9 months ago

Ascendancy ThumbnailLevel 98 LL Doom Blast Pathfinder3.22

Life: 1,81793%
ES: 306
Mana: 44
Resistances: 90%/90%/90%/76%
Evade: 31%
Supp: 100%
DPS: 12,477,894
Speed: 15.72
Hit Chance: 100%
Pinnacle, 15x Wither, Custom Mods
Bandit: Kill All
Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Gruthkul


Cane of KulemakUrsine PeltLightning CoilVixen's EntrapmentTwoTonedEvEsAgate AmuletCircle of NostalgiaAmethyst RingStygian Vise
ProgenesisTopaz FlaskQuicksilver FlaskTaste of HateRuby Flask
Searching Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelMelding of the FleshThe Balance of TerrorBloodnotchImmutable ForceWatcher's Eye


Divine Blessing
Increased Duration
Temporal Chains
Awakened Deadly Ailments
Impending Doom
Awakened Unbound Ailments
Awakened Void Manipulation
Awakened Spell Cascade
Immortal Call
Cast when Damage Taken
Divergent Herald of Agony
Anomalous Petrified Blood
Flame Dash
Purity of Ice
Anomalous Purity of Elements
Spell Cascade

Tree Preview

Honoured Tattoo of the Berserker
You gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Hit Limited to 1 Attribute Notable Tattoo
Honoured Tattoo of the Tuatara(x16)
+4 to all Attributes
Loyalty Tattoo of Ahuana
Trigger Summon Spirit of Ahuana Skill when you Suppress Spell Damage from a Unique Enemy Limited to 1 Loyalty Tattoo
Tattoo of the Arohongui Makanga(x10)
+1% to maximum Cold Resistance
Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman(x9)
+2% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Tattoo of the Tasalio Shaman
5% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells
Tattoo of the Tawhoa Herbalist(x4)
6% increased Flask Effect Duration
Tattoo of the Tawhoa Scout
15% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
Lethe ShadeLethe Shade
Curse MasteryCurse Mastery
  • +20% chance to Ignite, Freeze, Shock, and Poison Cursed Enemies
Energy Shield MasteryEnergy Shield Mastery
  • Stun Threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life
Evasion MasteryEvasion Mastery
  • 30% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
  • 30% chance to Avoid Bleeding
  • 30% chance to Avoid being Impaled
Life MasteryLife Mastery
  • Skills Cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost
  • +50 to maximum Life
Poison MasteryPoison Mastery
  • Enemies Poisoned by you cannot deal Critical Strikes
Reservation MasteryReservation Mastery
  • 8% increased Damage for each of your Aura or Herald Skills affecting you
  • +1% to all maximum Elemental Resistances if you have Reserved Life and Mana
Spell Suppression MasterySpell Suppression Mastery
  • You have Phasing if you have Suppressed Spell Damage Recently
  • +8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while Phasing


Guide by Allie

Leveling PoB - https://pobb.in/bzERmEw_eOfN
Leveling/Leaguestart Guide - https://youtu.be/0WGLeaErzK0

Guide for this PoB - https://youtu.be/1ShJ_iPSOkg

How to start this build

We cannot start Impending Doom from act 3 due to Ranger not having access to any relevant nodes. Doom also really needs Vixen's to feel good to play and without it, PConc will feel stronger and faster.
Because of this we will be using Poison Concoction to get to Maps. Ideally you should do Heist before Kitava to make ~150-200c and be able to afford everything you need from the starter PoB if you are leaguestarting.

Hiest Guide - https://youtu.be/xmCEKQfeVBg

Leveling with Poison Concoction will be easy as long as you follow the leveling Pob.

Leveling PoB - https://pobb.in/pV4jzdWhKUeU

Cooldown Recovery Rate & Cast Speed

One very important thing in this build is Cast Speed and Cooldown Recovery Rate.
In other CDR builds you typically have to carefully manage both your CDR and Cast Speed otherwise you could lose up to 50% of your dps.

In Impending Doom, this is somewhat true as well but its made substantially easier to follow and deal with due to the way CDR interacts with Doom Blast.
Impending Doom works on a charge system where it has 3 charges of Doom Blast stored up. 
These charges will refresh themselves while you are using other charges meaning the traditional breakpoints to make sure everything happens between server ticks does not apply.
This is true up until 80-88% CDR which we won't be reaching anyway so all we really care about Cooldown Recovery Rate in this build is to just stack all of it.

