2 years ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Hybrid Crit Lightning Warp Inquisitor3.17

Life: 3,24979%
ES: 2,96470%
Mana: 91
eHP: 28,013
Resistances: 75%/75%/76%/-60%
Evade: 24%
Block: 75%
Spell Block: 48%
Armour: 8,008
DPS: 10,849,429
Speed: 13.20
Crit Chance: 94.12%
Crit Multi: 433%
Config: Sirus, 15% Shock, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Tukohama


Imperial StaffHubris CircletBronn's LitheVoidbringerSorcerer BootsAul's UprisingPrecursor's EmblemVermillion RingLeather Belt
Vessel of VinktarDiamond FlaskSilver FlaskQuicksilver FlaskBottled Faith
Forbidden FlameForbidden Flesh


Assassin's Mark
Lightning Warp
Awakened Spell Echo
Awakened Added Lightning Damage
Elemental Focus
Concentrated Effect
Orb of Storms
Awakened Added Lightning Damage
Arcane Surge
Increased Critical Damage
Phase Run
Second Wind
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks

Tree Preview

Glancing BlowsGlancing Blows
Armour MasteryArmour Mastery
  • Determination has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Caster MasteryCaster Mastery
  • 1% increased Spell Damage per 16 Intelligence
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • +15% to all Elemental Resistances
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • Discipline has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Vitality has 100% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Lightning MasteryLightning Mastery
  • 80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Staff MasteryStaff Mastery
  • 30% increased Defences while wielding a Staff




Before looking into the items keep in mind this build scales pretty linearly with upgrades and has many small
powerspikes. Personally I feel that this helps the build's flexibility greatly and allows you to substitute certain
parts for what you have to use. The items in this PoB are just about as Best-in-Slot as I could get but there
are many mechanics you could substitute to scale your damage/survivability.

While I won't go into detail about every item, you're mainly looking for added/%increased lightning damage
and cast speed throughout. Plus to gems is, as usual, a massive damage boost and one of the largest reasons 
for running Bronn's Lithe. Otherwise, you're looking to get resists, energy shield, and life on whatever other rares
you can fit in. The chestpiece option is pretty flexible in terms of uniques, as I'll explain down below; You could
probably make better rare chestpieces but I am lazy.

Inspiration used to lower the mana cost of LW, Fanatacism ascendancy makes us use no mana for whatever
reason, so that's pretty neat. Inspiration stacks quickly so make sure to cast during Fanatacism downtime.

Voidbringer gloves bring a lot of DPS to the table but make our job of sustaining mana a bit more difficult.
Fanatacism will no longer give us free casts, but is still crucial as it reduces the added mana cost from
Voidbringer enough to make it a lot more managaeable. 

While I strongly recommend just respeccing into this build, the mana regen from clarity on top of an enduring
flask should give us enough mana regen to be able to sustain max cast speed ea. If you're able to invest/upgrade,
a Shaper ring with mana on spell hit allows us to toss out the mana flask. 

Note that the one in this build also carries life on spell hit, which is an insane boost to clearing survivability for
this build. Imbued catalysts can be used to buff the mod.

To quickly summarize, we have pretty flexible options for our chestpiece. The main requirements we are
looking for is that it is 5 blue 1 red links and +2 to AoE Gems (Duration works if you can't find aoe). It's
pretty easy to find a Tabula to socket in for pretty cheap.

Your best in slot option is a Bronn's Lithe but that comes with the steep price of being a nightmare to socket
craft. 5 blue 1 red on a 144 dex base is dismal, but luckily we have Harvest crafts to help us out;
spam socket colour crafts and use "Reforge the colour of a non-Blue socket on an item, turning it Blue" until
you hit 6 blues, then repeat once with the red variant of the craft. Good luck.

If you actually don't hate yourself consider Inpulsa's.

Realistically the strongest advice I can give for this build is to play it in whichever way you die less.
While I can pat myself on the back and say this build has higher survivability than my previous attempts,
you will die. This is not a tanky build by any means and relies on speed, luck, and the grace of whatever
divine entity you think could help you survive repeatedly jumping into packs of monsters.


This build's main mechanic is the absurd amounts of cast speed gained from Fanaticism. We can abuse
Fanaticism to reduce our mana costs and blow our cast rate out of the water. Honestly, it's not a very good 
ascendancy, but it's fun.

