2 years ago
Dex Stacking Spectral Throw Deadeye3.19
Life: 3,989114%
ES: 391
Mana: 24
Dex: 1,782
eHP: 52,353
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-19%
Evade: 87%
Supp: 86%
Evasion: 29,566
DPS: 8,335,222
Speed: 7.98
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 74.18%
Crit Multi: 786%
Config: Pinnacle, 6% Sap, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Kill All

Spectral Throw
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
Divergent Inspiration
Awakened Cold Penetration
Withering Step
Anomalous Precision
Vaal Molten Shell
Sniper's Mark
Divergent Mark On Hit
Blood Rage
Herald of Ice
Power Charge On Critical
Increased Critical Strikes
Whirling Blades
Ancestral Protector
Tree Preview

- +5 to Dexterity per Allocated Mastery Passive Skill

- Skills Supported by Nightblade have 40% increased Effect of Elusive

- Cold Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Cold Resistance

- +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies

- Elusive also grants +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Skills Supported by Nightblade

- Grace has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency

- 10% increased maximum Life
- 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
- +50 to maximum Life

- 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy

- 1% increased Projectile Damage per 16 Dexterity

- +12% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if your Boots, Helmet and Gloves have Evasion
- Critical Strike Chance is increased by chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Dex Stacking Spectral Throw Deadeye oooooooooo. oooooooooooo ooooooo ooooo .oooooo..o ooooooooooooo .o. .oooooo. oooo oooo ooooo ooooo ooo .oooooo. `888' `Y8b `888' `8 `8888 d8' d8P' `Y8 8' 888 `8 .888. d8P' `Y8b `888 .8P' `888' `888b. `8' d8P' `Y8b 888 888 888 Y888. .8P Y88bo. 888 .8"888. 888 888 d8' 888 8 `88b. 8 888 888 888 888oooo8 `8888' `"Y8888o. 888 .8' `888. 888 88888[ 888 8 `88b. 8 888 888 888 888 " .8PY888. `"Y88b 888 .88ooo8888. 888 888 `88b. 888 8 `88b.8 888 ooooo 888 d88' 888 o d8' `888b oo .d8P 888 .8' `888. `88b ooo 888 `88b. 888 8 `888 `88. .88' o888bood8P' o888ooooood8 o888o o88888o 8""88888P' o888o o88o o8888o `Y8bood8P' o888o o888o o888o o8o `8 `Y8bood8P' ~~~~ Key Build Approach / Mechanics ~~~ - Spectral Throw is a range skill which, when combined with the Deadeye Ascendency, Endless Munitions, allows for a large number of spectral weapons to be thrown across the screen. - Far Shot encourages us to play at a distance by giving up a 60% Damage increase the further away out weapon is. - Additionally, Spectral Throw benefits from a 'return' shot so we can quickly go from 2-6 hits on an enemy for each attack upto 16 - 48 projectiles per second if we raise our attack speed to 8 APS hitting mobs. - We scale our Elemental Damage mostly through the Hunter Claw modifier 2-4 Cold Damage per 10 dex to add around 3000 - 6000 FLAT Added Cold Damage from 1500 Dexterity for some serious punch. - Critical strikes and scaling multi help expand this damage and ongoing Chill effect against enemies by usage of Nightblade and elusive effect. - Action Speed is king and what makes this build really pop off - the more we can move and throw projectiles the more evasive and DPS we have. ~~~~ Key Build Enabling Items ~~~ Key Goal Items for this build - Fractal Thoughts Unique Helmet : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fractal_Thoughts - Briskwrap Unique Body Armour : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Briskwrap - Hunter Influenced Imperial Claw : Good flat 1.6 APS and ability to Essence hit for Flat cold and 2-4 Increased Cold per 10 Dex - Utmost Swiftness Passive Tree Wheel : Adds additional Dex per mastery plus good flat and % dex - 12 Passive Claw Attack Cluster Jewels : Rather than go for specific Notables; we go for a 12 passive node with the aim to roll 25 - 35% increased effect, + Dex and + Attributes and take 9 of the 12 passives. - Synthesised Shield, Belt, Ring and Amulet : Getting Synthesis bases with % Increased Dexterity on all available slots will help push beyond the 1500 mark into almost 2000 - Brutal Restraint : A well rolled Timeless jewel with both flat and % increased Dexterity will scale the build into 2000 