2 years ago
Maw of Mischief & Stone Golem by Serpencio; originally invented the build in Scourge3.19
Life: 4,306120%
ES: 1,30030%
Mana: 44
eHP: 297,660
Resistances: 76%/76%/76%/72%
Evade: 94%
Supp: 100%
Block: 53%
Spell Block: 71%
Armour: 68,114
Evasion: 22,297
DPS: 45,065,288
Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Covered in Ash, Frenzy, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris

Divergent Tempest Shield
Vaal Grace
Anomalous Arctic Armour
Divergent Malevolence
Summon Stone Golem
Minion Life
Flame Dash
Anomalous Defiance Banner
Increased Duration
Vaal Molten Shell
Anomalous Vaal Summon Skeletons
Elemental Weakness
Elemental Aegis
Minion Life
Death Wish
Awakened Burning Damage
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Anomalous Infused Channelling
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Anomalous Arcanist Brand
Flame Surge
Wave of Conviction
Bone Armour
Tree Preview

- 40% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments

- Recover 2% of Life when you Ignite a non-Ignited Enemy
- +20% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier
- -30% to Fire Resistance

- 10% increased maximum Life
- 10% reduced Life Recovery rate
- +50 to maximum Life

- Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you

- +1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 5% Chance to Block on Equipped Shield
Ring swaps:
Emberwakes for bossing
Berek's + chaos & endurance charge rare for mapping
swift afli > comb, comb in different link (+1 socket and extra dex required [assuming replacing flame surge with comb in WoC link and surge scales
off full ignite, swift will spike dps but net only about 5% more damage overall])
Skill points weapon (Oscilating sceptre) [3.17 approach, ilvl 81+. Alt into +1 all, regal, cannot roll attack + harvest aug phys,
scour suffixes and salvage the most out of the prefix state OR fracture +1 all, depends on prices and outcome is variable]
Grasping mail
Enduring cry for maps; Infernal for bosses /(don't use warcries)
Roughly 68 corrupts on shield (assuming vaal orb) should yield the implicit, preference between Vix, Invictus and Magna aka do temple before you
fuck the market for yourself.
Large c. (Pi5):
suffixes: Disorienting Display Doryani's Lesson Widespread Destruction
Master of fire /w Sadist: Disorienting Display (doesn't work with ignite [source: reddit OMEGAL..]), Doryani's Lesson
Prismatic heart /w Sadist: -||-
Master of fire /w Prismatic heart: Widespread Destruction
only viable on arcanist brand for realistic uptime; which enables scorch version
Possible enchants:
reservation efficiency if not running r/e cluster otherwise WoC -res, golem buff, movement recovery
boots need crit enchant for EO to work with wish semi-reliably (13*number of explosions that hit the boss)
320%+ m. life E.hubris around Agnostic [seed ID is the name of [MN] NCD translator]; assume additional 100k hp -> 1/3 of hp increase == 50% more ignite dps
unique Iron flasks are very strong ie. Starlight (200ehp, automates exposure, boosts shock)
Anima stone + primordial might if stacking
Megalomaniac /w reservation node + damage options Primordial bond(13m + effect)/Astonishing Affliction(25m slower burn)/Sadist+(10m)
or defensive node Enduring composure/Rote Reinforcement/Fettle/Blessed/Surging vitality/Veteran defender, etc.
Grasping mail absolutely fucks (100% gd > chill 30% > fire as chaos > cover in ash) enables eva
Damage scaling is unusual for me, ignite damage can be optimized using 2 beacons; faster ignite up to 4.1s (golem retrigger +100ms for next wish and
human error);
more/less duration, faster ignite etc. to reach that number while optimizing dps as well. The other beacon is boss hp. Since as of writing this (scourge),
I have reached 200m overall ignite damage over 2sec, I can optimize solely for dps. As most bosses have around 75m life and usually split into phases.
Personally I'd recommend going for overall ignite damage in early stages of the build and leave dps for later.
Stone golem:
lvls diminish damage returns; 8% to 4% dps throughout 30+
Still, at that level minion life is about 25% better compared. inc damage.
Olysa's delight:
Biggest dps belt, combine with The green nightmare if pushing spell suppression as well, socket near vaal pact. Use vaal breach to get charges in arena, also
helpful for getting your ignite on target while being screen away safe (for simulacrum) considering bereks.
Mechalarm belt:
+10% more dps
Golem version and build overhaul in 3.16
Build origin with HoP in 3.12 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuubSOXpSDJ0qWCajPoyWSA)