcher's EyeBrutal Restraint


Awakened Enlighten
Vaal Haste
Purity of Elements
Frost Shield
Awakened Empower
Vaal Smite
Blood and Sand
Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Purity of Fire
More Duration
Immortal Call
Enduring Cry
Molten Strike
Awakened Multistrike
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Concentrated Effect
Molten Strike
Awakened Multistrike
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Concentrated Effect

Tree Preview

Tattoo of the Hinekora Warrior(x14)
3% increased maximum Energy Shield
Tattoo of the Ramako Fleetfoot(x3)
2% increased Movement Speed
Tattoo of the Ramako Scout(x13)
6% increased Evasion Rating
Tattoo of the Rongokurai Warrior(x4)
6% increased Armour
Tattoo of the Tasalio Tideshifter(x10)
10% chance to Avoid being Stunned
Chaos InoculationChaos Inoculation
Ghost ReaverGhost Reaver
Iron ReflexesIron Reflexes
Point BlankPoint Blank
Precise TechniquePrecise Technique
Zealot's OathZealot's Oath
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Evasion and Energy Shield MasteryEvasion and Energy Shield Mastery
  • 1% increased Evasion Rating per 5 Intelligence
  • Dexterity provides no inherent bonus to Evasion Rating
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Mark MasteryMark Mastery
  • 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you


For more information check these links!
Build Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPBaDFfdDx4
Armor Stacker Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y3flah0ObSS3lzXEFv_9cmw0SzdWkJucZ_EddwK4eJM/edit?usp=sharing

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigdaddytehpwnerereerr
Discord: https://discord.gg/cvSUVBvFX2
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ooohbigdaddy