Now Cast Speed is a bit different, we have Cast Speed bands to work within.
This means for each given point of CDR there is a minimum Cast Speed required to keep up with the trigger rate and a maximum Cast Speed at which point you start missing procs.

This is something you will need to pay attention to and it means you will want to get more Cast Speed every time you get more CDR in your build.

There is a Spreadsheet that will do all the work for you and show you the ideal goals.
First, make a copy of it and then input your Action Speed in the box on the left. You will only have Action Speed if you have an Eldritch Implicit on your Boots otherwise leave it at 0.
Then, the 2nd column "Cast Speed MaxDPS" shows you the Cast Speed you need for an optimal trigger rate while the red "Cast Speed Hardcap" column shows the cast speed you cannot go over.

To see your current Cast Speed, import your character into PoB, and go to the Calcs tab. 
There, simply select your main 6 link curse out of the Socket Group then the curse in the Active Skill box below. 
Do not select Doom Blast. We want to look at the curse itself, not Impending Doom.
Then, right below it in the Orange outlined boxes you will see your Cast Speed as a %. For example in this PoB, it's 134%. Then just check that against the Spreadsheet to see what Cast Speed you should be at for your given CDR and either add or remove Cast Speed as needed.

Impending Doom Breakpoints Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J-yVLmDhKqKNE8QecsPnZgNR2TDGDm41f-1tdC_BxQA/edit?usp=sharing

Physical Damage taken as Elemental

A major portion of the defensive layers in this build is converting as much Physical Damage into Elemental damage that we can.
Doing this allows us to then further reduce the damage while giving us really high Phys Dr with very little Armour.

The way Armour works is that a small amount of it won't be very good against big hits but will be decent against smaller hits.
If we convert 90% of a Phys hit into elemental damage, the Armour will only work against the remaining 10% but since it will be a very small hit, it will be extremely effective.
Ideally, we want to convert all of it over as we can then abuse Transcendence to make the armor work for elemental damage instead of Physical but that is only something thats viable to do later in the build.

With the majority of the damage we take being forced to be Elemental, our 3 Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz flasks with their "Less Damage" implicits will reduce the damage even further which means Flask Effect now scales our DR.
This also gives us amazing tankiness against normal Elemental damage too as the flasks will be just as effective there. 
With all that said, we innately have a very easy time making sure nothing can hit us very hard while having amazing regen making us have good recovery against small and medium hits.

Later on this can be paired with an Eternal Damnation to halve the elemental hits making the Armour from Transcendence even more effective giving us true Immortality.

Holy Relic Tech

In this build we will be using new tech that Snap came up with to keep up a free Aura permanently.
Typically, you use Divine Blessing and link it with Inspiration and Increased Duration but with the new Guardian's Blessing support we can instead link it to Summon Holy Relic.

Why Holy Relic? Well, because this will remove the need for us to constantly reactivate our Malevolence and the need to worry about having enough ES to use it.
The Holy Relic will also trigger a regen aura every time we use Shield Charge giving us free recovery. 
The other nice thing is that we are a Pathfinder with an infinite Life Flask allowing us to use the "Grants x% of Life Recovery to Minions" roll giving the Holy Relic even better recovery and keeping it from dying in any situation.
NOTE - This was buffed in 3.22 so the life flask rolls are now 100-200% giving the Holy Relic 3k perma regen.

Video explaining it further - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGK3rJ3c_9s


Basic overview of every slot and what to look for.

IN GENERAL - Fit resistances & Str/Int wherever you can.
You will need ~70 Str which you should focus on the most. Try to get it on cluster jewels and pick up the +30 Str nodes if you need. Remember to Catalyst gear.
Try to also get Str jewels if needed. If you have massive troubles with this consider using an Eternal Struggle as your amulet. More on it in the Amulet section.

Resistances should be completly taken care of through Flasks but if you need anymore theres spaces on jewels and some open suffixes.
You can also use resistance base rings to help.


The best helmet for this build is going to be a Rare helmet. Eldritch Implicits are just too important and no Unique helmets are close in terms of power outside of Viridi's Veil. 
Even then its not good enough to compete with a crafted helmet.

Ideally, get an Evasion/Armor base. We are converting ~85% of Phys to Ele making even a small amount of Armor become a massive amount.
It still needs to be Evasion as we need Spell Suppression on the helmet and that can only roll on Evasion items.

