2 months ago
Level 100 Ground Slam of Earthshaking Berserker3.25
Life: 6,303177%
Mana: 102
Resistances: 84%/84%/82%/73%
Armour: 23,630
DPS: 5,649,569
Speed: 2.07
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kraityn
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ralakesh

Seismic Cry
Intimidating Cry
Rallying Cry
Battlemage's Cry
Ground Slam of Earthshaking
Melee Physical Damage
Fist of War
Blood and Sand
Herald of Purity
Urgent Orders
Blood Rage
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Cast when Damage Taken
Molten Shell
War Banner
Tree Preview

- +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Armour

- Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed

- Gain 5 Valour when you Warcry, if able

- Melee Hits Fortify
- -3 to maximum Fortification

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
- Skills Cost Life instead of 15% of Mana Cost

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- 40% increased Physical Damage with Skills that Cost Life

- +7 to Maximum Rage
- Inherent loss of Rage is 20% faster
- Warcries grant 1 Rage per 5 Enemy Power, up to 5

- 40% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies

- Warcries have a minimum of 10 Power
> FAQ < The mana cost of my warcries is too high/I'm running out of mana! Some ways to solve mana if you're having issues: - Keep your warcries level 1, currently there's no known benefit to leveling warcries(other than Enduring Cry) - Make sure you have - mana cost on your rings. If you have to you might need to multimod your amulet for "Warcries cannot Exert Travel Skills" and - mana cost. You can also drop the "Warcries have 10 minimum power" mastery and swap "Warcries cannot Exert Travel Skills" in there, but this will make your rage and endurance charges less reliable. - Get physical damage leeched as mana on your amulet or gloves - Annoint "Dreamer" to reduce mana cost even further - You can run a low level clarity to help with mana issues. - There's an Exarch implicit for "Reduced mana cost of attacks". This can bring your attack cost much lower leaving more room for your warcries. - If you free up 2 gem slots(Urgent Orders, Frostblink and/or Berserk are probably the easiest to drop) or get an unset ring or 2, you can fit Arrogance - Clarity to get a bunch of mana regen. - It's currently unclear whether adding Lifetap to your Autoexertion links will increase the reservation cost, if it doesn't this could be an option: drop Vulnerability(just manually cast it somewhere else) and swap in Lifetap. - Use a mana flask instead of your Basalt flask. - Worst case scenario we can drop a warcry from our Autoexertion setup and manually cast it. If you do this make sure to pick up the "warcry speed" small node at Measured Fury. I feel really squishy early on, I know that's just one of the downsides of this build, but any workarounds? You can move Seismic Cry out of the Autoexertion setup, drop Herald of Purity(this means your Rallying Cry won't give you extra damage anymore either!) and run Determination. You might also have to pick up Champion of the Cause if you do this(depending on your mana cost), but this should give you a bunch more armour, which will solve your biggest weakness early on. Why doesn't your chest have any life on it? We pick up the life mastery that gives us 15% life if your body armour has no life mods on it. This means we can focus solely on armour on our chest. Why take the "warcries have a minimum of 10 power" mastery, power doesn't do anything right? We pick it up to combine it with the "Warcries grant 1 rage per 5 power" mastery. This SHOULD work, but in case it doesn't you can safely drop both these masteries. If this doesn't work the "Recover 15% of life when you use a warcry" mastery probably doesn't work either, but it's worth trying out real quick as an alternative. How required is Echoes of Creation? Not required, but it does give you 60% more damage. Only use this once you have a decent amount of armour though(30k+ without flasks up). It's an Uber unique so it'll probably not be that available early on anyway, don't worry about it too much and just use the regular Endgame Helmet instead. How do you get "Warcries cannot Exert Travel Skills" on your amulet? This is a crafting bench craft(suffix) from The Chamber of Innocence. Why no Determination? Determination was nerfed, we already grab a bunch of endurance charges and new base types will give us more base armour. Can I use any other slams? I don't like Ground Slam :( Yes. Earthquake and Sunder are pretty much 1-to-1 swaps(for Earthquake you want to socket Less Duration though, probably replace Brutality). Earthshatter is a relatively small swap, but does require some adjustments, you should check out poe.ninja/builds before you swap to this to see what others are doing. What do I do before I have a 6L for my Autoexertion? If you only have a 5L, you drop Vulnerability and just self-cast it. If you're on a 4L you just manually cast Seismic Cry. > PLAYSTYLE < You leap slam and frostblink around the map, most of the things you need to do should be automated. Do try to keep Endurance Charges up though by using Enduring Cry whenever it's available. This also provides you with a decent heal. For bosses you place down your War Banner and use your Berserk, and then just slam the boss until it dies. > LEVELING < Level 1 to 12 is the most painful part of Marauder leveling, as usual. We get through this with Ground Slam. At level 12 we swap to Sunder, this is usually considered to be the most comfortable skill for leveling. If you really want to you can stick with Ground Slam though. When Sundering try to use your Intimidating Cry for single target, and place down your banner. After Cruel Lab we switch to our Autoexertion setup, if this is too much on your mana first make sure to use your mana flask. If this is not enough you can run Arrogance - Clarity, or stick with using warcries yourself for now. See the "Level 13 Example" in the Items section for an example of how you can gear early on. > AXE CRAFTING < Essence of Contempt is key here. Start by getting an itemlevel 83, 30% quality Vaal Axe, if this is not available lower quality will do, but quality really adds a lot of damage so don't settle too much. Early/mid game you spam Essence of Contempt until you hit decent % phys, craft attack speed and you're done. Later(expensive): 1. Spam Essence of Contempt until you hit hybrid % phys of the tier you want(don't go too greedy, T6+ should already be enough) 2. If you don't have an open prefix and suffix, annul until you do(while keeping the flat phys and hybrid phys of course) 3. Craft "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" 4. Use a Veiled Orb, this should remove a suffix and add a prefix, if not: start over 5. Hope you unveil % phys, doesn't have to be % phys + bleed, any % phys works 6. Easiest method to proceed: Prefixes Cannot Be Changed -> Scour -> Multimod attack speed & dot mult 7. Harder method: Prefixes Cannot Be Changed -> Harvest add/remove speed and hope you hit high attack speed -> craft dot mult