Dex. The additional 250 - 500 dex is around a 20 - 40% Damage Boost Other key enablers on the build - Sniper's Mark Effect & Mark on Hit - Ailment Immunity is a MUST for boss - Tornado for Power Charges to Cap Crit Chance - Nightblade to almost DOUBLE Crit Multi ######################### ##### ##### ##### Levelling ##### ##### ##### ######################### ### ACT ONE ### Act One we focus on getting the correct 3 links and sockets on our gear to support all of the skill gems we require. Sticking with Caustic Arrow until we can get Spectral Helix enables us to quickly clear without being pressured on switching gear early on. During Act one we focus on getting a 3 link G=G=G OFF weapons to support our damage skill. Keep an eye out for a claw or pick one up from Tarkley and utilise the Vendor recipie for Phys % on it. Additionally, any spare currency from selling magic and rare items should focus on buying skill gems we can level in space sockers / offhand for later switch to Spectral Throw. Gear should focus on attributes early to ensure we can get all 3 Aura's up and running early on but dont worry about levelling these up too much early on ( level 2 aura's are fine for Act One ). Make sure to pick up a good Pine Buckler to go with a claw for when you switch to Spectral Helix! Key Points > Can mule Scion for levelling Spectral Throw / Onslaught Support but not required > Stick to Scourge Arrow till Cavern of Wrath > Buy Specral Throw / Onslaught to level in offhand early > Any old Bow will do with Caustic Arrow Details 1. Switch Burning Arrow for Caustic Arrow at Lioneye's Watch 2. Run straight for Submerged Passage Waypoint / Log out & Run Tidal Shore for Medicine Chest. 3. Pickup Dash as first Moveskill after opening submerged passage. 4. Buy Steelskin for left click after getting submerged passage waypoint. 5. Drop portal at submerged depths hole / bridge and run onto Waypoint on ledge. 6. Return to Town and portal to run Depths for Skillpoint. 7. Lower prison ; get LAB TRIAL 8. Get Whirling Blades, Added Cold DMG and Withering Step once Brutus is defeated. 9. Drop portal at Allflame cave on haunted & run to Cavern Waypoint. Defeat Fairgraves for Skillpoint. 10. If you picked up a Claw with a Phys roll ( use the vendor recipie if no rare drop ) switch to Spectral Helix in Cavern. Skillpoints - Run Dweller of the Deep - Run Marooned Mariner Goal Links till Cavern of Wrath [ G=G=G ] Caustic Arrow = Pierce Support = Volley Support [ B R ] Clarity Vitality [ R G ] Steelskin Dash Levelling / Offhand [ G G G G ] Specral Throw Withering Step Onslaught Support Whirling Blades ***** Helix Switch Requires a Claw ***** Goal Links at Cavern [ G=G=G ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Onslaught Support [ B R ] Clarity Vitality [ R G ] Steelskin Whirling Blades Levelling / Offhand [ G G ] Specral Throw Withering Step Drop - Dash - Caustic Arrow - Pierce Support - Volley Support Gems & Cost Caustic Arrow FREE from Enemy at the Gate Quest Pierce Support FREE from Twilight Strand Chest Volley Support FREE from Mercy Mission ( Medicine Chest ) Spectral Throw FREE from Scion Mule / COST 1 Wisdom Scroll if no mule Onslaught Support FREE from Scion Mule / COST 1 Wisdom Scroll if no mule Dash FREE from Breaking some Eggs Steelskin COST 1 Wisdom Scroll from Breaking some Eggs Added Cold DMG FREE from Caged Brute / COST 1 Transmute from Nessa Caged Brute Whirling Blades FREE from Caged Brute Precision COST 1 Transmute from Caged Brute Clarity COST 1 Transmute from Caged Brute Inc Crit Strike Supp COST 1 Transmute from Caged Brute Vitality COST 1 Transmute from Caged Brute Withering Step COST 1 Transmute from Caged Brute Spectral Helix COST 1 Transmute from Cavern / Siren's Cadence TOTAL COST : 3 Wisdom Scrolls / 7 Transmute ### ACT TWO ### Act Two is amount moving into some key Damage Nodes on the Passive Tree and Augment with Aura's. We move to using Herald of Ice and starting to focus on Cold Damage on our Claw(s) as we improve it. Key Points > Go Right First to unlock Herald through Chamber of Sin > Sell second quicksilver for MS boots ( if not dropped already ) > Once you get a 4L or Binding Orb we aim for a Dex base to roll G=G=G=R which will hard carry till around act 6 Details 1. Make a beeline for right into the old fields, hit up the Den if the location is good before heading into the Crossroads 2. At Crossroads head for the waypoint before heading up to the Chamber of Sin. Progress through this, getting the Lab Trail before grabbing the baleful gem in level 2 3. Log and head back to the Forest Encampment and head left to the Riverways, tag the waypoint and on to the western forest. 