10 days ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 90 MoM Kinetic Blast Ranger3.25

Life: 3,26561%
ES: 370
Mana: 4,239196%
Dex: 826
Resistances: 81%/81%/81%/-46%
Evade: 59%
Evasion: 12,244
DPS: 4,195,788
Speed: 3.60
Hit Chance: 100%
5% Shock, Frenzy, Power, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Gruthkul


Imbued WandImperial BucklerMind of the CouncilZodiac LeatherDoedre's TenureShagreen BootsCarnage HeartCerulean RingRuby RingStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskQuicksilver FlaskTopaz FlaskRuby FlaskSapphire Flask
Ghastly Eye JewelCobalt JewelCobalt Jewel


Kinetic Blast
Barrage Support
Returning Projectiles
Sacred Wisps
Lightning Penetration
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Kinetic Blast
Sacred Wisps
Greater Multiple Projectiles
Returning Projectiles
Blood Rage
Arcane Cloak
Arcanist Brand
Wave of Conviction
Sigil of Power
Shield Charge
Faster Attacks

Tree Preview

Iron WillIron Will
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Point BlankPoint Blank
Precise TechniquePrecise Technique
Wind DancerWind Dancer
Attributes MasteryAttributes Mastery
  • 5% increased Attributes
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 100% increased Charge Duration
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • 40% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
Leech MasteryLeech Mastery
  • 10% of Leech is Instant
Projectile MasteryProjectile Mastery
  • 1% increased Projectile Damage per 16 Dexterity
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • Prevent +3% of Suppressed Spell Damage


Guide by Allie

Earlygame Uniques:

Carnage Heart - This amulet will be 2-3 Chaos at most and is an Earlygame monster. Will help with Resistance & Attribute Reqs.

Mind of the Council - This helmet is basically just our ascendancy node "we know all" but better. It is also an Evasion base for the Suppression mastery and comes with a large "% to Maximum Mana" roll. 
It is very strong and the downside of the extra mana costs can be completly ignored. If cheap, you should try to get this as soon as you can.

Doedre's Tenure - Due to Kinetic Blast's "200% of of Spell Damage is added as Attack Damage," Doedre's 100% Spell Damage roll becomes incredibly powerful early on. 
These gloves will eventually be replaced but, until you can get a pair of Lightning Exposure Eater of Worlds Gloves, these will be a significant DPS increase for only 1-2 Chaos Orbs.

Fractal Thoughts - This is an alternative to Mind ONLY if Mind is extremely expensive. It should be fairly easy to get the Attributes setup to benefit from Fractal while leveling. You want your Dex to be the highest stat with Strength being higher than Int. You can always take the +30 nodes to acomplish this if needed.
This helmet also becomes stronger once you get "an infinite pursuit" & "we know all."

Math on how we get 2x hits on Kinetic Blast for our true DPS.

With Tornado + Fork, our Kinetic Blast will hit the Boss for 1 Projectile damage and then it will Fork due to "have you forgotten?" which will most likely hit Tornado from Spellslinger.
The Fork that then hits Tornado from all of the testing we have done, on average makes 1.7 Explosions hit a Shaper Guardian as it is slightly offset from the Boss.

Normally, if you were to hit a Boss with Kinetic Blast, the extra Explosions will be offset too far away to hit the Boss as well. Getting more or less AoE does not change this fact.
Due to offsetting of the Kinetic Blast hitting the Tornado, we see 1.7 Extra Explosions hits per Attack that we do.

Due to all other supports we use being able to be distilled into their respective PoB DPS increases, we can ignore all of them when it comes to overlap math.
Barrage also fits this case as all Barrage projectiles will always hit assuming you are under the Boss like you should be for optimal DPS.

This means, that in total, our DPS can be expressed as 1x Projectile DPS + (1x Explosion DPS * 1.7 (Average Exploisons from Fork + Tornado)).
This is slightly higher than 2x More Damage than what the Projectile DPS is in PoB when set to 2 by about 5% meaning the DPS you see in PoB is 5% lower than expected.

