5 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 LL Crit Power Siphon Totem Hierophant3.23

Life: 4218%
ES: 9,506
Mana: 9,413
Int: 1,211
Resistances: 58%/75%/75%/-60%
Evade: 84%
Evasion: 26,612
DPS: 12,908,631
Speed: 1.86
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 93.69%
Crit Multi: 618%
Config: Pinnacle, 20% Shock
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Shakari


Imbued WandPrism GuardianMind of the CouncilThe Ivory TowerShaper's TouchConjurer BootsAstramentisCerulean RingAnathemaStygian Vise
The Wise OakQuicksilver FlaskRumi's Concoction
Hypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelBrute Force SolutionForbidden FleshHealthy MindForbidden FlameSplit PersonalitySplit PersonalityWatcher's Eye


Arcanist Brand
Elemental Weakness
Eternal Blessing
Sniper's Mark
Sigil of Power
Arcane Cloak
Purity of Elements
Increased Critical Damage
Ballista Totem
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Power Siphon
Awakened Lightning Penetration
Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation
Returning Projectiles
Flame Dash

Tree Preview

Ancestral BondAncestral Bond
Iron WillIron Will
Zealot's OathZealot's Oath
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Totem MasteryTotem Mastery
  • 60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance if you've Summoned a Totem Recently
Wand MasteryWand Mastery
  • Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks while wielding a Wand


Affliction League


Power Siphon/Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation

Offence ~ 45 million dps/225 million - reasonable on POB, no flasks activated
Intelligence-stacking 1200-1500 intelligence
- int-stacking wand with hunter/shaper/elder mod - 1-6 lightning damage per 10 int and 1% spell damage per 16 int
Mana-stacking 9000 - 10000 mana- transfiguration of mind - increases to mana applies to damage at 30% value
Mind of the council helmet - added lightning damage equal to 6% of maximum mana.
Endgame helmet - Indigon - increased spell damage per 200 mana spent recently, up to 2000%.
Spell damage applied to attack damage via wand mastery
7 totems - impossible escape - iron reflexes, watchtower anoint on amulet, ancestral bond keystone, asccendancy point, x2 from ballista support
x4 curses due to anathema's ring - conductivity, elemental weakness, sniper's mark, enfeeble
Shock effect - increased to mana applied to shock effect mastery - 30-50% shocks on guardians/conquerors

Hit-based build - 100% accuracy - easy to cap with int applied to accuracy mastery and Shaper's Touch - 4 accuracy per 2 int. 
Crit-based build - try to cap critical strike chance and critical strike damage. Few ways to max critical strike damage
Expensive - forbidden jewels (Righteous providence - allows int or strength to apply to critical strike chance, whichever is lower)
Cheap - balance of terror - critical strike multiplier for 10 seconds if self-cast enfeeble (brand/trigger does not count)
      - glove corruption with attack crit strike chance implicit to max crit chance - 0.50 - 0.80% range rolls.
Lightning exposure via awakened lightning penetration.
Intimidate for 10% increased attack damage taken - via ring implicit
Onslaught via totem cluster jewel

5 auras - x1 free blessing aura with eternal blessing + haste due to mana not being reserved. Purity of elements, grace, clarity, discipline.
Stun immunity - high uptime - Balbala timeless jewel with x2 or 3 stun avoidance node, auto-utility flask with 50% stun avoidance.
Or max damage setup to remove everything that can stun.

Good energy shield pool - 7k - 14k depending on setup
Evasion build
Moderate amount of block/spell block
Ivory tower - energy shield based on life reserved, chaos damage taken from mana before life
Elemental ailment immune due to purity of elements

Damage over time - can be mitigated with arcane cloak life regeneration enchant and pantheon
Chaos damage - can be mitigated by maintaining mana pool and Gain Chaos resistance while affected by Purity of Elements Watcher's Eye Mod - 

Stacking all attributes gives benefits due to Shaper's touch:
Accuracy and evasion rating per intelligence
Mana and energy shield per strength
Life per dexterity

Since Ancestor League
Power Siphon Nerfed - can no longer run barrage due to single projectile per target. 
However, crit chance and crit damage boosted per quality making it easier to reach 100% crit chance.
Power siphon of the Archmage - interesting archetype to play with but lower damage unless can cap crit chance and stack crit damage.
Kinetic Bolt of Fragmentation for Single Target Damage
Rough DPS - multiply DPS number in POB by Number of Projectiles x 2 (for secondary projectiles) x 2 for returning projectiles x number of totems
= 2mil x 4 x 2 x 2 x 7 = 224 million DPS

Tattoos removed
All attributes tattoo
Additional projectile tattoo
Journey keystone tattoo of makanui - several options - ghost dance/point blank/magebane/glancing blows

New Tech
Auto Warcry Generation with charms + That Which Was Taken Jewel
Can run any number of warcries that suit the build - intimidating cry for intimidate, enduring cry for massive ES regen, etc
Rage generation + Berserk
Curse effect
Mark effect

Other ways to boost damage
Can run frenzy to gain frenzy charges
Can run ensnaring arrow for increased projectile damage taken