4. At Western forest make sure to head all the way to the left and complete the intruders in black quest so we can pickup Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder. 5. Take out Alira and the Weaver at the Western Forest and then pick up Nightblade, Power Charge on Crit and Ele DMG with Attacks 6. Waypoint back to Crossroads and run to the Fellshrine ruins to get the Lab Trial 7. Waypoint back to Crossroads and run to Broken bridge to take out Kraityn 8. Head back to Riverways and go north to Wetlands to take out Oak and tap the Waypoint 9. use the Venom and Spike to unlock the Vaal Ruins / Don't forget to head back to town to get the Apex 10. Run Northern Forest ( skip Dread Thicket ) to Caverns to Ancient Pyramid into Act 3 Goal Links completing Act 2 [ G=G=G ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Onslaught Support [ B R ] Clarity Vitality [ R G ] Steelskin Whirling Blades [ B G ] Herald of Thunder Herald of Ice Levelling / Offhand [ G G G R B ] Specral Throw Withering Step Nightblade Support Elemental DMG with Attacks Inc Crit Strikes Support Gems & Cost Herald of Ice FREE from Intruders in Black / COST 1 Alteration if other Herald free Herald of Thunder FREE from Intruders in Black / COST 1 Alteration if other Herald free Nightblade Support COST 1 Alteration from Sharp and Cruel Power Charge on Crit COST 1 Alteration from Sharp and Cruel Elemental DMG with Attacks FREE from Sharp and Cruel TOTAL COST : 4 Alteration ### ACT THREE ### Act Three we go for our main Claw Damage Wheel and Accuracy on the Passive Tree and Augment with Aura's. We don't need to think about Precision until Maps using these notables. Key Points > > Pick a Damage Aura in Hatred or Grace ... don't worry about being able to enable them till we think about the Charisma wheel being enabled > Once you get a 4L or Binding Orb we aim for a Dex base to roll G=G=G=R which will hard carry till around act 6 Details 1. The minute you've helped Clarissa and entered the Sarn Encampment ; log to character selection to save the run around the ramparts. 2. Head to the Slums and Drop a Portal at the Sewer Grate 3. Head into the Crematorium and complete the Lab Trial before facing off against Piety. Grab Tolmans necklace, allow yourself to RIP and respawn in town. 4. Grab the Sewer key from Clarissa, buy all of our potential gems and head through the Portal 5. In Sewers make sure to grab all 3 busts for the Quest reward, Straight into marketplace and hit Catacombs for the Lab Trial 6. Head over to the Battlefront and grab ribbon spool Quest item and into Docks. Find the Thaumetic Sulphite before heading back to Battlefront and into Solaris Temple 7. Complete Solaris Temple level 1 & 2 before getting both quest rewards from Dialla. Waypoint back to Sewers and progress through the unblocked passage 8. Head into the Ebony Barracks, kill General Gravicious and head into Lunaris temple to kill Piety. Grab the tower key 9. Head into the Gardens, complete the Lab trail and ignore Library. 10. head up the Sceptre of God and kill Dominus Goal Links completing Act 3 [ G=G=G=R ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Nightblade Support = Elemental DMG with Attacks [ B R ] Clarity Vitality [ R G ] Steelskin Whirling Blades [ B G ] Herald of Thunder Herald of Ice [ G G ] Snipers Mark Grace / Hatred Levelling / Offhand [ G G B B B ] Specral Throw Withering Step Purity of Elements Inc Crit Strikes Support Power Charge on Crit Drop - Onslaught Support Gems & Cost Snipers Mark FREE from Lost in Love / COST 1 Alteration if other reward taken Hatred FREE from Lost in Love / COST 1 Alteration if other reward taken Grace FREE from Lost in Love / COST 1 Alteration if other reward taken Purity of Elements FREE from Lost in Love / COST 1 Alteration if other reward taken TOTAL COST : 3 Alteration ### ACT FOUR ### Act Four allows us to start adding in Tornado for Power Charge