Act 1

Look for Movement Speed boots in town & use a Bow. Try to buy a Flat Phys quiver base and Iron Rings if/when you can afford them from the Vendors. Vendor Armor Scraps or Whetstones for more Wisdoms.
Look for GGG anything in town before going to Coast. If no GGG then GG 2-link minimum.
Also, look for GGGB on a 4-Link for Act 3 and beyond.

>>>>Please make sure you have 2 Mana Flasks before Brutus and Merveil or you will have a bad time with mana<<<<

Act 1 Regex (shows GGG, GG, MS Boots & Bows): g-g-g|g-g|nne|rint|s:.+bow
Copy that string and paste it into the search on the Vendors in Act 1 to highlight any useful items. 

Level 1

Take Caustic Arrow from the quest and link it with Momentum. Get 1 open Green socket anywhere and put Burning Arrow in it to start leveling it for Brutus.
Use Caustic Arrow for all clearing up to Brutus.
Really try to look for a 1 Wisdom Quiver from the Town before you leave, it makes Act 1 so much easier once you can put it on at Level 4.

Level 4

After Mud Flats is over and you are in The Submerged Passage, teleport back to The Coast waypoint and go get the medicine chest from the Tidal Island.

Take Mirage Archer from Nessa along with Sniper's Mark & Dash from Tarkleigh.
Buy Pierce from Nessa.

Link Caustic Arrow - Mirage Archer - Pierce

If you don't have a 3-Link yet, use Pierce until you do.
You can let the Mirage Archer do most of the work. Attack once to trigger it then keep moving forward, attacking as needed to keep it active.

Try to buy Iron Rings and a Rustic Sash when you can afford them Pre-Brutus. 

~Level 8-9

Killing Brutus: Take out Caustic Arrow and put in Burning Arrow with Mirage Archer and Pierce. Use Burning Arrow to kill Brutus.
Once Brutus is dead, put Caustic Arrow back in and then drop the Burning Arrow on the ground.

In Town: Buy Frostblink from Nessa and replace Dash when you can use it. You will have enough Int to use it with Primal Spirit.
Take Manaforged Arrows from Nessa.

Buy Galvanic Arrow & Added Cold Damage. Link Galvanic Arrow with Manaforged Arrows. Galvanic Arrow will trigger on its own giving you Shocks.
Add in Added Cold Damage to Galvanic Arrow whenever you get a 2nd GGG for it. You can come back and buy it later if you don't have 1 Transmute.

Buy Blink Arrow. It's ok if you cannot afford to buy it immideatly as we don't want to use it until the beginning of Act 3. With the Mastery at Farsight, Blink Arrow when used along with Frostblink makes you extremely fast.
Simply just alternate between both mobilty skills.

Level 12

Swap to Rain of Arrows once you hit Level 12. 
Nessa will give you a free Rain of Arrows once you enter Merveil's Caverns for the first time.

Buy Added Cold Damage from Nessa. 
Your links are now Rain of Arrows - Mirage Archer - Added Cold Damage

Drop Caustic Arrow, & Pierce. You just need Frostblink, Sniper's Mark & Galvanic Arrow and its supports.
Use Sniper's Mark on bosses. Don't bother with it on anything else as its not worth the mana otherwise.

>>>>>Note on Rain of Arrows<<<<<
You will need to keep upgrading your Bow as you keep leveling. 
Physical Damage is irrelevant as we aren't converting it to Elemental.
The only stats that are relevant will be any Added Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage & Attack Speed.

You DO NOT care about any Critical Strike Chance as we will not be able to crit due to Precise Technique.
The above also applies to any Rings, Amulets, Gloves & Belts you find. 
The stat "x% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills" is also great but it will only roll on Bows, Rings, Amulets & Belts.

The easiest way to know if a Bow is an upgrade is:
1. Turn on your Awakened PoE Trade - Download Link: https://github.com/SnosMe/awakened-poe-trade
2. Use Ctrl + D while hovering a Bow as if you were trying to Price Check it.
3. Click on the "Hidden" Slider right below the Affixes.
4. You will be able to see the "Elemental DPS" of your Bow, if this number is bigger, it is an upgrade. Example - https://imgur.com/a/QPNTg8G

PLEASE NOTE - You can also go to your Hideout starting in Act 2 once you unlock it (when you get Herald of Ice) and use the Crafting Bench.
You can Craft Added Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage for 4 Transmutes starting at Level 16 and Attack Speed for 6 Alterations starting at Level 24.

