3 days ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 89 MoM Crit Kinetic Blast of Clustering Whisperer3.25.alternate

Life: 2,80077%
ES: 456
Mana: 4,056238%
Dex: 659
Resistances: 75%/75%/69%/-37%
Evade: 20%
DPS: 323,975
Speed: 2.53
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 94.37%
Crit Multi: 230%
Config: 4x Frenzy, 4x Power
Bandit: Kill All


Prophecy WandHarmonic Spirit ShieldMind of the CouncilExquisite LeatherDoedre's TenureShagreen BootsAstramentisTwoStoneCLAmethyst RingChain Belt
Divine Life FlaskEternal Life FlaskEternal Mana FlaskStibnite FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Cobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks
Sigil of Power
Power Siphon of the Archmage
Ballista Totem
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Increased Critical Strikes
Kinetic Blast of Clustering
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Returning Projectiles
Increased Critical Strikes
Sacred Wisps
Physical to Lightning
Arcane Cloak
More Duration

Tree Preview

Iron WillIron Will
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Accuracy MasteryAccuracy Mastery
  • Dexterity's Accuracy Bonus instead grants +3 to Accuracy Rating per Dexterity
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Bleeding MasteryBleeding Mastery
  • 80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • 40% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant