3 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 89 LL Crit Penance Brand of Dissipation Inquisitor3.24

Life: 1,188140%
ES: 3,939
Int: 502
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/50%
Spell Block: 25%
DPS: 213,877
Speed: 3.55
Hit Rate: 3.55
Hit Chance: 100%
Crit Chance: 91.49%
Crit Multi: 459%
Pinnacle, Custom Mods
Bandit: Alira


Energy Blade One HandedHarmonic Spirit ShieldMalachai's SimulaGhostwritheKalisa's GraceKaom's RootsAstramentisAmethyst RingDiamond RingThe Magnate
Divine Life FlaskDivine Life FlaskDiamond FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver Flask
Crimson Jewel


Penance Brand of Dissipation
Increased Critical Strikes
Increased Critical Damage
Galvanic Field
Increased Critical Damage
Increased Critical Strikes
Tempest Shield
Assassin's Mark
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Energy Blade
Eternal Blessing

Tree Preview

Iron WillIron Will
Pain AttunementPain Attunement
Brand MasteryBrand Mastery
  • 40% increased Brand Attachment range
  • You can Cast 2 additional Brands
Caster MasteryCaster Mastery
  • 6% increased Cast Speed for each different Non-Instant Spell you've Cast Recently
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 20% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills


********************************* Should you play this build? ******************************************

-High damage early(great for rushing sanctum)
-Scales fantastically every upgrade can make sizable gains
-Can be used with virtually any hit based spell as scaling is generic(great to test/try out new skills gems you have not played before)

-Very squishy early game(65-80 will be fairly rough survivability in maps because I am building for sanctum which needs all the damage early and not much defense
until you get ES leech/kaom's stun immune higher scaling ect, ghostwrithe is fairly rough early defensively) 

KEY NOTE: I have designed this setup for going straight to sanctum which is insane overkill damage for white maps but necessary for sanctum which needs high damage and a lot less defense. This build 100% can
be slightly changed to destroy mapping as well BUT that will require you to reallocate some damage for defense in my opinion, go for things like swapping haste for determ/grace, invest into leech+instant leech just to name a few.

********************************* Skill Gem Setups to Try on build ******************************************

Skill Combinations that performed well:

* Firestorm of Pelting + transfigured tornado probably one of best combinations
* Arma Brand + Unleash Firestorm(best starter combination till you get transfigured gems)
* Ice nova of Frostbolts + Frost bolt (highest dps, not great QoL)
* Transfigured tornado + Void sphere of rending Best QoL Setup IMO

the above list is aimed at dealing single target for sanctum but if you prefer more a generic mapping style, skills like lightning conduit of heaven/arc/ball lightning ect all would be beasts at mapping.

IMPORTANT: Quality on Energy blade = 10% more es(10% more damage), with enhance =20% more es/damage, prioritize quality on this first, then other gems(IE if lab font gives you good quality then put it on EB)

********************************* Leveling ******************************************

Scuffed Leveling Vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2098238301?t=03h41m53s 

Vendor Regex(use in act 1/2): b-b-b|b-b|r-b|b-r|g-r|r-g|nne|rint

This tree is setup for generic fire spell hit based leveling assuming worst case scenario to level without E-blade where you dual wield fast aps base axe+sword and you put the highest base damage one you find in main hand for battlemage.

If you are able to get a Ghostwrife early then I'd heavilly recommend doing this with E-blade for even more damage while leveling but just know the tree is setup for worst case scenario of Ghostwrife being a bit more pricey(should still be extremely common/affordable)

First Lab = Battlemage: Prioritize high flat damage weapon in mainhand(sword or axe that you id with high flat damage(upgrade as you find better weapons while leveling)

Damage Skills: Level as Magma Orb + Combustion + Ele Prolif Until you get arma brand OR firestorm(firestorm easier but bit slower clear & similar damage) + cremation (good links to use are immolate/combustion/faster casting/unleash(firestorm only)/conc/cruelty/Greater multiple Proj OR Pinpoint(cremation only))
							IF brand + arma then get Desecrate + Brand Recall from act 2(cruelty is great support reward from silk				

Movement Skills: Leap Slam + momentum(mule a ranger)/Faster Attacks(do siosa for this or wait till act 6) + Frostblink/Flamedash

