10 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 86 Crit Spectral Throw Raider

Life: 4,455164%
ES: 29
Mana: 211
Pool: 4,484
Resistances: 75%/75%/81%/-25%
Evade: 35%
Dodge: 62%
Spell Dodge: 32%
Evasion: 6,583
Speed: 6.64
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 51.78%
Crit Multi: 283%
Config: 15% Shock, 7x Frenzy
Bandit: Alira


Imperial ClawLycosidaeRat's NestBelly of the BeastGripped GlovesSlink BootsLapis AmuletRuby RingDiamond RingCloth Belt
Diamond FlaskVessel of VinktarAtziri's PromiseQuicksilver FlaskEternal Life Flask


Ancestral Protector
Faster Attacks
Whirling Blades
Immortal Call
Cast when Damage Taken
Increased Duration
Vaal Haste
Increased Duration
Vaal Grace
Herald of Ice
Orb of Storms
Curse On Hit
Summon Lightning Golem
Minion Life
Cast when Damage Taken
Culling Strike
Vaal Spectral Throw
Slower Projectiles
Added Lightning Damage
Ice Bite
Elemental Damage with Attacks