The best base to use is a Nightmare Bascinet, either buy or craft your own base. 
Buy a Fractured Spell Supress helmet or one with a Fractured Resistance to make an overall better helmet.

If you want to craft your own use "Deafening Essence of Greed" or the lower Shrieking version until you hit "+x% chance to Suppress Spell Damage" if you dont have a Fractured one or until you hit 1 or 2 high resistance rolls or Chaos Resistance.
To Spell Supress cap you will need a T1 roll which is ~1/66 chance to hit. You will most likely need a few resistances too but it should be very little which will bring it up to ~1/150 to get a good base with no Fracture.

Remember: You can always use the Harvest bench to reroll resistances to the one you need making all resistance rolls good.

Use "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" on the helmet to get "+x% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies." This is a massive damage increase and I would recommend to use "Grand Eldritch Ichor'' if you can.
Another option is to instead go for "x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold/Lightning/Fire Damage." The type doesn't matter as long as its NOT Chaos.
This will make you substantially tankier at the cost of some dps.

Use "Lesser Eldritch Ember" or "Grand Eldritch Ember" if you can afford it to hit "x% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect." This is the only useful Exarch mod and is another massive damage increase.
Another option is going for "x% increased Despair Curse Effect." After the 3.22 nerfs this should be competitive with Temp Chains as an implicit.

This is a more endgame option of Forbidden Shako. A Shako with Level 30 Impending Doom would basically 2x your dmg and allow you to hit DoT Cap instantly with 1/2 of your gear missing.
Eventually we will we upgrading to one of these but they are rare and cheap. Anything above Level 30 is good anything over that just lets you drop more damage.
You can look for them to see if you can snipe one for yourself but you wount see many until later into the season.


The only good chest in this build is Lightning Coil. It gives this build the majority of the Phys as Ele it has and is a crucial portion of our defensive layer.
You could stick with Dendrobate as it gives quite a big dps increase but you'd be sacrificing a large portion of your defenses.
Making up the -60% Lightning Resistance isn't too bad and most of it will be taken care of through a Topaz flask and 1 Lightning Roll.

(Sorry i'd rather let people make a sick build than keep it as a relatively unknown money maker)
We can very easily get ourselves a a 25% dps increase for.. basically nothing? Its going to be cheaper than 6 linking a chest.

Corrupted chestplates are very very strong in this as extra gem levels for Impending Doom are a massive dmg multiplier.
Ideally we want to get "+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems" as its the only +2 Implicit that affects Doom.
"+1 to Level of Socketed Gems" is the other alternative and will only be ~12% extra dps.

Now what we can do is buy ANY random Lightning Coil with +2 or +1 on it and 6 link it for super cheap, usually cheaper than 6 linking a non corrupted chest.
Once you buy one, Corrupted Jeweller's Orb it to 6 sockets, these are very very cheap and will either add 1 or remove 1 socket from the chest.
It will take you ~40-60 Jeweller's to get the chest to 6 sockets.

Once you have it with 6 sockets, go to the bench and force 4 link it, this will cost a few Vaal Orbs but is not bad.
Then, use a Tainted Fusing Orb on it, this will be a straight up 50/50 on adding or removing a link. If it goes down to 3, force the 4 link again with the bench.
If it goes to a 5 link then it's a 50/50 for 6 links. If you lose it and it goes back down to 4 just try again. On average it should only take 4 Fusings to 6 link the chest.
Now, you could get unlucky and have it take more, I had a chest take 27 before but for the average person it should just be 4.

This allows us to get a massive massive damage increase for only a few div. RIP Tainted Fusing Prices


For this build our best belt before Mageblood will be a crafted Stygian belt. Luckily, it's very simple to craft a very very good belt for decently cheap that can last you all the way until Mageblood.
You are going to want a belt with a Life roll on it as well as "x% increased Flask Life Recovery Rate" and "x% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate"
A belt like this is going to be pretty expensive to buy as most people don't really know how to craft them. Now let's talk about how to craft it.

Crafting Process for Belt

1. Buy a low ilvl Stygian, ideally ilvl 64 but a high ilvl belt is fine too for the chance at a high end resistance roll or for a chance at Flask Effect. Ilvl 64 is 1/29 for Tier 1 Flat Life, ilvl 85 is 1/35.
You can also buy a Fractured T1 Flat Life belt or a Flask Effect belt to get a very strong belt made. These will need to be ilvl 84 ideally.