Fanaticism works by giving you a charge if you have attacked in the past second. Upon reaching 4 charges,
you gain the Fanaticism buff for 4 seconds (75% More cast speed, Reduced Cost, and Increased AOE) . 
In theory, this would allow for 100% uptime of the buff, but in practice it's nearly impossible to keep the buff 
uptime that high due to attack speed, interruptions, tankier enemies, the list goes on.

In this build, we use Leap Slam as the attack of choice, as it allows us to travel while building Fanatacism 
stacks and also stuns any full health enemy, which is extremely useful given that we are diving into packs
of enemies on a rather squishy build. We support it with Faster Attacks to counteract its base attack time
modifier. Another possible option is Shield Charge as it attacks faster, but doesn't stun. Note that I
have not done any testing with Shield Charge so it may or may not be a viable option for this build

Since we have an overabundance of cast speed, lightning warp works quite well as our main spell as it 
does an AOE hit twice per cast. *In perfect conditions* we will be hitting with lightning warp about 26 times
per second. With Orb of Storms we can toss that up to ~40 hits/s. This allows us to just stack a lot of added
lightning, and since our ascendancy gives us Battlemage, that allows us to roll for flat added lightning on 
our staff instead of added spell. These many hits help us out a lot combined with the ring mentioned above.


Lightning Warp works far better with the Consecrated Ground ascendencies than Fanaticism ever could,
because we are basically always stationary and do not have to stack possibly the clunkiest fucking
mechanic in this game. That being said, I would not run this build as is with Consecrated Ground. This
build makes heavy investments into cast speed to justify running Fanaticism. Instead I would look to
invest further into Flat added and %increased lightning damage, maybe switch out chestplate for Inpulsa's.
Replace Leap slam with Flame dash.

This build is designed to be rather straightforward for the most part. While clearing, you're going to be
wanting to weave between casts of Lightning Warp and Leap Slam to keep up your Fanaticism. On reaching
larger packs or beefy rares, toss down Orb of Storms. If you feel you aren't clearing as well as you'd like to, swap
Increased Crit Damage for Chain while clearing.

Binding Phase Run+Second Wind to MB1 gives us phasing and movespeed for whenever we aren't casting. 
This is wildly unnecessary. i just really like Phase Run.

if you want something more useful, I would highly recommend replacing Phase Run with Steelskin, which gives
us a much appreciated buff to our hit pools. (+10k phys, +16k ele)

When bossing, stack Fanaticism before entering if possible, drop Orb of Storms, Assassin's Mark, consult
with your potions, and go to town with Lightning Warp. If still alive once debuffs wear off (and the shame sets in), 
run away, weave to stack Fanaticism, rinse, and repeat.

A full 29 hits of Orb of Storms adds about 8.5m damage to our full rotation. Lightning Warp will do about
37.5m damage throughout the rotation. Assuming we're making full use of Fanaticism, we can average this
out to about ~11.5m DPS and about 46 million damage per full rotation. 
PLEASE NOTE: This is assuming absolutely perfect casting conditions. While this build has enough
base cast speed to be smooth, our cast rate is our damage condition, and not being able to make full use 
of it is a detriment. The best tipI can give is to be mindful of your Fanaticism stacks; it's literally half of
our damage.

In terms of anoints, we anoint Safeguard to cap resists and get a little extra spell block wherever we can.
If you want to go for a big DPS boost, you can swap the Vermillon ring for a Fire/Cold Two-stone ring and
anoint Mark the Prey instead.

If you're looking for a price efficient build that can easily do most content, this is far from the place you should
be looking. This build, while I'd argue it can hold on its own, is just not a viable build to progress through the game
efficiently with, and you will only find yourself more and more frustrated if you take this build on without some
critically needed gear at the ready.

That being said, this build is fun. Real fun. If you've found yourself wanting to play something funky or off-meta,
I'd say this is a very nice choice to go for. It's fast, does pretty decent damage, and is *very* flashy. Just make
sure you have the patience and the portals for some harder bosses.

MASKA 1SCh - me lul
IGN: ShickityShaco

also gonna credit Jousis here because his original Lightning Warp build was definitely the spark for this. While
his original build was made a while back, if you're interested in a far cheaper, and *almost* starter friendly
version of this build, it might be worth looking into updating it for 3.17 as a lot of it remains unchanged.