12 months ago
Level 97 Raise Spiders Champion3.23
Life: 4,988150%
Mana: 74
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/53%
Evade: 43%
Armour: 29,755
Evasion: 6,509
DPS: 2,545,952
Speed: 4.88
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15x Wither
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of the Brine King, Soul of Ryslatha

Divine Blessing
Flesh Offering
Withering Touch
Minion Damage
Summon Stone Golem
Feeding Frenzy
Molten Shell
Cast when Damage Taken
Temporal Chains
Shield Charge
Divine Ire
Flame Dash
Defiance Banner
Vaal Haste
Raise Spiders
Tree Preview

- +50 to maximum Life

- Minions have +250 to Accuracy Rating
- 20% increased effect of Offerings
DAMAGE? If you want more damage you can make another Large Cluster Jewel and take away some hp nodes put it up north near empowered bond. Unique Flask? Arakali Fang NEEDS the Writhing Jar Unique but you DONT need gravebind. Don't listen to anyone who uses gravebind gloves they suck and are only good if you are so ungodly lazy you can't be asked to press desecrate every 10 seconds. League Start? You can play this as a league start with just an Arakali Fang but I would say it's gonna be just slower and will cap out at around 5-7mil dmg with an Amanu's gaze so not advised unless you know what you are doing. Budget???? 400div??? wtf waff??? Drop a hp roll or a damage roll on every jewel and the price drops drastically Awakened Multistrike was 120divines so just removing the cost of that and the 150divine large cluster jewel the price is already down 150divines and you still can easily get 15mil dmg. Use melee splash on Uber Elder/Uber Maven Brain phase/Uber Cortex those have too many mob spawns to just leave in melee phys I would advise NOT droping the duration nodes since it means you will have to respawn spiders more often The less you have to think about doing or pressing of buttons the more you can FOCUS on what the boss is doing and dodge or position yourself better.