2. Use "Deafening Essence of Greed" until you hit a belt with Tier 1 Flat Life. If you bought a Flat Life Fractured belt then go for Tier 1 Flask Effect Duration or Tier 1 Flask Charges Gained but these will need an ilvl 84 min.
3. You will need your Prefixes to be full, if you do not have 3 Prefixes, Exalted Orb slam the belt until it has filled Prefixes.
4. You will need 1 Open Suffix, Annul the belt if it does not have an open Suffix until it does. If it removes a Prefix or either the "x% increased Flask Life Recovery rate" or the "Maximum Life" or the Flask roll if you have a Fractured belt go back to Step 2.

5. Once you have a belt with 3 Prefixes and at least 1 Open Suffix, craft "Prefixes Cannot be Changed" then Veiled Chaos Orb the belt. This will give you a Veiled Suffix DO NOT UNVEIL IT.
6. If you have an extra Open Suffix after the Veiled Chaos Orb, craft "Regenerate 200 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby" on the belt. 
Get it from someone if you don't have it as this will increase your odds of success from 48.235% to 55.851%.

7. Unveil the mod and pray that you see "x% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate" If you didn't get it but still have an Open Suffix, craft "Prefixes Cannot be Changed" and try again.
8. If your belt ends up with an Open Suffix after the unveil, craft "x% increased Flask Effect Duration" as a Suffix or a resistance roll if you need it from the bench to finish it off.

This whole process should cost ~6-8 Div depending on luck.


Stick with Apep's Rage until you are ready to make an upgrade. Apep's eventually gets beaten by a Chaos Claw, Dagger, or Sword.
The weapon we are looking for is a weapon with Poison on Hit Hybrid, Cast Speed, Fractured Chaos Dot Multi, a Veiled Chaos Damage Prefix and a Damage over Time craft at the end.
This weapon is relatively easy to make and is a pretty simple craft that will basically last you until forever. 
The only way to beat this weapon is to go for a Synth weapon but that is pushing into mirror tier territory.

How to Craft BiS Weapon

1. Buy a Fractured Tier 1 "+x% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier" dagger. The best base to buy is a Sai for the Block Chance Implicit. Try to get as close as you can to 38% as you can, if 38% is too expensive 37% or 36% is ok too.
2. Use "Deafening Essence of Misery" until you get Tier 1 "x% increased Damage with Poison, 30% chance to Poison on Hit" This is a Hybrid mod. It is ~1/119 chance to hit it, don't settle for T2 or T3.
3. Annul the dagger if it has no Open Prefix. This is going to be pretty rare that it doesn't but if you end up Annulling a Suffix go back to Step 2.
4. Craft "Suffixes Cannot be Changed" and then Veiled Chaos Orb. DO NOT UNVEIL IT YET

5. If you have an Open Prefix after the Veiled Chaos Orb then craft "x% increased Physical Damage." This will block the most mods and give you a 37.115% chance to be done. 
If you don't, the chance is only 29.45%. If no Open Prefix go to Step 6.

6. Unveil and hope you get "x% increased Chaos Damage, Chaos Skills have x% increased Skill Effect Duration." If you don't, craft "Suffixes Cannot be Changed" and go back to Step 4. 
If you never had an Open Prefix to do Step 5 then you need to Annul a prefix like in Step 3 and go again from there.

7. Craft "x% increased Damage over Time" on an Open Prefix to finish the dagger.

This whole process should cost ~15-20 Div depending on luck with Unveiling.


Atziri's Reflection is a wonderful shield that has dropped in price recently quite a lot. Because of this we can upgrade from Leper's to Reflection and get quite a lot of resistances, movement speed, and damage.
Leper's dps increase is kinda a lie due to it increasing your ramped dps which on most monsters won't make a difference as it would only help on any mob living longer than ~7 seconds.
Reflection gives us an increased curse effect which makes all of our curses stronger. Not only do we gain extra damage from Temp Chains and Despair, but it also makes Enfeeble stronger, making us tankier.

We do need to make up the Suppression that Lepers would give us and we can do this by picking up 1 small passive point at Instinct. You can also drop Growth and Decay and pick up the whole Instinct wheel.
With this you will need substantially less Suppression on your gear making it not as hard to upgrade everything before you get really good Suppression fractures.

Another option would be a Redeemer shield with "x% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills" and "x% increased Effect of your Curses" but those 2 rolls together are not easy to get.

