14 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 94 Fire Trap Elementalist3.21

Life: 4,403175%
ES: 719
Mana: 11
Resistances: 75%/75%/75%/-52%
Evade: 77%
Armour: 17,551
Evasion: 28,293
DPS: 6,258,447
Speed: 1.63
Hit Chance: 100%
Config: Pinnacle, 15% Shock, Covered in Ash, Frenzy
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris


The Searing TouchEye of MaliceTabula RasaCrusader GlovesCrusader BootsOnyx AmuletPolaric DevastationPyreVanguard Belt
Granite FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver FlaskQuartz FlaskDivine Life Flask
Efficient TrainingStormshroud


Fire Trap
Trap and Mine Damage
Swift Affliction
Burning Damage
Ignite Proliferation
Ignite Proliferation
Deadly Ailments
Cold to Fire
Defiance Banner
Divine Blessing
Elemental Weakness
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Summon Skitterbots
Blood Rage
Primal Aegis

Tree Preview

Eldritch BatteryEldritch Battery
Elemental OverloadElemental Overload
Fire MasteryFire Mastery
  • Fire Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Fire Resistance
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • 15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour
  • +50 to maximum Life
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • Auras from your Skills have 10% increased Effect on you


--- Needed 3l / 4l Links ---
Look for BBB / BBR and GR initialy
Axe & Sword / Axe, Axe

Level 24+ look for

--- Currency Information ---
You need a total of 2 Wisdom Scrolls, 10 Trans, 5 Alt, 1 Chance, 2 Alchemy
To get 
Transmutation Shards sell unid Magic and Rare Items
Alteration Shards sell id Magic and Rare items
Recommended to pickup all Magic and Rare and sell unid in Act 1, with exception of Boots, look for MS here and wearable Rares on free Spots/  good Links, look for Res & Life here
After Act 1 only loot Rares, once you have enough Orb of Transmutes and Orbs of Alteration, only loot potentialy useable Gear, that has either 3l/4l you want or is Rare
Priotise Links & Res on Body Armour, we have a Mastery for Life 

--- Weapon Craft ---
Get Fire Spell Damage Wand Recipe in Solaris Temple 2 in the Side Room at the Waypoint
Craft 2x Fire Spell Damage for 4x Orb of Transmute each

--- Swap Information ---
Level Fire Trap earliest entering Act 6 and latest when entering Maps
We can use the Frostblink 4l the moment we have the Sockets
Once we have a 6lthat can fit the Level 18+ Fire Trap Setup,  we can drop Armagedon Brand & Cremation aswell as the unneded Supports
Once we have Exposure on Hit implicit on Gloves, we can drop Wave of Conviction
Once you have Whispers of Doom, you can get and use Elemental Weakness

--- Gems ---
Mule Ranger for Momentum if you have a Budy that will give you Leap Slam
Get Rolling Magma + Arcane Surge

Level 4 | Need 2 Wisdom Scolls
Buy Holy Flame Totem, Elemental Proliferation
Get Flame Wall & Frost Blink
Use Rolling Magma + Elemental Proliferation + Arcane Surge
	   Frost Blink 
	   Holy Flame Totem

Level 8
Get Combustion
Use Rolling Magma + Elemental Proliferation + Combustion
       Frost Blink  + Arcane Surge

Level 10 | Need 1x Orb of Transmutation
Get Lightning Warp & Grab Leap Slam from a Friend, 
Level Lighting Warp in your Offhand
Use Leap Slam + Momentum
OR Get Flame Dash, keep
Level Frost Blink in Offhnad

Level 16 | Need 1x Orb of Alteration
Get Herald of Thunder
Buy Herald of Ice 
Use both

Level 18
Get Cruelty If you have no BBB, but a BBR, otherwise delay till Level 28
Use Rolling Magma + Elemental Proliferation + Cruelty

Level 20
Get Flammability
Use Flammability, can be delayed till Level 28 Swap

Level 28 | Need 1x Orb of Chance, 4x Orb of Alteration, 1x Orb of Transmute
Get Armagedon Brand
Buy Cremation
From Act 2
Get  Faster Casting / Cruelty prefered Cruelty
Concetrated Effect, Elemental Focus, Desecrate, Wave of Conviction
From Act 1
Lesser Multiple Projectile
Drop Arcane Surge
Use Armagedon Brand + Elemental Proliferation + Combustion + Faster Casting / Cruelty , prefered Cruelty
	   Cremation + Concetrated Effect + Elemental Focus + Arcane Surge / Lesser Multiple Projectile , prefered Lesser Multiple Projectile
	   Wave of Conviction
Drop Rolling Magma

Level 38 | Need 2 Alchemy Orb
Get 2x Immolate, Greater Multiple Projectile
Use Armagedon Brand + Elemental Proliferation + Combustion + Immolate
	   Cremation + Concetrated Effect + Immolate +  Greater Multiple Projectile

Act 6 | 1 Wisdom, 4 Alteration
Get Leap Slam , if you don't have one yet
Get Herald of Ash, Grace, Determination, Defiance Banner, Steelskin, Hex Bloom [ Optional ]
Use Steelskin on Leftclick
	   Flammability + Hex Bloom [ Hex Bloom is optional based on Preferences]
	   Herald of Ash, Grace
	   Determination once you have the Reservation
Drop Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ice