If you find a really nice bow such as one with 2 high Added Elemental Damage Tiers and 1 Open Prefix, crafting the 3rd Elemental type on it will most likely make it a good Bow for a long time.
The same goes for Attack Speed if your Bow has filled Prefixes.

Act 2

BANDITS: Help Alira, +15% Elemental Resistance is too good for Leaguestart. Later, we will swap to Eramir for +1 Passive Point once we are in Maps.

Level 16

Take Herald of Ice as your quest reward from Greust.
Buy Blood Rage from Yenna.
Turn on Herald of Ice and use Blood Rage as a way to gain Frenzy Charges.

Make sure you do the Golden Hand quest in the Fellshire Ruines Level 2 as 1 Passive Point has been moved here in 3.25.

Level 18 (After Weaver)

Take Trinity as a reward from Silk.
Socket it in your Off-Hand Weapon or in a Blue socket so it starts gaining Levels.
You will start using this whenever you get a 4-Link GGGB with: Rain of Arrows - Mirage Archer - Added Cold Damage - Trinity

>>>>>Note on Trinity<<<<<
(skip this if you know how Trinity works)

You will start using Trinity as soon as you can in a 4-Link with: Rain of Arrows - Mirage Archer - Added Cold Damage - Trinity
Trinity will give you "Elemental Resonance" which will be a Wheel in the Top Left of your screen that fills up.
This will give you More Damage based on your Lowest one meaning you want to Fill Up all 3 Bars.

Trinity will fill up the Bar of the 2 Elements that WERE NOT the majority of your attack's damage.
Example: You attack and do 100 Fire Damage, 70 Cold Damage & 40 Lightning Damage. Trinity will fill up the Cold & Lightning Bars but NOT the Fire Bar.

What we need to do is Alternate between at least 2 Elemental Damage types as the highest portion of our Hits.
This will be very easy to achieve in Act 3 once you get Anger. Anger & Herald of Ice + Added Cold Damage should ROUGHLY make both your Fire & Cold damage ranges close to eachother.
Due to your damage having a wide range, your Fire & Cold Damage will naturally alternate between which one did the most damage.

KEEP IN MIND - This balance might be thrown out of whack as you upgrade your Bow. 
If you happen to find a Bow with an exceptionally high Added Cold Damage roll for example, your Cold Damage could be so high that your Fire Damage can never beat it.
Just pay attention to your Resonance Bar after a new Bow upgrade and see if everything is ok. If you arent filling up the Cold Bar for example, turn off your Herald of Ice.
Other ways of fixing it could also include: Crafting Added Damage on a Ring/Amulet/Bow of the type you are missing or swapping Added Cold Damage for Added Lightning Damage (only if Cold is higher than Fire).

Act 3

Start looking for:
GGGB for Rain of Arrows - Mirage Archer - Added Cold Damage - Trinity
GGGB for Artillery Ballista - Added Cold Damage - Focused Ballista - Elemental Focus

Pick up all Yellow items, you are going to need lots of Alterations to buy all of the gems.
4-Link Regex to check vendors for GGGB:     ts:.+(?=(\S*g){3})(\S*b){1}

Level 24

Take Grace from Maramoa's reward and buy Anger from Clarissa.
Use Anger alongside Herald of Ice as your 2 Auras.
Grace will be used later on but its good to level it ahead of time. Until then, put Grace into your Off-Hand to Level.

Level 28

Make sure you kill Gravicius.

Once you go back to town, take Artillery Ballista from Maramoa.

Drop Galvanic Arrow and start using Artillery Ballista.
Link Artillery Ballista with Added Cold Damage.

You will use Artillery Ballista on Bosses for extra Damage. It will not be amazing until you get Focused Ballista but, it is still worth using.
Make sure you place all 3 Ballistas down, then just keep attacking with Rain of Arrows.