The other thing to mention is Forbidden Shako. If you get yourself a Level 30+ Impending Doom Shako, then you can drop Leper's as you will hit DoT Cap like its nothing and run Dawnbreaker.
Dawnbreaker is an amazing shield as it has a hefty amount of armor and block chance while also having "x% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage." This would allow us to fully convert all Phys to Ele and allow us to get Transcendence.

You can also get a corrupted Dawnbreaker with even more Phys as Ele allowing you to not need as strong of a Watcher's Eye.


The best boots for this build are Rare boots with Spell Supression, Movement Speed, Life, and any resistances you need or Chaos Resistance.

Ideally, get an Evasion/Armor base. We are converting ~85% of Phys to Ele making even a small amount of Armor become a massive amount.
It still needs to be Evasion as we need Spell Suppression on the boots and that can only roll on Evasion items.

The best base to use is a pair of Dragonscale Boots, either buy or craft your own base. 
Buy a Fractured Spell Supress pair of boots or ones with a Fractured Resistance to make an overall better pair. 

If you want to craft your own use "Deafening Essence of Greed" or the lower Shrieking version until you hit "+x% chance to Suppress Spell Damage" if you dont have a Fractured one or until you hit 1 or 2 high resistance rolls or Chaos Resistance.
To Spell Supress cap you will need a T1 roll which is ~1/51 chance to hit. You will most likely need a few resistances too but it should be very little which will bring it up to ~1/130 to get a good base with no Fracture.

Remember: You can always use the Harvest bench to reroll resistances to the one you need making all resistance rolls good.

Use "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" on the boots to get "x% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate." This is a massive damage increase and I would recommend to use "Grand Eldritch Ichor'' if you can.
Every 1% CDR can be seen as 1% More Damage so getting a high roll is a good idea.

Use "Lesser Eldritch Ember" or "Grand Eldritch Ember" if you can afford it to hit "x% increased Action Speed." 
You can also stop on a "x% increased Movement Speed" roll but Action Speed is better as its Movement Speed and Cast Speed.


Rings are pretty flexible and can be used as filler slots for any Str needed. In general try to get Life and resistances early on. 
You will need 2 sources of "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" to have enough mana to not go oom.
Because of this, you can get 1 on a ring and 1 on your amulet if you aren't running a Unique amulet allowing you to fit in a Circle of Nostalgia.

Circle of Nostalgia is a great ring with chaos res and better damage than what is possible with a cheap crafted ring.
If you are going down this route then make sure you only look at Circles with "x% increased Chaos Damage while affected by Herald of Agony" & "Herald of Agony has x% increased Buff Effect"
Anything else is too much of a dps loss but an argument can be made for "x% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Herald of Agony"

These rings will always also have random Synth implicits and you can find some interesting ones. 
There's too many to list but just do a bit of window shopping and see what's out there before you buy one.

If you do not want to run a Circle of Nostalgia, then we will run 2 crafted rings that will basically be identical and very easy to craft.
If you want to try and fix your Str issues with a ring then just buy a nice looking ring with Life, Str & Chaos Resistance that has an Open Prefix for "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost"
Otherwise, the crafting guide is for dps oriented rings.

Ring Crafting Guide

1. Buy a ilvl 80+ Vermillion Ring or Amethyst Ring based on if you want Chaos Resistance or more Life. 
Look at the prices of a Hunter Exalted Orb and the price of the rings with Hunter influence on them. 
If it's cheaper to buy an Orb and a basic ring, do that over buying pre-influenced ones.

2. Scour the ring so it has no rarity and use 4 Fertile Catalysts on it to give it "+20% Quality" this will save you money later if you do it now.
3. If you bought a default ring and a Hunter Exalted Orb, Alchemy the ring and then Hunter Exalted Orb it to give it the Hunter Influence. Chaos Orb roll it If ended up with 6 mods from the Alchemy.
4. Use "Deafening Essence of Envy" until you get Tier 1 "x% increased Poison Duration, x% increased Damage with Poison." This is ~1/124 chance to hit it, don't settle for T2 or T3.

You will now need to choose if you want Flat Life on your ring as well as "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" which will be more expensive or to skip life.
If you don't want life and just want "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" then you can just craft it if there is an Open Prefix, if there isn't you will need to Annul.

If you want Flat Life and "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" then go to Step 5.