Aura Skills: Purity of Elements + (Heral of Ash or Clarity) while leveling Then swap auras based on what stage of the POB / Can swap purity for Haste if you want more speed

Curse: Ele weakness or Flammability

Bandits: Help Alira -> swap to 2 passives in Late game adorned respec

Buy Gems from lily(act 6) to Level in offhand: Spellblade support x 2 / arrogance / increased Crit Strike / Assassin's Mark / Discipline (you can also consider trying to level transfigure gems here as well)

********************************* Gearing ******************************************

Better Trading Buy Folder:

SSF id rares till you get currency then start purchasing some of the recommended early uniques(keep an eye out for good flat damage one hand weapons for battlemage)

1st Ring: Lori's Lantern Decent res + movespeed + Damage unlucky solid defensive(very strong for price, only need one of these)
2nd Ring: Rare Life/Es + Res ideally it should be better than second loris stat wise(unlucky is big part of reason to do lori's)
Helmet: Crown of Thorns Good ES + pain attunment -> Upgrade to Rare Hubris when you find one with decent ES and other stats (testing new early helm malachai's Simula which seems to work well if we eternal blessing haste then reserve vitality+discipline+tempest, but swap a few nodes to grab live reservation mastery on sovereignty aura wheel)
Body armour: Ghostwrithe allows us to go Energyblade because very good ES scaling on low gear power
Amulet: Carnage Heart / Bloodsoaked or Mediocre Rare amulet will do
Boots: Rare with life/res/movespeed -> Kaom's Roots(these boots are no longed mandatory as we can technically now run the new stun mastery but I still like them, up to you)
Gloves: Kalisa's Grace(use for self cast 5L) 
Belt: Rare with strength + res/life(ideal base is heavy)
Shield: Rare ES shield ideally titanium with decent ES
Main hand weapon:(any one hand weapon like sword/axe with decent base attack speed(relevant for boss death ball phases where you can turn off e-blade and still leap slam around))

Rings: Rare Fractured t2 highroll+ Int/Str -> catalsyt attribute -> essence of rage/spite till decent life/es or okay suffix with benchcraft life
Amulet: Astramentis
Helmet: Crown of the Inward eye
Belt: Cyclopean Coil
Boots: Rare
Body armour: Ivory Tower
Shield: Rathpith
Gloves: Shaper's Touch
Weapon: one hand weapon with abyss socket

Rings: Rare Fractured t1 Int/Str -> attribut catalyst -> essence of scorn till t1 int or str -> suffixes can't be changed veild chaos
Amulet: Simplex Amulet with Awakener orbed %str + %attr -> anul benchcraft life on prefix(or veiled chaos) / OR do a three-rat / OR gigachad eyes of greatwolf (check costs of various options, fairly comparable in power)
Helmet: Crown of the Inward eye
Belt: Awakener orb Cooldown recovery(shaper) with %attributes(hunter) -> try to get a good third  suffix(via anul/aisling ect) ideal is unveil str/int -> suffixes can't be changed reforge crit then block mana slam + benchcraft
Boots: Rare fracture t1 Str/Int + Fundamental/Sanctified/Hollow Fossil combo till T1 str/int + abyss socket -> suffix can't veiled chaos + block slam
Body armour: Ivory Tower
Shield: Rathpith
Gloves: Shaper's Touch
Weapon: one hand weapon with abyss socket

JEWELS To Look for:
Rare Jewels: %life/%es/Str&int/All attribute/Crit multi
Adorned: this jewel ends up making basically all other jewel options irrelevant except for things like timeless/watchers, swap to this when you can afford to
Emperor's Mastery: Best jewel the build can get but very expesive and not necessary
Life Grand Spectrums: Solid options but quite expensive and only marginally better than good rare jewels
Split Personality: Strength + Int is ideal for late game setups(ultimately I believe split personalities have been outclassed by adorned and more expensive than worth, still something to consider in some tree setups)
Watchers Eye: Evade% watchers eye can take you from 80evade to 88, which is like 40% less attack damage taken, spell block / regen / recovery / gain on hit / ect good with discipline