Level 31

Go to the Library and do the quest for Siosa.
Take Focused Ballista from the quest reward and link it to Artillery Ballista in: Artillery Ballista - Added Cold Damage - Focused Ballista - Elemental Focus
Buy Elemental Focus from Siosa.

You can just run Artillery Ballista - Added Cold Damage - Focused Ballista if you don't have space for the full 4-Link.

Buy Steelskin & Automation from Siosa.

Link Steelskin & Automation together.
Turn on Automation, this will trigger Steelskin on cooldown for you providing a defensive layer.

Keep your Steelskin at Level 11, this will make dealing with Strength requirements a lot easier when you swap to Kinetic Blast.
You can keep leveling it in the Endgame as you get more Strength to do so.

Buy 2 copies of Kinetic Blast. Put these into your Off-Hand to level for the Kinetic Blast swap.
You can come back and buy these later when you have the currency for it if you don't when you get there.
You will most likely run into Intelligence problems trying to level Kinetic Blast, its fine and you shouldn't worry too much about it as any extra Levels you can get done ahead of time will be worth it.

Act 4

Do Lab after Level 31 when your gems upgrade.
Take "there is more" as your first Lab point.

Please start the Settlers town by this point. This requires you to interact with an Iron deposit in the campaign.
This will then allow you to go back to Act 1 and enter Kingsmarch through the NPC on the right.

Do the short tutorial on Kingsmarch to unlock Faustus and his ability to allow you to respec Passive Points with Gold.
This will become required later on to aid with respeccing.

Level 38

Buy Mark on Hit from Perarus and Vanja if you have 1 Alchemy.
You can come back and buy this later or get it in Act 6 from Lilly.

Link Mark on Hit to Sniper's Mark.

Act 6


In Act 6 there is a question you will need to ask yourself about how you will go about progressing your build.

You have 2 options:
1.) Continue as normal and make ~5-10 Chaos in White maps before swapping to Kinetic Blast.
2.) Start setting up Heist so you can go and do 1-2 Hours of Heist as soon as you get to the end of Act 10 which will make you ~100-200 Chaos Orbs.

We will need a few Chaos Orbs to buy a decent Wand and ideally a 5-6 Link to begin playing Kinetic Blast.
Heist is extremely easy to do but it is something you NEED to decide in Act 6 if you wish to do. You will need to stop every level and buy Contracts from the Heist vendor to stock up before finishing Act 10.

If you are a new player following this guide, I would most likely recommend going down the Heist path. 
It will not only set you up with more than enough money to begin but, it will teach you one of the best possible things you can do on your first character for each PoE 1 Season for currency.
While for more advanced players rushing to T16 Maps might be better, I personally think spending 1-2 Hours in Heist is a better and easier option for most people.

Please keep in mind, you DO NOT want to kill Kitava in Act 10. Do all of your Heisting and once its done, THEN go kill Kitava in Act 10.
If you plan to do Heist, I recommend to watch the video guide I have on it.

Heist Guide - https://youtu.be/v4PBenCGMIo

After some further testing, while Kinetic Blast could work in Tier 1 maps, it's single target damage will feel clunky and getting all of the Resistances needed might be a bit difficult on top of the Attribute Requirements to start.
I REALLY REALLY recommend that you go and do Heist as it will set you up with enough money for a Wand & a 6-Link along with enough Chaos Orbs to buy decent gear for all of your slots.

I personally skip doing Heist even when I recommend it in my build guides but, for Kinetic Blast, even I plan to do Heist myself. Please don't skip it.


Act 7

Do your second Lab once you unlock it. Pick "wait a little" as your second point. This will give you somewhat consistant Rage uptime which is worth ~30% More Damage.

Act 9

Around the beginning of Act 9, you will finish picking up Charisma, Leader of the Pack & Thrill of Battle + its Mana Mastery.
This should give you enough Mana Reservation to turn on Grace.

Act 10

For your third Lab, pick up "have you forgotten?" This will give us a free Awakened Fork for Kinetic Blast and will play a major role in both Single Target and Clear.