5. You will need 2 Open Prefixes and 1 Open Suffix. If all 3 Suffixes are taken up, you will need to Annul to remove the 1 Suffix we don't want. If you fail and remove either of the Suffixes go to Step 4.
To get 2 Open Prefixes, you just need to get at least 1 Open. Hopefully the ring has one, if there are no Open Prefixes then you need to Annul and hope it doesn't remove a Suffix.
Once you have at least 1 Open Prefix and 1 Open Suffix you can continue.
6. Craft "Suffixes Cannot be Changed" and Scour the ring to remove all Prefixes giving us 2 Open Prefixes.
7. Craft "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers" then craft "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" & "x to maximum Life".
8. You can choose to Exalted Orb Slam the ring to fill the last Prefix, there are a few nice outcomes such as Evasion Rating or Rarity.


For an amulet you have 2 options really. You can go with The Eternal Struggle to get all of your Attributes fixed for free while still gaining a large amount of damage or craft a rare amulet.
If you are going for an Eternal Struggle you want to make sure that Exarch is the dominant mod meaning its the higher tier implicit to gain the 15% Cull.
Make sure to catalyst it to make the hefty attributes on the amulet even better.

Some good rolls to look for here are:
Aura Effect
Curse Effect
Chaos Damage
Max Res
Cast Speed
Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier

A rare amulet will provide you with more dps but will be more expensive to make. 
The nice thing about it is that you can buy a base that fits the attribute requirements you need.

Amulet Crafting Guide

1. Buy a Fractured "+x% to Damage over Time Multiplier" amulet. Try to buy it on a base that has the attributes you need. Ideally get a 26% roll but if its too expensive 25% and 24% are fine.
2. Catalyst the amulet with Intrinsic Catalyst if you will need more attributes.
3. Use "Deafening Essence of Envy" until you get Tier 1 "+x to maximum Life." This is ~1/48 chance to hit and you can choose to stop on a T2 roll as well.
4. If it does not have an Open Prefix you will need to Annul the amulet until it does. If it removed the Life or the Essence mod go back to Step 3.
5. Craft "Non-Channelling Skills have -x to Total Mana Cost" and then Exalted Orb the amulet in the hopes of good Suffixes if you have any Open Suffix.


Flasks are very very important in this build and should be treated as item slots due to them being made permanent by Pathfinder.
Try to immediately Instilling Orb your flasks with "Used when Charges reach full" so they become automatic.

In terms of flasks for this build there are 2 major Unique flasks to consider otherwise we just want normal flasks.

Unique Flasks
Taste of Hate is an extremely strong flasks providing us with "x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect"
This is going to be a core portion of our conversion before a super lategame build and is going to make you feel very tanky. 
We don't care about the Phys as Extra Cold Damage roll as we don't do Physical Damage and only want to shop for a high rolled Phys taken as Cold roll.

Progenesis is basically a chase unique for this build. It effectively doubles our EHP and makes it so nothing will really 1 shot us again except for the really really big hits.
Expect this flask to be expensive but if you can get your hands on one you will be ridiculously tanky. 
You might have to divine it a bit to get it to 100% uptime but you really really want 100% uptime on this.
Otherwise we want to use Magic Utility Flasks.

Normal Flasks
The holy trinity for this build is a Sapphire, Topaz, and Ruby flask. These not only will take care of your resistances for the most part but will also make you take very little damage.
The flask bases have a "% less damage" implicit on them which can be scaled with flask effect.
Because we are converting the majority of our Physical Damage taken into Elemental, that means that these Less Damage rolls work on it.

As for your 4th Utility flask, the only other option is a Silver flask. 
Silver gives us Onslaught which also scales with Flask Effect, while this will be less movement speed than Quicksilver, it also gives us Cast Speed and Attack Speed.
When you combine the Attack Speed and Movement Speed together while Shield Charging, it is the same as a Quicksilver.
We also get the added benefit of Cast Speed which is a direct dps increase, making Silver better than a Quicksilver.

Flask Prefixes
On your 3 elemental flasks, assuming no Taste of Hate, you want "x% reduced Duration, 25% increased effect" as your Prefix.
They last long enough to where we don't care about the duration mod while the increased effect makes them insane.

On the Silver flask you will need "x% increased Charge Recovery" as your Prefix. 
Silver does not last long enough for us to have 100% uptime and this will help put it at ~80% uptime.
Ideally, get a 28% Quality Silver flask and this will bump it from a 80% uptime to 86% uptime with a max Prefix roll.

