7 months ago
Level 94 Crit Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Deadeye3.25
Life: 3,55798%
Mana: 227
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-60%
Evade: 74%
Evasion: 16,837
DPS: 671,662
Speed: 3.98
Hit Chance: 93%
Crit Chance: 38.78%
Crit Multi: 320%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Frenzy, Power
Bandit: Alira

Elemental Hit of the Spectrum
Mirage Archer
Returning Projectiles
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Artillery Ballista
Added Cold Damage
Elemental Damage with Attacks
Focused Ballista
Increased Critical Damage
Sniper's Mark
Mark On Hit
Storm Rain
Manaforged Arrows
Power Charge On Critical
Tree Preview

- +500 to Accuracy Rating
- -2 to Accuracy Rating per Level

- 80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies

- Increases and Reductions to Projectile Speed also apply to Damage with Bows

- Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted

- +15% chance to Suppress Spell Damage if Equipped Helmet, Body Armour, Gloves, and Boots all have Evasion Rating

- 10% of Leech is Instant

- 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
- +30 to maximum Life

- 12% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills

- 10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit your Marked Enemy

- 15% more Projectile Speed

- 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
===Changes === Rage instead of Elemental Damage with Attacks for better Damage during Campaig and early Maps Rage now also works for ranged Skills, gives 6 Rage a Second assuming constant Hits and needs 5 Seconds to Cap out Elemental Damage with Attacks only starts giving more More% Damage at Level 16, The ramp up time is Worth it as Rage also gives Attack Speed. We can drop the Rage Support once we have another Source of Rage generation, like the Eater Implicit on Gloves. Keep in Mind however, that Rage does drop significantly faster now when out of Combat. Wrong Projectile Mastery | Suposed to be more, was less. Is fixed now. === Cornered Prey | Bleed === We apply bleed via Storm Rain, which only converts 50% of its Physical Damage to Lightning the 2 Small Nodes leading up to Cornered Prey give 20% Chance to apply Bleed. Storm Rain has massive amounts of Hits, so on any Rare or Unique we will apply the Bleed early The Node is so Strong, we have to use it so we drop Frenzy and get Frenzy Charges via Mark Mastery This also allows us to use Excess Sustenance if we need a lot of Life on Hit with the absurd amount of Hits Storm Rain can cause === Crit Swap === To Crit Swap you just need enough Passive Points to allocate all the Crit Nodes and Spec out the Precise Technique It is also recommended to upgrade your Rares to a good State. Refer to my Crafting Video or Crafting Guides how to craft them yourself. ===LINK SETUPS === --- Main Skill Setup | LA VS RoA --- Generaly preference at the moment is Rain of Arrows (RoA) > Lightning Arrow (LA) until 4-Link, with 4-Link I prefer to swap to LA and at latest I swap to LA post Lab 2 with Far Shot Elemental Hit of the Spectrum over both once available for everything but Legion [In this Case i force the Swap ASAP] However I like to keep my Build Flexible My Deciding Factors if I want to go LA Act 1: If I have 2 GGG on any Armour Piece, I will grab Lightning Arrow at Level 12 and buy a Lesser Multiple Projectile (LPM) OTHERWISE, I will grab Rain of Arrows and buy a Added Cold Damage, if I haven't done before. [Added Cold can be bought early at Level 8 if you have a GGG already and are doing well on Wisdoms so can afford to buy it with 1 Transmute] 4-Link: If I am not on LA yet, this is the second Window to swap to it, when I get a RGGG or BGGG Link, I will swap to Lightning Arrow, IF I can afford the swap. [2 Transmutes for LA & LMP, 1 Alteration for Trinity/Elemental Damage with Attacks and potentialy 3rd Transmute for Faster Attacks for Artillery Ballista] I can afford the Swap if I either have a Bow that doesn't need imediate Flat Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage Craft or I have enough Transmutes for both Gems and Craft. If I can't afford it, I will stick to a 4-Link RoA with Elemental Damage with Attacks or Trinity based on the Sockets If I get a RBGG I will buy both Elemental Damage with Attacks and Trinity and link them up with RoA Lab 2: At this Point I want to force the Swap, LA is way stronger then RoA with Far Shot, so I will look for Links & Currency for Gems in advance and once out of Lab, will buy the Gems and swap. --- Artillery Ballista VS Manaforged --- If you have a personal Preference go for