Once you are done doing Heist and are ready to move on to Kinetic Blast, re-spec out of "there is more" and use those points after you do the third Lab to pick up "an infinite pursuit." 
This will cost you either 10 Passive Respec Points or you can do it with Gold in Kingsmarch.

There isn't a better place to put this so ill just leave it here: For your fourth Lab in Maps, you will lastly take "we know all." 
It is delayed to the fourth point as we don't have much Mana early on making "wait a little" more damage.

Mapping Pre-Kinetic Blast

You will want to play Rain of Arrows until you can afford or find a decent Wand or buy Piscator's Vigil for the Kinetic Blast swap. This will require ~5 Chaos or so if you are going to buy one.
You can either go into White/Yellow maps and make the money while progressing or, do 1-2 Hours of Heist to make ~200 Chaos which would be enough to make a very comfortable setup all the way to Red Maps.

I HIGHLY recommend you do Heist and have a whole video on how you'd do this here - https://youtu.be/v4PBenCGMIo
This will be enough to get you some early Uniques such as Mind of the Council & Cloak of Defiance & decent gear in all slots.

If you wish to continue into Maps, make sure to keep upgrading your Bow and try to find as much Life as you can on your gear while working on Resistance Cap.
Please make heavy use of the Crafting Bench to make your life easier too.

Kinetic Blast Swap Requirements

The bare minimum to swap is obtaining a Piscator's Vigil or a Rare Wand with Added Lightning Damage, Attack Speed & Spell Damage on it.
A Rare Wand will be stronger than Piscator's Vigil but, Piscator's should be very common and not used by any builds meaning it should be 1-2 Chaos at most.

Ideally, find one of the following bases: Imbued, Engraved or a Carved Wand.
These bases all have the Implicit "x% Increased Spell Damage" which works with Kinetic Blast's Spell Damage to Attack Damage conversion.

We want one of these three Wand bases specifically because they have a high base Attack Speed which is important to this build.
It's fine to use a different Wand base if you can't find one of these three as it won't be a massive difference.

You can either find Wands on the ground and check them or, you can just buy one from the Trade Website.
We are looking for 2 of the 3 mods between Added Lightning Damage, Attack Speed & Spell Damage with us using the Crafting Bench to craft the 3rd missing one on it.
This does mean you will need an Open Prefix to craft Added Lightning Damage or Spell Damage if it's missing one of those 2 or an Open Suffix to craft Attack Speed.

(NOTE - You WILL have to change the League to Legacy of Phrecia when the event starts from Settlers.)
If you wish to look for a wand from the Trade website, here is a link for valid wands - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/qzYe76kSg

Alongside this, you will need 2 Leveled Kinetic Blasts along with a Spellslinger & Tornado.
If you didn't grab a Kinetic Blast in Act 3 and Leveled it as you progressed, go to Lilly in your Hideout or in Act 6 and buy a Level 1 copy there.
Spellslinger & Tornado can also be bought from her.

To add onto this, there are some other super cheap Uniques we can use that will give you a very nice boost.

The uniques you will want to consider are:
(Prices are subject to change and fluctuate with popularity)

Carnage Heart - This should be a 2-5 Chaos amulet that is simply too good to not include. Since we will always be leeching due to Mana Leech, we can always benefit from its Damage Increase.
Due to this build having a lot of Flat Damage and very little % Increased Damage, Carnage Heart just gives too much DPS to skip.
Not only that but, it also provides a lot of All Attributes allowing you to not worry as much about it on the rest of your gear and some All Elemental Resistances making Res Capping easier.

You will want to try to Anoint Prodigal Perfection onto your Amulet ASAP. This Anoint only requires 2 Azure Oils which should be very cheap past Day 1-2 and is a 16% DPS increase on its own.
Even if you are using a Rare Amulet, if its even half decent, this Anoint should be added to it.

Mind of the Council - This helmet will carry us all the way to Indigon and provides some very nice bonuses for our build.
No build uses this helmet meaning it should be very cheap for us to pick up. It might be a bit more popular this season and it is a Tier 3 Unique meaning it will take the better part of Day 1-2 before they show up on the market.
Expect the first few to be 10-20 Chaos or more but very quickly it should drop in price.