Flask Suffixes
There are 3 major Suffixes that we want to get on our flasks with a 4th one if we aren't running Taste of Hate.
These can be gotten on any of the flasks but ideally do not put the mana one on the Silver flask due to it not having 100% uptime.

We need:
x% increased Movement Speed during Effect
x% increased Cast Speed during Effect
x% reduced Mana Cost of Skills during Effect

The mana cost roll will need to be crafted from the bench and you will most likely need to get it from someone.
Make sure to ask the person crafting it for you to max roll it to 25% as it will matter quite a lot for your mana regen.

Do not go overboard with your Cast Speed roll, make sure you dont ruin your trigger rate by getting one that's too high.
If you have enough Cast Speed you can even opt to skip this one completely.

Lastly, if you are not running Taste of Hate, then you have space to fit in whatever Suffix you'd like on the last flask.

Some good options are:
Curse Immunity
Stun Immunity
x% increased Evasion Rating


There are some very powerful jewels for this build that we want to be on the lookout for.

Balance of Terror is a new unique that is coming back into the game from Sanctum. This is like a Watcher's Eye but for curses having a bunch of different mods on it.
The one we need is "x% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate if you've cast Temporal Chains in the past 10 seconds"
Expect this mod to be very expensive and because of that, you will most likely just buy the cheapest one and then divine it to 25%.
Note, you need to actually cast the curse yourself to benefit from this, don't get baited by any other interesting mods as they will not benefit you when triggered from Vixen's.
Until you have this do not use Temporal Chains as your 6 link curse, use Enfeeble.

Watcher's Eye is also a very important unique for this build helping us get closer to 100% of Physical Damage converted to elemental. 
At the same time, we can get the Malevolence mod for more damage.

On a Watcher's Eye you want to prioritize the Purity of Elements mod over anything else. 
All 3 of the "x% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold/Fire/Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Elements" rolls are as good as each other.
If you can find one with 2 Purity Phys as Ele rolls on it, use that over one with Malevolence "x% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence" roll.

Bloodnotch is an amazing defensive layer that can synergize with everything we do to give us effectively 50-65% depending on the roll, instantaneous recovery on any Stunning hit.
We can combine this with the Energy Shield Mastery that makes our Stun Threshold be 60% of Energy Shield instead of life and suddenly almost every hit will stun us.
Now because we have ES that means that 50% of hits will automatically not stun us but even so, for the hits that do stun us, we will never really notice them.

This can be combined with Unwaveringly Evil on our Cluster Jewel to never be bothered while casting and Immutable Force to make the duration of said stuns so small that they don't impact your movement.

Cluster Jewels
For the Large Cluster Jewel in this build, an 8 Passive Large Chaos Cluster with Wicked Pall, Unwaveringly Evil, and Unholy Grace.
This will be very expensive and is not very easy to craft at all. You can choose to drop Wicked Pall or Unwaveringly Evil but don't look for one without Unholy Grace. 
You can also try to find 9 or 10 passive ones which will be substantially cheaper.

For the Medium Cluster Jewels you want one Chaos Dot Medium and one Flask Duration medium.
You can either get 4 or 5 passive versions as they are the same. 

On the Chaos Dot Cluster you will need Septic Spells and Circling Oblivion.
Septic cannot be skipped as it's how we get to 100% Chance to Poison but Circling can be substituted with any of the other Notables on a medium as most are good it's just Circling is the highest dps.
One good option is Flow of Life if you'd like more Life.

On the Flask Duration cluster you absolutely need Spiked Concoction. Alchemist's Genius is way too good to not include in our setup.
For the other node Brewed for Potency is the best option but some alternatives are Special Reserve and Peak Vigor.

Recommended Upgrade Order

Prices may vary so be weary and do your own research on price to dps increase.
Ideally, look for them in this order top to bottom.

21 Impending Doom
Divergent Herald of Agony & Anom Withering Step (if wither is cheap)
Eternal Struggle
Well-rolled flasks
Lightning Coil
At least 1 Purity of Elements mod Watcher's Eye
Helmet and Boot Eldritch Implicits
9-10 Passive Cluster
Medium Cluster Jewels
Belt Craft
Balance of Terror (if ~5-7 Div)
Bloodnotch & Immutable Force (if cheap)
Awakened Gems (if cheap at level 1)
Ring Crafts
Boot Craft
Helmet Craft
Weapon Craft
8 Passive Cluster Upgrade
