17 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 97 Doom Blast Occultist3.22

Life: 4,425160%
ES: 1,514
Mana: 51
Resistances: 75%/73%/75%/75%
Evade: 71%
Supp: 51%
Block: 30%
Armour: 15,678
Evasion: 14,366
DPS: 1,354,611
Speed: 5.02
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All


Apep's RageLeper's AlmsGeofri's CrestCospri's WillVixen's EntrapmentDragonscale BootsTurquoise AmuletRuby RingMark of SubmissionHeavy Belt
Granite FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskSilver FlaskDivine Life Flask
Hypnotic Eye JewelWatcher's EyeViridian Jewel


Temporal Chains
Impending Doom
Unbound Ailments
Void Manipulation
Spell Cascade
Cursed Ground
Flame Dash
Faster Casting
Arcane Surge
Vaal Haste
Summon Chaos Golem
Herald of Agony
Withering Step
Hex Bloom
Spell Cascade
Cast when Damage Taken
Molten Shell
Increased Duration
Phase Run

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Chaos MasteryChaos Mastery
  • Deal 10% more Chaos Damage to enemies which have Energy Shield
Charge MasteryCharge Mastery
  • 100% increased Charge Duration
Curse MasteryCurse Mastery
  • +20% chance to Ignite, Freeze, Shock, and Poison Cursed Enemies
  • Non-Cursed Enemies you inflict Non-Aura Curses on are Blinded for 4 seconds
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • +50 to maximum Life
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage
  • Enemies Poisoned by you cannot deal Critical Strikes
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you


Helm: Doedre's Scorn or rare w/ life + resists or Geofri's
Weapon: Apep's rage opal wand (same as end game)
Shield: Leper's (same as end game shield) or rare with life, suppress spell damage, resists, energy shield
Chest: Tabula Rasa w/ life mastery or 
Gloves: any rares with proper socket colors or gravebind
Boots: movement speed, #% chance to gain onslaught on kill (windscream also good)
Belt: regen # energy shield per second
Rings: Mark of Submission (same as end game) + rare with resists
Amulet: rare w/ +X% DoT Multiplier, resists, life  (anoint with amber + clear + crimson for toxic strikes)  (impresence with despair can also be good)

Flasks: Divine Life of allaying (bleed), Divine Mana, Quicksilver (inc movement spd), Granite (inc armour), Silver (until onslaught) 
Bandits: Kill All
Pantheon: Brine King until Lunaris for major. Abberath or Ralakesh for minor (Ryslatha if struggling with hp pot).

Leveling gems: 
Lvl 1: hold down Blight + Infused Channeling
Lvl 4: cast Contagion then hold Blight  (use frostblink until you get flame dash)
Lvl 12: cast ED then Contagion then run through mobs with Withering Step, Hold down Blight on single targets that remain
Lvl 24: Replace ED + Contagion with Bane for packs and Blight for single target 
Lvl 30 (after first lab): Change to Impending Doom +  Cursed Ground + Void Manipulation + Spell Cascade 4-link and add Herald of Agony to any unlinked piece of gear

A1: Blight starting gem. Contagion and frostblink from Tarkleigh after first missions.
From Lower Prison WP can grab Void Manipulation from Nessa. Lower Prison has first trial and Brutus. Brutus rewards flame dash, replace frostblink.
After Fairgraves get to Merveil's Cavern WP and get ED from Nessa and buy Withering Step + Spell Cascade. 
SAPPHIRE RING GOOD FOR MERVEIL (iron ring + blue skill gem makes it)

A2: Do great white beast first. Find crossroads WP and Get quicksilver flask from yeena. 
Chambers of Sin 2 has second trial. Do intruders in black here too. Get Arctic armour from Greust for use until siosa or lvl 24 changes. 
Go south and find weaver's chambers to complete sharp and cruel. Get Controlled Desctruction from Silk. 
Complete deal with bandits (kill all). Return to town for 2 points and back to Lionseye for another. 
Complete third trial in The Crypt. Kill A2 boss in vaal ruins.