Doedre's Tenure - Due to Kinetic Blast's "200% of of Spell Damage is added as Attack Damage," Doedre's 100% Spell Damage roll becomes incredibly powerful early on. 
These gloves will eventually be replaced but, until you can get a pair of Lightning Exposure Eater of Worlds Gloves, these will be a significant DPS increase for only 1-2 Chaos Orbs.

Swapping to Kinetic Blast

Make sure you swap the Profile in the Skills Tab to the "Level 70 KB Swap" & swap the passive tree to the "Level 70 KB Swap" tree.
There are a few minor changes to the tree requiring ~30 Respec Points in total. You will get 14 of these for free from leveling.
You can go back to Act 1 & 10 and do the quests there for an additional 4.
If you ended up doing Heist, you should have plenty of Regret Orbs to spare making this a non-issue.

GOLD RESPECING - You will most likely need to use some Gold to finish fully respecing everything over.
You can go to Kingsmarch and talk to Faustus to be able to use your Gold to do so.
Given we have no use for using the Auction House this early on, we have nothing else to spend Gold on.
You should be able to cover most if not all respecs through using Gold alone but if needed use some of the free respecs given to you in the Campaign too.


Buying a Corrupted 6-Link early on is a great idea as they are generally cheap even from a few hours into the event.
You can always upgrade to a Non-Corrupted one later on but, even a Body Armour with bad stats that is a 6-Link will be a massive power boost early on.

(NOTE - You WILL have to change the League to Legacy of Phrecia when the event starts from Settlers.)
Trade Link to buy a Corrupted Body Armour - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/2EOnLoYTk

If you do not have a 5-Link or a 6-Link the Kinetic Blast setup you want to use goes as follows: Kinetic Blast - Sacred Wisps - Barrage - Greater Multiple Projectiles
Your 5th Link would be Returning Projectiles & 6th would be Elemental Damage with Attacks.
Once you get to the Level 88 Crit & Suppress Swap tree and make the switch over to Crit, you will want to swap out Elemental Damage with Attacks for an Increased Critical Damage support.

You will also want to make sure you setup a second Kinetic Blast with: Kinetic Blast - Sacred Wisps - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Returning Projectiles
This second Kinetic Blast will be used for clearing while the Kinetic Blast with Barrage will only be used on Bosses.
This is due to Barrage adding a nasty delay as you do the barrage of projectiles making Mapping clunky with it.
A 4-Link Kinetic Blast will be more than enough for all Mapping outside of Bosses.

Your main playstyle is: 

While clearing you will simply just use the 4-Link Kinetic Blast with NO Barrage as normal while running around with Frostblink and Shield Charge.
You can Frostblink in the middle of your Shield Charge animation canceling the end of it and overall making you faster.
Keep your Shield Charge at Level 11 for now and level it to 20 later as you get more Strength. This will help keep the total Attribute Requirements in the Earlygame down.

Spellslinger will constantly trigger Tornado infront of you giving you extra Forks from "have you forgotten?" making clear even better.

While mapping you can completly ignore Sigil of Power as its only meant to be a button you use for Bosses.


On Bosses everything stays exactly the same as before. Instead of using your 4-Link Kinetic Blast you will want to now use the 6-Link one with Barrage.
The Barrage'd Kinetic Blasts will then hit the Tornado spawned by Spellslinger infront of you which will then Fork due to "have you forgotten?" which will then either Fork off the boss again or go and hit a wall.
Your Wisps will also mimic 50% of your projectiles each meaning you will double your total projectile output.

When this is all combined together, you will simply generate an extreme amount of projectiles that will all shotgun a Boss.

The ONLY thing you need to do is to try and stand as close to a Boss as possible to make all of the Returning Projectiles hit the boss when they Return.

Outside of that, simply just make sure you put down Sigil of Power to become tankier and gain a very large DPS increase.

Getting Spell Suppression Cap

Starting off at Level 70 you will not be able to be Spell Suppressed Capped as we are utilizing Magebane to get 100%.
You will most likely only have ~350-400 Dexterity which will not be enough to naturally hit 100% with the keystone.

