22 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 95 CI Crit Blade Vortex Trickster3.18

Life: 1
ES: 5,184
Mana: 104
eHP: 80,819
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-33%
Evade: 78%
Supp: 100%
Evasion: 29,717
DPS: 2,635,251
Speed: 2.28
Hit Rate: 7.50
Crit Chance: 100.00%
Crit Multi: 600%
Pinnacle, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All


Opal WandTitanium Spirit ShieldThe VertexSadist GarbHrimsorrowTwoTonedEvEsOnyx AmuletTwoStoneCLOpal RingStygian Vise
Hypnotic Eye JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Unbound Ailments
Arcane Surge
Blade Vortex
Cold Penetration
Increased Critical Damage
Increased Critical Strikes
Divine Blessing
Immortal Call
Vaal Grace
Herald of Ice
Herald of Purity
Flame Dash
Frost Shield
Assassin's Mark
Arcanist Brand
Frost Bomb

Tree Preview

Chaos InoculationChaos Inoculation
Ghost DanceGhost Dance
Wicked WardWicked Ward
Caster MasteryCaster Mastery
  • Skills supported by Unleash have +1 to maximum number of Seals
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • Cannot be Shocked while at maximum Power Charges
Cold MasteryCold Mastery
  • Cold Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Cold Resistance
Critical MasteryCritical Mastery
  • +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies
Curse MasteryCurse Mastery
  • Enemies you Curse are Hindered, with 15% reduced Movement Speed
Duration MasteryDuration Mastery
  • 10% more Skill Effect Duration
Elemental MasteryElemental Mastery
  • 40% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • Stun Threshold is based on 50% of your Energy Shield instead of Life
  • Discipline has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • Grace has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Evasion and Energy Shield MasteryEvasion and Energy Shield Mastery
  • +1 to Energy Shield per 8 Evasion on Boots
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 15% increased Effect on you
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • +10% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if your Boots, Helmet and Gloves have Evasion