A3: Kill guard captain, talk to clarissa for lost in love. 
Get tolman's bracelet and complete fourth trial in city of sarn crematorium
Clarissa gives keys. Buy Despair and Malevolence from her. 
Do 5th trial in catacombs.
Do Victario's, Ribbon, and Gemling quests. Pick rare jade amulet. 
Go to library and get fixture of fate 4 pages. Siosa buy Impending doom, HoA, Cursed Ground. 
Do sixth trial in Imperial Gardens. 
Kill act boss dominus. 
(First real gear check, get resists 75%, get life, get gem sockets, should be lvl 30+ by now)
Do normal Lab (ascend to occultist profane bloom). 

A4: Do breaking the seal. Complete indomitable spirit and grab crystal veins WP. 
Do eternal nightmare daresso and kaom. Kill piety. 
Kill act boss malachai.

A5: Return to oriath talk to Lani. Choose a 2 stone ring needed the most for resists. 
Do in service to science & key to freedom. Reach chamber of innocence, WP to town and get Jade flask from Lani. 
Death to purity, ravenous god, and kitava's torments. Ensure you're level 40, max resists, and have your ascendancy. 
Act boss, kill kitava. 

A6: (Second real gear check, redo resists to 75%, get life, get gem sockets, should be lvl 40+ by now)
Grab coastal WP, go to mud flats father of war. Go to Ridge WP and go back to Coast for bestel's epic. 
Portal scroll and do fallen from grace. Talk to Lilly for Determination. 
Complete seventh trial in Lower Prison. 
Kill Brutus & Shavronne, grab crafting item. 
Go to prisoner's gate to kill abberath. 
Grab WP in riverways, go north to wetlands for ryslatha. Select minor pantheon node.
Complete remaining quests and go kill brine king. Select major pantheon node.

A7: Do silver locket quest first. 
Eighth trial is in The Crypt, along with map for essence of artist. 
WP to crossroads, go to chamber of sins for web of secrets. 
Ninth trial is in chamber of sins 2. Do master of million faces too before leaving. 
Go to dread thicket, gather 7 fireflies and kill greust. 
Travel to the causeway for kishara star. Get WP in vaal city. Go to town for rewards. Quartz Flask, rare boots. 
DO CRUEL LAB. Select void beacon mastery. (should be level 55-60 by now)
WP back to vaal city get to temple of decay 2. 
Kill act boss arakaali. 

A8: Immediately do essence of the hag and kill doedre. Go to the quay. 
Complete love is dead. Go to grain gate do gemling legion. 
Go to solaris temple and grab WP in level 1. Complete solar eclipse and return to town. 
Go back to temple and go to solaris concourse then across harbour bridge to lunaris concourse. Go to lunaris temple level 2 and do lunar eclipse. 
Tenth trial is in the bath house. Reflection of terror is in high gardens. 
Kill act bosses, Go back to concourse and kill twins. (should be level 60-65ish)

A9: Go to vastiri desert and get WP. Do storm blade quest first for imbued wand. 
Complete queen of sands off vastiri desert WP. 
Go to boiling lake for basilisk quest. 
Complete fastis fortuna. Do eleventh trial in The Tunnel. 
Do ruler of highgate then back to town. 
Kill act boss depraved trinity. 

A10: Kill plaguewing and do safe passage. 
Put a portal scroll down middle of ruined square. Grab WP in control blocks left on the map. WP back to town for flask reward. 
Go back through portal and head right to Ossuary. Do no love for old ghosts and 12th trial in ossuary. 
Back to town and do death and rebirth quest to kill avarius. Finish off control blocks and ravaged square. 
DO MERCY LAB. Grab withering pressence. 
Kill act boss Kitava (should be lvl 70ish by now) 

MAPPING: final gear check, redo all resists and get end game gear and gem links for maps.