This will slowly get better over time and by the time you get to ~Level 80 with Dexterity in most slots, you will be able to get to 100% with just Magebane & Invenerate.

Until then, we will be picking up the "Chance to Spell Suppress Damage is Lucky" mastery to give us effectively near 100% chance in the early game.
Once you get to ~700 Dexterity, you can drop the Lucky mastery as you will naturally have 100% chance to begin with.

In the Endgame, we might be able to drop Magebane and get to 100% without it giving us a very large amount of Evasion Rating back but, at a low budget like this it isn't something thats possible.

Attribute Requirement Issues Earlygame

You might come across a few issues with Attribute Requirements to begin with. A lot of this simply coming from the 188 Intelligence required to equip an Imbued Wand.
To aid with this, you have a few Open Suffixes on gear that you can possibly use to get the Intelligence needed.

One option is to drop the Dexterity rolls on your Rings and to instead look for Intelligence rolls.
Another option is to pick up both Thief's Craft & Wisdom of the Gale for +60 Intelligence to get you over the bump to put on your Wand.

You will also encounter some Strength issues due to Shield Charge and Berserk both requiring 155 Strength for their Level 20 gems.
You can simply just run a lower Level version of both as there won't be too much of a difference. 

Somewhere around Level 15-17 should be reasonable for both but you can go lower if needed.

Level 90 Crit & Suppression Swap

At around Level 90 or so we will be making a swap over from Precise Technique over to Crit along with us swapping our Suppression Mastery from Lucky to "Prevent +3% of Suppressed Spell Damage."

These will be 2 big moves at the same time that will required 2 different conditions to be met and can be done independently of eachother.

For the Suppress Swap:

You will need to get to ~700 Dexterity in order for Magebane to give you enough Suppression Chance on its own to not have to rely on Lucky rolls anymore.

For the Crit Swap:

You will need to get a Wand with "x% increased Critical Strike Chance" on it along with you being Level 85-88 or so in order to be able to pick up all of the Crit nodes we need.
There will be a crafting guide below on how to make your own Wand for ~5-10 Divine depending on current Essence prices.

At the same time you will swap from Conductivity over to Assassin's Mark which alongside Power Charges will give you a considerable DPS increase.

Adding in an extra bit of defences into the build

If you find yourself wanting to be tankier, particullary on Bosses, you can opt to drop some DPS for more Max Hit.
This is simply done by choosing to use either an Arctic Armour or a Flesh and Stone in the one open gem socket that we have.

Arctic Armour is great if you want more Physical Damage and Fire Damage reduction while also offering permanent Freeze Immunity.
Flesh and Stone will give you better overall defences but only to monsters near you. Given for all Bosses we will want to be right on top of them, we will always benefit from the full value of it.


For this build, our Flask setup will be very simple.
To begin with, we want to use 1 Life Flask alongside 4 Utility Flasks.

On all of your flasks you are looking for the "x% increased Charge Recovery" Prefix as I personally find it the most comfortable.

As for Suffixes, you are looking to get the following 3 on any of your Utility flasks:

x% increased Evasion Rating during Effect
x% increased Movement Speed during Effect
x% reduced Effect of Curses on you during Effect

Lastly, you can either opt in to get the crafted "Regenerate 3% of Life per Second during Effect" or the "x% Chance to Avoid being Stunned during Effect" roll.
Both will feel pretty good and its up to you if you want more recovery or reduced consistantly of Stuns.

Once you swap over to the Crit version of this build, you will want to swap the Prefixes out on all of your flasks over to the "x% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike" roll.
Given the amount of hits we do and how often they Crit, we will very easily be able to have permanent uptime on them giving us an extra defensive layer against long bosses.


As you push past early maps and get into Tier 16 Maps you will want to look into a Wand upgrade. Luckily, we can craft our own Wand fairly easily with a bit of effort.

For this build, we will want a Wand with a high tier Spell Damage Prefix along with Added Lightning Damage and the Crafted "Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate x% Elemental Resistances" Mod.
As for Suffixes, we will need Attack Speed & Critical Strike Chance.