on Crit & Mark on Hit to automate our Snipers Mark. Key Points > > > Once you get a 4L or Binding Orb we aim for a Dex base to roll G=G=G=R which will hard carry till around act 6 Details 1. Zoom the Aquaduct and through Highgate, straight into the Dried lake 2. In Dried lake kill Vol and log. Once back in highgate go and enter the Mines 3. In Mines level 2 free deshret to 'break the Seal' to unlock Tornado reward 4. Head into the Crystal Veins and hit the waypoint. Here is where we go back and complete our first Lab 5. Once we have our first Ascendency in Gathering Winds head into Kaom's and Daresso's Dreams for the Eyes of Fury / Desire. 6. Head into the Belly of the Beast and progress to Piety. 7. Post Piety, kill the 3 supporting bosses in the Harvest before facing off against Malachai 8. Once the Enternal Nightmare is over pick up Mark on Hit Support to automate Snipers Mark from now on Goal Links completing Act 4 [ G=G=G=R ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Nightblade Support = Elemental DMG with Attacks [ G=B=B ] Tornado = Power Charge on Crit = Inc Crit Strikes [ B R G ] Clarity Vitality Grace / Hatred [ R G ] Steelskin Whirling Blades [ B G ] Herald of Thunder Herald of Ice [ G=G ] Snipers Mark = Mark on Hit Levelling / Offhand [ G G B ] Specral Throw Withering Step Purity of Elements Gems & Cost Tornado FREE from Breaking the Seal Mark on Hit Support COST 1 Alchemy from Eternal Nightmare TOTAL COST : 1 Alchemy ### ACT FIVE ### Zilch, nada, nothing. Just run and spiral gun peeps! Focus on getting resistances overcapped at this stage ready for Kitava first penalty Key Points > Link up Sniper's Mark with Mark on Hit for added damage against Unique Enemeis > Tornado with Power Charge on Crit and Inc Crit Strikes gives us an opportunity to easily grab Power Charges when we need them > Make sure we are looking for ways to cap our resistances post Kitava or leveraged our 'offhand' leveled Purity of Elements to cap them. Details 1. Run the Slave Pens and kill Overseer Krow 2. Head out of the Overseer's Tower and into the Control Blocks, Pick up the Miasmeter on the way. 3. Once in Oriath Square Head straight up tro the Templar Courts. 4. Clear the courts; take the opportunity for some zone resetting if too far below area level. 5. Kill Innocence and emerge into the world of our creation - on FIRE! 6. Once out of the Torched Courts tag the waypoint in the Ruined Square next to the reliquary and run south. 7. Drop a portal at the Cathedral Steps before going right to fight Utula and head to the Reliquary for Kitava's Torments. 8. Once all 3 Torments are aquired; die and revive in town. Waypoint to the Ruined Square and run Ossuary for the Sign of Purity. 9. Let yourself be killed and revive in town; if the portal is still up then use it and head up onto the Cathedral Roof 10. Die to Kitava. and progress to Act 6! Goal Links completing Act 5 [ G=G=G=R ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Nightblade Support = Elemental DMG with Attacks [ G=B=B ] Tornado = Power Charge on Crit = Inc Crit Strikes [ B R G ] Clarity Vitality Grace / Hatred [ R G ] Steelskin Whirling Blades [ B G ] Herald of Thunder Herald of Ice [ G=G ] Snipers Mark = Mark on Hit ### ACT SIX ### Act Six opens up some additional support skills through Ancestral Protector and Faster Attacks for Whirling Blades? Key Points > It may be required by this point to add in Precision ( or before depending on accuracy ) so ensure you pick it up if required - it's better to go back to Act One to buy it so it is a higher level as all gems sold by Lily Roth are level 1 > Add in Ancestral Protector for additional DPS on bosses > Add Faster Attacks to Whirling Blades to make it even quicker! Details 1. Run Twilight Strand Clear so we unlock Lily Roth for any Skill Gems we want. 2. Pickup The Gems we can afford and head on out. 3. This Act is relatively Linear so just follow the natural progression - killing Abarath and the Puppet Mistress on the way. 4. Minimal / no returning to town until you have killed both side bosses for the x2 +1 Passive books 5. Head out to the Reef and Kill the Brine King. Goal Links completing Act 6 [ G=G=G=R ] Spectral Helix = Added Cold DMG = Nightblade Support = Elemental DMG with Attacks [ G=B=B ] Tornado = Power