7 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 100 Summon Raging Spirit Necromancer3.24

Life: 4,853138%
ES: 996
Mana: 170
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/75%
Block: 70%
Spell Block: 75%
Armour: 14,562
DPS: 34,733,192
Speed: 7.07
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, 15x Wither, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King


United in DreamThe SurrenderPig-Faced BascinetThe CovenantDragonscale GauntletsDragonscale BootsAul's UprisingBone RingBone RingDarkness Enthroned
Divine Life FlaskGranite FlaskQuartz FlaskSilver FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Ghastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelAmanamu's GazeThe Green NightmareGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye Jewel


Awakened Generosity
Flame Dash
Tempest Shield
Summon Carrion Golem
Feeding Frenzy
Summon Raging Spirit
Awakened Unleash
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Minion Damage
Awakened Void Manipulation
Awakened Multistrike
Arcanist Brand
Bone Offering
Raise Spectre
Animate Guardian
Meat Shield
Minion Life
Temporal Chains

Tree Preview

Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Mana MasteryMana Mastery
  • 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Minion Defence MasteryMinion Defence Mastery
  • Minions Recover 5% of Life on Minion Death
Minion Offence MasteryMinion Offence Mastery
  • 20% increased effect of Offerings
  • Minions have +250 to Accuracy Rating
  • Minions have 30% increased Area of Effect
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you
Shield MasteryShield Mastery
  • +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield


=== NOTES ===

1. Some quests/rewards are not mentioned. Either there is only one reward, or the choice depends on your gear.
2. All gem groups and links are listed in order of priority, from highest to lowest (from top to bottom for gem groups and from left to right for gem links).

=== TIPS ===

1. Pick up rare summoner wands, they can have lots of useful mods. You can also pick up the normal ones and use Essences of Fear on them.
2. Craft "Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Effect" on your Quicksilver Flask (or any other utility flask) as soon as you have the right beasts available in The Menagerie, provided you don't have it already. 
    Otherwise avoid opening magic/rare strongboxes beyond Act 3.
3. Use this regex for 3L and early movement speed boots: b-b-r|b-r-b|r-b-b|nne|rint
4. Use this regex for 4L (Act 3+): -\w-.-

=== ACT 1 ===

TIP: Open the hidden strongbox in The Upper Prison. If you're lucky, you can get multiple Quicksilver Flasks which you can then use in vendor recipes to create/upgrade movement speed boots.

1. Complete the quest "Enemy at the Gate". Get Rolling Magma as a reward. Buy Raise Zombie.
	[NEW] Rolling Magma - Arcane Surge (lvl 1)
	[NEW] Raise Zombie

2. Complete the quest "Mercy Mission". Get a Quicksilver Flask and Summon Phantasm as rewards. Keep Arcane Surge in your inventory.
	[NEW] Rolling Magma - Summon Phantasm
	Raise Zombie

3. Complete the quest "Breaking Some Eggs". Get Summon Raging Spirit and Frostblink as rewards. Buy Holy Flame Totem.
	[NEW] Summon Raging Spirit - Arcane Surge (lvl 1)
	[NEW] Holy Flame Totem - Summon Phantasm
	Raise Zombie
	[NEW] Frostblink

5. Reach The Lower Prison. Get Minion Damage as a reward. Buy another Minion Damage and 2 x Melee Splash.
	[NEW] Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Holy Flame Totem - Summon Phantasm
	[NEW] Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash

6. Complete the quest "The Caged Brute". Get Flame Dash as a reward. Buy Vitality.
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Holy Flame Totem - Summon Phantasm
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	[NEW] Flame Dash
	[NEW] Vitality (lvl 10)

=== ACT 2 ===

1. Complete the quest "The Great White Beast". Get a Quicksilver Flask as a reward. Now that you have 2 Quicksilver Flasks, you can use one of them to craft/upgrade movement speed boots.
2. Complete the quest "Intruders in Black". Get Desecrate as a reward and put it in your stash. Buy Summon Skitterbots and Infernal Legion (Act 1). You can keep the totem until later if you have spare sockets.
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	[NEW] Summon Skitterbots - Infernal Legion
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)

=== ACT 3 ===

TIP: Starting from this act, you can check vendors for 4L armor. You either want the right colors or the right base (armor/ES hybrid base). You can use any useful essence on a normal 4L. 
       If you get a 4L in this act, use Unbound Ailments (Act 1) in the fourth socket until you get Unleash. 