Due to the fluid nature of this Wand, there are multiple ways to go about crafting it meaning we look for the cheapest method depending on current prices.

Wand Crafting Guide

This Wand will cost about 6-7 Divine to craft.

Buy a Fractured Tier 2 or higher Increased Spell Damage or Added Lightning Damage Wand.
Ideally we will want to use an Imbued Wand base but, due to the nature of Leaguestart, any "x% increased Spell Damage" Wand is fine.

The specific Fracture doesn't matter as both crafting methods should be about as expensive as eachother.
You should check the prices of Shrieking Essences of Wrath & Woe to see which ones are cheaper. 
If Woe is significantly cheaper, you should try to buy an Added Lightning Fracture while if Wrath is significantly cheaper you should buy an Increased Spell Damage Fracture.

The Trade Link is specifically for Imbued Wands but if you wish to look at other bases, simply remove the name in the top-left.

(NOTE - You WILL have to change the League to Legacy of Phrecia when the event starts from Settlers.)
Trade Link to buy a Fractured base - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Settlers/9g8ye5QiK

Our goal with this Wand is to get 3 out of the 4 Mods that we are interested in between Increased Spell Damage, Added Lightning Damage, Attack Speed & Critical Strike Chance.
One of the Mods will already be Fractured and we will be using Essences to guarantee a second one. This means we just need to spam Essences until a third Mod we want shows up.

1. Use Shrieking Essences of Woe or Wrath to guarantee either "x% increased Spell Damage" or "Adds x to x Lightning Damage" until you either "x% increased Attack Speed" or "x% increased Critical Strike Chance" at Tier 2 or higher.
Tier 2 Attack Speed is a ~1/79 chance and Tier 2 Critical Strike Chance is a ~1/40 chance.

The Essence you will use is based on which Fracture you have on your Wand & based on which ones are the cheapest.
Use Deafening Essences if you can afford it.

For example, if you bought a Fractured Spell Damage Wand, you would want to use Wrath for Added Lightning Damage.
If you bought a Fractured Added Lightning Damage Wand, you would want to use Woe for Increased Spell Damage.

2. You will now need to clean your Wand of all mods that aren't your Fractured Mod, the Essence Mod & either Attack Speed or Critical Strike Chance.
In the end you will need 1 Open Prefix and 2 Open Suffixes, to do so we will use Orbs of Annulment. Annul your Wand until you only have the 3 desired mods left on it. 
If you Annul one of the 3 Mods, go back to Step 1 and try again.

3. With a clean Wand that has 1 Open Prefix and 2 Open Suffixes, craft "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers" onto the Wand.
After, craft "Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate x% Elemental Resistances" and then finally either "x% increased Attack Speed" or "x% increased Critical Strike Chance" based on which one of the 2 you are missing.

Further Upgrades

As the event starts, I will be releasing a followup guide & PoB to this one talking about how to upgrade this build in great detail. 
Everything here should be enough to get most people through all content and through anything you'd want to do on Week 1.

You will be able to find it on my YouTube channel linked at the top of the notes section.
Until then, I will talk about some potential upgrades you can make that are Plug & Play that you should be able to make with no problem.

One of the simplest upgrades you can make to the build is to look for higher Dexterity and Mana rolls on all of your gear.
This will further scale your build through "we know all" and Mind of the Council. Our goal is to eventually reach 10k Mana in an Endgame setup.
At the same time, upgrading to Cerulean rings would be a good idea.

Getting Quality on your Kinetic Blasts is a ~20% DPS increase due to the extra overlaps you gain. 
You can either go do Lab and farm enough Quality from the Font in ~1 Hour yourself or you can buy Gemcutter's Prisms.

If cheap, a Watchers Eye with the "x% of Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity" would be a nice upgrade and something we would want in the Endgame.
Simply get a Level 1 Clarity to be able to benefit from the effect.

Trying to find a Synthesized Belt with "x% increased Dexterity" as an Implicit would be a very large DPS increase which shouldn't be too difficult to craft with a few Essences.