Charge on Crit = Inc Crit Strikes [ B R G ] Clarity Vitality Grace / Hatred [ R R G ] Steelskin Ancestral Protector Blood Rage [ G=G ] Whirling Blades = Faster Attacks [ B G ] Herald of Thunder Herald of Ice [ G=G ] Snipers Mark = Mark on Hit Levelling / Offhand [ G G G B B R ] Specral Throw Withering Step Ice Bite Support Purity of Elements Bonechill Support Berserk Gems & Cost Ancestral Protector COST 1 Wisdon Scroll from Berserk COST 1 Orb of Chance from Faster Attacks Support COST 1 Alteration from Ice Bite Support COST 1 Orb of Chance from Blood Rage COST 1 Alteration from Bonechill Support COST 1 Alchemy from TOTAL COST : 1 Wisdom Scroll, 2 Orb of Chance, 2 Alteration, 1 Alchemy ### ACT SEVEN ### Act Seven is where you can get your Cruel Lab Done and get your Focal Point Ascendency which will be big for Single Target Damage boost as you should also have picked up Marked for Death on your passive tree for Culling on Marked enemies around this time also Key Points > Make sure to run your Second Lab for Focal Point / Path on Tree to Marked for Death > Keep on the lookout for Claw Upgrades > Run any Elemental Essences such as Hatred or Torment Goal Links completing Act 6 - Same as Act 6 Details 1. Head out of the Bridge Encampment and grab the Silver Locket from the Broken Bridge. 2. Head into Crossroads, take the Waypoint and head south to the Fellshrine Ruins for the Lab Trial and Maligaro's Map 3. Log, and head back to Crossroads and north to Chamber of Sin to use the Maligaro Map to head into his domain and kill him! 4. Trade the Black Death Venom to Silk for the key to Chamber of Sins level 2 5. In CoS Level 2 grab the Lab Trial and then head out of the Secret Exit into the Den 6. Get out of Den Quick and Completely Ignore the Ashed Fields to head to the Boss fight against Grust 7. Head into the Northern Forest and drop a portal at the entrance to the Dread Thicket. Run on through Causeway and Vaal City. 8. At the Waypoint, head back to town and use the portal to head to the Dread Thicket, kill Gruthkul for the Passive Point and grab 7 Firefly's 9. Head back to Vaal Ruins, Turn Yuleena into a FireFox (tm) and head through the Temple of Decay levels 10. Kill the stupid Arakali Spooder and head to the Ramparts ### ACT EIGHT ### Act Eight is the worst Act in the Campaign - fight me! Key Points > It's an awful 2 part act we just need to speed through. So heading Right is actually the quickest from the Sewers > Keep on the lookout for Claw Upgrades > Run any Elemental Essences such as Hatred or Torment Goal Links completing Act 6 - Same as Act 6 Details 1. Once in Sarn - go straight into the Sewers and head down to kill Doedre. 2. Once you have the choice, take the Waypoint and Head RIGHT ( LEFT is slower and a Bait ) 3. In the Quay, follow the side of the map until you see a bridge with an arch above - here is where you find the Ankh. 4. Continue through Quay and drop a Portal where the path splits and head north into the Grain Gate. Tag the WP, head back to town and through the portal and onto the Ressurection Site. 5. Kill Tolman, Log and head back to Grain Gate.Only head into the buildings with a dead body by the door to progress. Kill the Gemling Legion before heading into the Imperial Fields. 6. Rush Imperial Fields into Solaris Temple, Tag the waypoint and head south and left into the Solaris Concourse. Hit the WP in the Concourse and head across the Bridge into the Lunaris Concourse. 7. Tag the Lunaris Concourse Waypoint and head into the Bath house for the Lab Trial, Wings of Vestiri and High Gardens for Yugul. 8. Teleport back to Lunaris Concourse and run the Lunaris Temple for the Moon Orb 9. Teleport back to Solaris Temple and run north into level 2 for the Sun Orb 10. Waypoint back to Solaris Concourse and run Harbour Bridge to kill Solaris and Lunaris. ### ACT NINE ### Act Nine ... RUN Key Points > This should be a QUICK Act. Nothing Notable for the build > Keep on the lookout for Claw Upgrades > Run any Elemental Essences such as Hatred or Torment Goal Links completing Act 6 - Same as Act 6 Details 1. Now its time to zone out and run DOWN from Highgate. Head through the lifts down the descent. 2. Rush the Vastiri Desert, take the waypoint, grab the Storm Blade and drop a portal at the sandstorm and head into the foothills. 