1. Complete the quest "Lost in Love". Get Flammability as a reward. Buy Automation and Steelskin (Act 1).
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Summon Skitterbots - Infernal Legion
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)
	[NEW] Automation - Steelskin
	[NEW] Flammability

2. Complete the quest "The Ribbon Spool". Get a Jade Amulet as a reward.
3. Complete the quest "Sever the Right Hand". Get Raise Spectre as a reward. Go to The Old Fields in Act 2 and raise 2 Carnage Chieftains so your minions have frenzy charges. 
    You can raise a Host Chieftain for power charges when you reach The Riverways in Act 6.
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Summon Skitterbots - Infernal Legion
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)
	Automation - Steelskin
	[NEW] Raise Spectre

4. Complete the quest "A Fixture of Fate". Get Feeding Frenzy as a reward. Buy Convocation and Determination (level it in the weapon swap).
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Summon Skitterbots - Infernal Legion
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)
	[NEW] Automation - Steelskin - Convocation
	[NEW] Raise Spectre - Feeding Frenzy

=== ACT 4 ===

TIP: Complete the normal lab before you start this act.

1. Complete the quest "Breaking the Seal". Get Summon Carrion Golem as a reward.
	Summon Raging Spirit - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Summon Skitterbots - Infernal Legion
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)
	Automation - Steelskin - Convocation
	Raise Spectre
	[NEW] Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy

2. Complete the quest "The Eternal Nightmare". Get Unleash as a reward. If you care more about damage, consider keeping Summon Skitterbots instead of Determination. 
	[NEW] Summon Raging Spirit - Unleash - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Raise Zombie - Minion Damage - Melee Splash
	Flame Dash
	Vitality (lvl 10)
	Automation - Steelskin - Convocation
	[NEW] Determination
	Raise Spectre
	Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy

=== ACT 5 ===

1. Complete the quest "The Key to Freedom". Get a Granite Flask as a reward.
2. Complete the quest "Death to Purity". Get a Cobalt Jewel as a reward.

=== ACT 6 ===

TIP: You can replace one of your Carnage Chieftains with a Host Chieftain for power charges when you reach The Southern Forest. Raise another Carnage Chieftain when you gain 3 spectres.

1. Complete the quest "Bestel's Epic". Get a Citrine Amulet as a reward.

=== ACT 7 ===

TIP: Complete the cruel lab after getting the waypoint in The Den.

1. Complete the quest "The Silver Locket". Get a Quartz Flask as a reward.
2. Complete the quest "In Memory of Greust". Get a Citrine Amulet as a reward.

=== ACT 8 ===

1. Complete the quest "Essence of the Hag". Get a Two-Stone Ring as a reward.
2. Complete the quest "The Wings of Vastiri". Get a Cobalt Jewel as a reward.

=== ACT 9 ===

Nothing special here.

=== ACT 10 ===

TIP: Complete the merciless lab before entering The Canals.

1. Complete the quest "Safe Passage". Get a Silver Flask as a reward.
2. Complete the quest "Map to Tsoatha". Get a Heavy Belt as a reward.


TIP: Use the bench craft "Used when Charges reach full" on all of the utility flasks as you get the required currency.
TIP: You should already have freeze immunity on a utility flask by the end of the campaign. Additionally, roll increased armor, increased movement speed, and increased cast speed on the remaining utility flasks in no specific order.
TIP: Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to obtain The Covenant, it's a random world drop.