********************************* Mana ******************************************

Mana Solutions to aim for early: 30% skill cost as mana as first life mastery -> this + decent mana regen nodes designated throughout the tree should work for most setups unless you start spamming a main skill in which case you will need inspiration support + mana flask enduring
Mana Solutions to aim for in later setups: Late game solution -> blood magic + eternal youth ( sometimes life recharge turns off in predicitive mod, this is a bug with internet, swap to lockstep should help avoid this)

********************************* Eternal Youth BUG ******************************************

sometimes life recharge turns off in predicitive mod, this is a bug with internet, swap to lockstep should help avoid this
but it happens on occasion to people based on what people have told me, I've run into this issue a few times but its very rare and generally for most people predictive fixes the issue

********************************* Snacks ******************************************

Water(only drink you will ever need)
Cheeze itz are goated S tier snack 
Doughnuts(best snacking desert there is)
Eggs -> scrambled/omelet/breakfast sandwich combo, always good no matter how you make em

Cereal -> time efficient breakfast to get gaming faster(i recommend granola)
Dino Nuggies(fairly time efficient, we can pretend its meal) (pair with mac-cheese)
Frozen Pizza(fairly time efficient also kindof technically a meal)
Taquitos(idk how good these are, but chat seems to love and won't shut up about it)
Mac-Cheese = Easy/Time Efficient we can pretend this is almost a meal (pair with dino nuggies)
Club Crackers solid snack easy and affordable
Gold fish (i'd put this in S-tier if my babies had more control of this list)
Oreos/Preffered Cookie + Milk (pretty min-max for taste value but does require setup of milk & oreos -1 minute efficiency)
Milk/Protein Shake-> delicious/filling -> requires a blender
Peanuts the most notable nut there is, personally i like honey roasted but you do you
Potatoes -> great build diversity, can min-max into basically any meal (do not consume raw)

Asiago Bagels + cream cheese (decently time efficient but mid risk of cream cheesing your keyboard)
Ice Cream(bit less time efficient but tastes amazing, i recommend peanut butter + vanilla ice cream + dark choco chips that you keep in freezer)
Fruit snacks (easy & convenient) but will screw your teeth
Smoothie(dealers choice of ingredients) decent setup time, not a tasty as a shake probably healthier
Pretzels maximize water efficiency and help you pretend you aren't starving from lack of real food (add in whipped creamed cheese and it goes to A-tier)
Cashews Delicious and a bit more cost efficient than pistachios
Tea bit of setup time with boiling water but fantastically soothing
Chipotle -> delicious but super costly if you pay to deliver OR you brick your time efficiency by going to store
Eggo Waffles -> pretty solid time efficiency, charlotte loves these
Quesadilla -> cost efficient & easy to make solid flavor
Chips & Salsa (not my thing but a staple classic for many, just don't spill the salsa) +add guac for 10 points of flavor but -10 in time it takes to mash up the avocado
Oatmeal -> pretty filling, results in high end gaming, not BiS flavour but gets the job done

Hotdogs Fairly time efficient, quality will vary greatly depending on what dogs you get and how you cook them (F tier= microwave, A tier if grilled with high quality dogs)
Pistachios super tasty but kinda p2w nut
Honey Buns -> tasty unhealthy fast & you will need to wash hands
Beef Jerky (mid taste in my opinion but if thats your thing it could jump up some tiers due to time efficiency/ease)
Gummy Bears -> solid but will get stuck to teeth which feels bad
Grilled Cheese Decent time consumption, high flavor, can vary greatly on how its made

Hot-Pocket(time efficient, seem way worse than I remember)(will probably burn your tongue)
Cheetos/Doritos => tasty snakc but finger debuff will destroy your keyboard/efficiency
Reese's -> RIP teeth
Skittles -> RIP teeth
Star Burst -> RIP teeth

Popcorn -> thing will get stuck in teeth, GG - multiple hours due to pure tilt and efficiency loss
Every other drink known to mankind (bud light)
raisins -> just a creeper version of a grape
BabyCarrots/Cucumbers w/ humus(too healthy, almost like you know what the sun looks like)
Poptarts super time efficient but you will feel dirty on the inside eating them & they kinda suck now
Pokimane Cookies(you disappoint me)
Door-Dash -> giga expensive, could have gotten a new pc

********************************* The End ******************************************