2 weeks ago
Level 98 Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Duelist3.25
Life: 4,380121%
Mana: 74
Resistances: 76%/76%/76%/75%
Evade: 85%
Armour: 50,653
Evasion: 48,284
DPS: 34,005,872
Speed: 8.15
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: 20% Shock, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All

Dual Strike of Ambidexterity
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Awakened Added Cold Damage
Vaal Smite
More Duration
Urgent Orders
Enduring Cry
Warlord's Mark
Mark On Hit
Molten Shell
Blood Rage
Flesh and Stone
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Summon Elemental Relic
Tree Preview

- Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Intelligence

- 8% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge
- 8% increased Armour per Endurance Charge

- Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy

- 60% increased Damage while wielding two different Weapon Types

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- 10% of Leech is Instant

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy

- +7 to Maximum Rage
- Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster

- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
- +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if you have Reserved Life and Mana
Maybe swap to Ashes and use 2x rare rings? Not sure, could be Ashes, 1x taming, 1x rare ring. Just have to fix int or use a low level automation
Early strength is going to be a bit of an issue unless I want to do a big respec(I dont). Might just level frostblades into bow until cruel lab and then try to play dual strike if I can grab brightbeak
If mana is playable without Sovereignty anoint(surely it is), then Sione's Ambition is BiS no question about it. Other option is Anointing Veteran's Wrath and getting 6 points back
Veteran's Wrath is like the best notable in the game imo. Feels so good
With 6 extra points can take more life, take cloth and chain or vengeance. Not a good medium cluster and can't really give up a jewel socket for a small cluster...unless....idk
Grace or Determ reservation cluster might make running arctic armor an option, that doesn't really help with Ele max hit though and that's where this build looks weakest
If do run a small cluster its probably just a life cluster angle(fettle)
Early game anoint is probably just Weathered Hunter to make gearing easier for Precise Technique
Worth Considering dropping level 30 determ for 40% flask effect and then being able to actually link determ to enlighten. defenses will swing towards more evasion than armor but can make
up the difference slightly with fortify belt enchant. The swap doesn't give a ton more ar/ev but also gives movespeed from quicksilver so def worth it overall. Would juice up a silver flask as well
but it makes no sense to ever drop perseverance, its 25% more damage right now.
Might need to test out Ancestal Cry + Urgent Orders + no multistrike for clear? Not sure
March of the legion is cool but I feel there's never a world where we run it endgame, makes gearing too hard. have shit chaos res with it, not BiS because build gets flat from paladin auras
instead of only smite
Warlord's Mark helps with rage uptime+gives cull and frenzy charges from mark nodes+gives endurance charges on kill and on hit(with 8 aps+enduring cry should have good charge uptime).
Max life low, can't get too high because of precise technique but 5k would be way less shit, 16% life available in untaken small nodes
Get intimidate from rage mastery until can get from Lethal Pride
Have to take fortify on tree until get it from implicit on corrupted brightbeak. not worth using rare claw with splash enchant and getting fortify from chest because brightbeak makes gearing to
have chaos res a lot easier + you can't even Smite with a claw LULW. Other offhand option is high aps siege axe but need attack speed synth implicit, attack speed runecraft, t1 or t0
attack speed suffix, crafted attack speed while rare or unique enemies are nearby, unveiled ele pen, and some flat to even beat brightbeak so unless it has 2+ synth implicits its not worth.
Bleed or Poison Immunity available from Ar/Ev mastery, if can get CB immune from jewel then playing without a life flask is an option later.
Probably unique flask angle: Bottled Faith(9% more damage+regen), Wise Oak(if can triple balance res), Progenesis, Oriath's End(Not the build for this I think), Cinderswallow Urn(not great)
OR (especially if swapped to 40% flask effect ascendancy) run a Gold Flask w/ Rarity craft.