that. My Preference and Recommendation is Artillery Ballista The Reason I prefer Artillery Ballista over a Manaforged Rain setup is that I can force higher Singletarget on max Range. When utilizing maximum Far Shot Range, Rain Skills won't target as they are out of range. While running campaign/mapping I can just place a Artillery Ballista, inbetween movement skills, and move on, when I am not commiting to clearing a pack. If it kills, awesome, otherwise is whatever, it would have been a bonus anyway. -- Manaforged Setup -- At most I recommend a Manaforged Storm Rain Setup if you have spare Sockets and Currency Manaforged + Storm Rain + Culling Strike and later on Power Charge on Crit is a great Manaforged Setup for applying a lot of Hits which we use for Cornered Prey -- Shrapnell Balista Setup -- Shrapnell Ballista is only there to help on Blue Packs, Rares and Uniques, cause of that it has a low Link Priority Upon reaching Level 16, if I am lacking Green Sockets, I drop Pierce from the Shrapnell Ballista When I have a RG(G) available, I grab Elemental Damage with Attacks as a Reward for killing Weaver and link it to the Shrapnell Ballista ( and Pierce if RGG available) --- Aura Setup --- Defensive: Herald of Ice at Level 16 and Anger at Level 24 Replace Herald of Ice when specing into Leader of the Pack with Grace and use Haste when running zones and Anger on Bosses [Always use Anger if needed to keep Trinity up] Aggressive: Herald of Ice at Level 16 and Anger at Level 24 Replace Herald of Ice when specing into Leader ofthe Pack with Haste Replace Haste with Grace upon entering Maps === Leveling Progression === Look for Essence of Anger, Wrath, Hatred, Woe,Torment & Greed Look for Bow Upgrades every few Level and use Essence to upgrade Bow to Rare Also unlock Faustus in Kingsmarch and buy Bows if you have enough Gold and need a Upgrade Use Essence of Woe on Quivers for % Bow Damage || Act 1 || Look for G-G-G, G-G-R and Runner Boots first few Town Visits You need generaly two Blue Sockets a few Red Sockets and MANY Green Sockets. If you aren't looking for perfect campaign time, use a Body Armour early to help with Socket Pressure. Vendor Regex: g-g-r|g-[gr]-g|r-g-g|nne|rint|s:.+bow | First Town | Get Galvanic Arrow Use Galvanic Arrow + Momentum | Tidal Island | Get Mirage Archer, Shrapnell Ballista, Dash Buy Pierce, Sniper's Mark Use Galvanic Arrow + Mirage Archer + Momentum Shrapnell Ballista + Pierce Dash, Sniper's Mark | Lower Prison | Get Added Cold Damage Buy Frost Blink Use Galvanic Arrow + Mirage Archer + Added Cold Damage Shrapnell Ballista + Pierce Frost Blink Drop Dash | Brutus Kill | Get Blink Arrow Use Blink Arrow + Frost Blink | Merveil's Cavern | Get Lightning Arrow or Rain of Arrows | based on preference and Gear Buy Lesser Multiple Projectiles [ you can use Pierce instead of LMP, but overall LMP feels better ] Use Lightning Arrow + Mirage Archer + Lesser Multiple Projectiles | Gemswap LMP with Momentum on Bosses Shrapnell Ballista + added Cold | Pierce if using RoA OR Rain of Arrows + Mirage Archer + Added Cold || Act 2|| | Baleful Gem | Get Herald of Ice Use Herald of Ice Optional [ Recommended if you got Spare Sockets ] Buy Bloodrage Use Bloodrage | Weaver Kill | Get Elemental Damage with Attacks Use Shrapnell Ballista + Added Cold/ Pierce [see above] + Elemental Damage with Attacks || Act 3 || Look for GGGB and/or GGGR 4 Links | Alternative GGRB Use Lightning Arrow + Mirage Archer + Lesser Multiple Projectiles + Rage or Trinity | Gemswap LMP with Momentum on Bosses OR Rain of Arrows + Mirage Archer + Rage + Trinity Buy Rage & Trinity in A2 when needed | After Crematorium | Get Grace Buy Anger & Haste Use Anger [ See Aura Setup above how to use after Level 24] Level Grace in Offhand | Gravicus Kill | Get Artillery Ballista Buy Faster Attacks Use Artillery Ballista + Faster Attacks + Added Cold + Elemental Damage with Attacks Drop Shrapnell Ballista || End of Act 4 || Get Barrage Buy Mark on Hit & Returning Projectile (optional | Don't need these Gem's till later) Replace Lesser Multiple Projectiles with Returing Projectiles once you have +2 Projectile and 1+ Pierce from Tree || Act 5+ || Replace Lesser Multiple Projectile with Barrage on Bosses till Returning Projectile is viable. Check your Resistances and try to keep them maxed now, also be aware of your Accuracy Rating starting with Act 5, if you get some Life Rolls on Gear it might drop belowe Life, loosing you the Precise Technique Damage If that happens go for Accuracy Nodes early. Swap to Early Maps Gem Setup when finishing Campaign and Sockets become available