1. Buy 2 x Summon Raging Spirit (Act 1), Animate Guardian (Act 3), Multistrike (Act 4), and Chance to Poison (Lily Roth). Level them in the weapon swap together with Minion Damage leftover from the campaign.
    Once Animate Guardian reaches level 20 and you have some gear for him (see the options below), use Gemcutter's Prisms to make the gem 20/20 and replace Raise Zombie with Animate Guardian.
    When the spare Summon Raging Spirit reach level 20, use Gemcutter's Prisms to make them 20/20 and then use the Lapidary Lens in the T3 incursion room Doryani's Institute in The Temple of Atzoatl for a chance to get a 21/20 gem.
    If you succeed, you can repeat this process for Animate Guardian and other gems.
2. Farm 7 cards Emperor of Purity and exchange them for a 6L Holy Chainmail. You can use any useful essence on it. The cards drop in Overgrown Ruin and Overgrown Shrine.
3. Prioritize Abyss and Harvest on the Atlas tree.
    Get 2 Ghastly Eye Jewels from Abyssal Troves (they sometimes spawn after completing an abyss). 
    Get Darkness Enthroned from bosses in Abyssal Depths (the entrance sometimes spawns after completing an abyss). 
    Get Vivid Crystallized Lifeforce from monsters in The Sacred Grove (the entrance sometimes spawns in maps). 
    Make sure the jewels are rare and use the chaos reforge from the Harvest bench on them to get the chance to poison on hit for minions (~ 23% chance to get it).
    Socket the jewels into the belt or, if you don't have one yet, into the tree. Once you have the belt, you can use the tree sockets for more Ghastly Eye Jewels or Cobalt Jewels with any useful minion damage affixes. 
4. Cap your chaos resistance for the next step.
5. Prioritize Breach on the Atlas tree, focusing on Chayula's breaches.
    Get a Blessing of Chayula from the boss in Chayula's Domain (use a Chayula's Breachstone in the map device to get there). 
    Get Severed in Sleep from monsters in Chayula's breaches or the boss in Chayula's Domain.
    Use the blessing to upgrade the sword into United in Dream. Once you have the sword, use Envy provided by the sword instead of Anger and replace Chance to Poison with Unbound Ailments (you will have to recolor your body armor).
6. There are several things you can do next:
	- You can prioritize Breach on the Atlas tree, focusing on Chayula's and Uul-Netol's breaches. 
      Get a Blessing of Chayula from the boss in Chayula's Domain (use a Chayula's Breachstone in the map device to get there). 
      Get The Green Dream from monsters in Chayula's breaches or the boss in Chayula's Domain. 
      Get a Blessing of Uul-Netol from the boss in Uul-Netol's Domain (use an Uul-Netol's Breachstone in the map device to get there). 
	  Get The Anticipation from monsters in Uul-Netol's breaches or the boss in Uul-Netol's Domain. 
      Use the blessings to upgrade the uniques into The Green Nightmare and The Surrender respectively. Once you have the jewel, socket it into the tree socket near Eternal Youth and get all passives on the Sanctuary wheel to get the most out of it.
	- You can prioritize Abyss and Harvest on the Atlas tree.
      Get more Ghastly Eye Jewels from Abyssal Troves (they sometimes spawn after completing an abyss).
      Get Vivid Crystallized Lifeforce from monsters in The Sacred Grove (the entrance sometimes spawns in maps). 
      Make sure the jewels are rare and use the chaos reforge from the Harvest bench on them to get any useful minion damage affixes.
    - You can prioritize Delirium and Harvest on the Atlas tree.
      Get an ilvl 84+ Large Cluster Jewel (with minion damage and ideally 12 passives or as many as possible) and a Medium Cluster Jewel (with minion life and 4-5 passives) from Delirium encounters (A Mirror of Delirium sometimes spawns in maps). 
      Get Vivid Crystallized Lifeforce from monsters in The Sacred Grove (the entrance sometimes spawns in maps). 
      Make sure the jewels are rare.
      Use the chaos reforge from the Harvest bench on the Large Cluster Jewel to get chaos resistance and increased effect of passives with no notables (~ 1 in 11 chances to get it, simulated from 1000 tries). 
	  Use the life reforge from the Harvest bench on the Medium Cluster Jewel to get the Blessed Rebirth notable (~ 1 in 19 chances to get it, simulated from 1000 tries).
	- You can prioritize Abyss on the Atlas tree.
      Get Amanamu's Gaze from Stygian Spires (they sometimes spawn after completing an abyss) or bosses in Abyssal Depths (the entrance sometimes spawns after completing an abyss). 
    - You can prioritize Delve on the Atlas tree. 
      Get a variation of Aul's Uprising with Envy from the boss in The Crystal King's Throne (sometimes spawns in the Primeval Ruins biome in Azurite Mine at 130+ depth). 
      Once you have the amulet, use Malevolence in the sword (make sure it's linked to Generosity).
    - You can prioritize Blight on the Atlas tree.
      Get 2 Black Oils and a Golden Oil from Blight encounters (A Fungal Growth sometimes spawns in maps). Use them to annoint the amulet with Inveterate. Don't bother with this step until you get Aul's Uprising.
    - You can farm awakened gems either by completing Maven's Invitations or by killing the boss in Absence of Mercy and Empathy (use The Maven's Writ in the map device to get there). Some gems cannot be obtained from Maven's Invitations.


TIP: AG gear can be very diverse, so feel free to experiment here. Just make sure your AG stays alive, or you will lose all the gear!

Dying Breath -> Kingmaker
Rare helmet with resistances and life -> Leer Cast -> Crown of the Tyrant with 4W sockets
Rare body armor with resistances and life -> Ambu's Charge -> Garb of the Ephemeral
Rare gloves with resistances and life -> Southbound -> Asenath's Gentle Touch (only use together with Windscream)
Rare boots with movement speed, resistances, and life -> Windscream

1. Dying Breath, Leer Cast, Ambu's Charge, Southbound, and Windscream are all random world drops.
2. Kingmaker can be made by combining Soul Taker, Heartbreaker, and an Orb of Fusing. 9 cards The Soul can be turned in for Soul Taker. 
    The cards drop in Cells, Core, Museum, Overgrown Shrine, Phantasmagoria, Sepulchre, Tower, and Waste Pool.
    Heartbreaker is a random world drop.
3. Crown of the Tyrant drops from the boss in The Crystal King's Throne (sometimes spawns in the Primeval Ruins biome in Azurite Mine at 130+ depth).
4. Garb of the Ephemeral drops from the boss in Cortex.
5. 5 cards Gift of Asenath can be turned in for double-corrupted Asenath's Gentle Touch. The cards drop in Crystal Ore, Dig, Excavation, Flooded Mine, Geode, and Grotto.