3. Take the Foothills waypoint, kill Boulderback and run onto the Tunnel. 4. In the Tunnel, run the Lab Trial and head out into the Quarry. At the waypoint, head back to town and trade the storm blade for storm in a bottle to open the Oasis. 5. Rush the Oasis and head to the Sand Pit ( Ignore the Vault ) to fight Shakari ... a boring but easy Boss. 6. Head back to town and Waypoint to foothills to run the boiling lake for the basilisk venom 7. Waypoint to the Quarry and run to the Refinary; follow the dead bodies again to kill the boss and grab the power. 8. Waypoint back to Quarry and run to Shrine of the Winds to kill Garukhan - head back to town to grab the skillpoints and rewards. 9. Back to Quarry, open the Beast and run through the linear zones. 10. Kill the 3 bosses and weird Depraved Trinity before heading onto Act 10 ### ACT TEN ### Act Ten get your 3rd lab done before taking on Kitava! Key Points > Make sure you get your Merc Lab Done before Kitava > Keep on the lookout for Claw Upgrades > Run any Elemental Essences such as Hatred or Torment Goal Links completing Act 6 - Same as Act 6 Details 1. Now its time to zone out and run with your head DOWN some more! We don't need anything in this Act but speed. 2. Run out of the Dock and help Bannan on the Cathedral Rooftop before heading straight to the Ravaged Square. 3. Run south and into the Control Blocks and hit the WP, Run Right and up towards the Reliquary and drop a portal before turning down the side passage. 4. Head into Reliquary and tap the waypoint, head back to town and through the portal. Head North across the bridge, around and tap the WP by the Ossuary. 5. Head right again and into the Torched Courts. Progress through into the Desecrated Chambers and kill Avarius 6. Waypoint to Control Blocks and go kill Vilenta 7. Waypoint to Ravaged Square and enter Ossuary to grab the Lab Trial. 8. Go run Merciless Lab & Make sure you have +30% on your Reistances 9. In the Docks, speak to Bannan to turn him into Innocence. Head back to Ravaged Square and open the Canals to head upto Kitava. 10. Head through the two zones and kill Kitava to finsh the Campaign - yay! ### EARLY MAPS ### Into Early maps the key goals are to up to a 5L and 6L, Acquire build enabling uniques for Dex Stacking , Fractal Thoughts and Briskwrap ( if not already acquired ) Key Points > If your resists are capped - POGGIES ... if not fix it > If you are underlevelled then head back to Blood Aquaducts and get yourself to level 68. > Rush your Atlas and USE Kirac as much as possible to keep your progress moving forward. > Focus on improving gearing and Aquiring key bases and uniques outlined below ready for the Spectral Throw Switch > Grow your Dexterity over 1000 > Unlock your Voidstones. ### SPECTRAL THROW SWITCH ### Switching to Spectral Throw Key Points > Start working towards collecting up the enabling Uniques for this Build ( below ) > With a Fractal Thoughts - run your Uber Lab for Sniper's Mark enchant with additional bases to gain some early Currency AND unlock the last Ascendency. Get the right annoint! > Grab Briskwrap and focus on gettiing a 5L on it minimum > Grab upto 2 12 passive Claw Clusters and start rolling! Key Goal Items for this build - Fractal Thoughts Unique Helmet : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fractal_Thoughts - Briskwrap Unique Body Armour : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Briskwrap - Hunter Influenced Imperial Claw : Good flat 1.6 APS and ability to Essence hit for Flat cold and 2-4 Increased Cold per 10 Dex - Utmost Swiftness Passive Tree Wheel : Adds additional Dex per mastery plus good flat and % dex - 12 Passive Claw Attack Cluster Jewels : Rather than go for specific Notables; we go for a 12 passive node with the aim to roll 25 - 35% increased effect, + Dex and + Attributes and take 9 of the 12 passives. - Synthesised Shield, Belt, Ring and Amulet : Getting Synthesis bases with % Increased Dexterity on all available slots will help push beyond the 1500 mark into almost 2000 - Brutal Restraint : A well rolled Timeless jewel with both flat and % increased Dexterity will scale the build into 2000 Dex. The additional 250 - 500 dex is around a 20 - 40% Damage Boost Details 1. To Come Laterrrr!!